creating a transit generation

Creating a Transit Generation The Effect of the U-Pass on Lifelong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Creating a Transit Generation The Effect of the U-Pass on Lifelong Transit Use By Caitlin Cooper, MPP INTRODUCTION -Pass enticed me to use transit Curious about long-term impacts Co-op with Translink introduced me to the goals and hallenges

  1. Creating a Transit Generation The Effect of the U-Pass on Lifelong Transit Use By Caitlin Cooper, MPP

  2. INTRODUCTION -Pass enticed me to use transit Curious about long-term impacts Co-op with Translink introduced me to the goals and hallenges of the U-Pass

  3. What is the U-Pass? Post-Secondary Student Transit Pass Unlimited use across all 3 Zones Mandatory Paid for through student fees

  4. Goals of the U-Pass ools : Provide a lower cost transportation option for students Reduce car use to relieve traffic congestion and pollut Reduce car parking requirements on campus. nsLink : To create life-long transit users.

  5. Liveable and Sustainable Communities ransLink and Metro Vancouver are working owards creating a liveable and sustainable regio ransportation mode share is an important eleme n both plans. Need to shift mode share from SOV to transit, walking, or cycling.

  6. Focus of Study 006 Census data: 25% of 15-24 year olds use ransit as their primary mode of Transportation. 8% of 25-34 year olds choose transit as their rimary mode of Transportation.

  7. Research Question How has the U-Pass affected transit use after raduation? Understand what and why transportation choices re made post-graduation

  8. Policy Problem How can TransLink increase the transit mode sha mong 25-34 year olds? 5-34 year olds are the post U-Pass cohort. Key demographic to target: encourage settlemen ear transit or within walking distance.

  9. Methodology Created and administered an online survey to SFU lumni. Questions on current transportation behaviour, as well tudent behaviour. ample Size: 204 respondents pproximately 60% former U-Pass holders

  10. p Did Not Have a U-Pass Never Infrequent Frequent ersity Frequency 31% 21% ent Frequency 41% 17% Had a U-Pass Never Infrequent Frequen ersity Frequency 11% 17% ent Frequency 24% 23%

  11. y Influence of Transit on Lifestyle Decisions for Former U-Pass Holders 50% 44% 44% 43% 45% 37% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Where you live Where you Where you Where you work shop socialize Lifestyle Decisions: Yes Responses

  12. Significant Results Dependent Variable: Frequency of Transit Use Post-Graduation Significant Regression Variables: + Had a U-Pass + Proximity to Transit Access point + Currently Commute By Transit - Currently Walk/Cycle Currently Drive a Personal Vehicle

  13. Options For Going Forward Status Quo Status Quo Plus Graduate U-Pass Extension

  14. Status Quo No change from what currently exists UBC, SFU, and Langara College remain the only schools participating in the U-Pass program Contracts remain as they are

  15. Status Quo Plus he U-Pass has been successful at creating ustained habits More schools are introduced to the U-Pass progr o expand the benefits Negotiate costs into contracts with schools

  16. Graduate U-Pass Extension he U-Pass has influenced, but does not uarantee, transit use after graduation ntroduce a pass to facilitate the transition betwee he U-Pass and the Employer Pass Directly targets the 25-34 year old cohort

  17. Criteria Cost : Implementation and Administrative Effectiveness : Ridership Account, Environmental Externalities Equity: horizontal and Vertical Feasibility : Public Acceptability, Provincial Leadership Requirement

  18. Recommendation Build on to the Status Quo U-Pass expansion may take some time to negotiate Graduate Pass could be implemented quickly

  19. Next Steps Expand the study to cover both SFU and UBC Alumni ntroduce a Structural Change to break driving ha Work towards a region wide universal transit pas

  20. g Transit Pass Every household in the Vancouver region would eceive a transit pass in exchange for a fee Costs would currently be prohibitively high Start small with each household receiving a few d asses per month

  21. Conclusion U-Pass has been successful in achieving all goa Effective at increasing transit use among student nd alumni Should consider expanding the U-Pass program


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