coxsackie athens central school district board of

COXSACKIE-ATHENS CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COXSACKIE-ATHENS CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Education Meeting 2017-18 Budget March 2, 2017 A Review-Expenditure Budget Budget Code Overview-General Fund Budget: Fund: Indicated by the letter-A designates General Fund or our operating

  1. COXSACKIE-ATHENS CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Education Meeting 2017-18 Budget March 2, 2017

  2. A Review-Expenditure Budget Budget Code Overview-General Fund Budget: Fund: Indicated by the letter-A designates General Fund or our operating budget Function: Four digits designates a department Location: Designates the building or district wide Object: Indicates the type of expense § 100 Series indicates salaries § 200 Series indicates equipment § 400 Series indicates contractual § 500 Series indicates supplies These codes are the same for the entire state.

  3. Expenditure codes for Capital Project § Fund: H § Function – Project # such as M/HS Phase 1 or EJA Phase 1. This corresponds to the SED assigned Project Number. § Object – the type of work such as ú 293 Construction ú 294 HVAC ú 296 Electrical ú 297 Site Work ú 245 Architectural ú 246 Survey and Engineering § Location – Same, 10 M/HS, 20 CE, 23 EJA § Vendor – these four digits correspond to the vendor we pay for doing the work

  4. Impact of the Capital Project on the tax cap: As discussed at the last meeting, the tax cap has been adjusted to allow for the payment of BAN interest during the 2017-18 school year which is estimated by Fiscal Advisors as $180,000. Our BAN interest line has increased and our Tax Cap has increased by the same amount.

  5. The process… Salaries : Salary codes are grouped by type such as instructional and non instructional. These are adjusted by estimated or contractually agreed upon salary increases. Equipment: Is a zero based budget line. Included are items that are requested by staff and approved by building Principals. Contractual & Supplies: Initial rollover budget is adjusted by known increases/changes. e.g. Coxsackie water rates, changes in BOCES costs, Transportation

  6. 2017-18 Expenditures 2017-18 2016-17 Salaries Salaries Fringes Fringes Debt Debt BOCES BOCES Trans Trans Other

  7. 2017-18 Expenditures 2017-18 Proposed Budget 2016-17 Budget $ % $ % Salaries $14,500,000 46% Salaries $13,787,356 46% Fringes $7,798,000 25% Fringes $7,488,750 25% Debt Svc $2,088,300 7% Debt Svc $1,911,220 7% BOCES $2,017,000 6% BOCES $1,825,100 6% Trans $1,837,417 6% Trans $1,805,662 6% Other $3,148,926 10% Other $3,093,035 10% Total $31,389,643 100% Total $29,912,283 100%

  8. Where we stand… Current 2017-18 Proposed Budget $31,389,643 ú Includes 1 SPED Teacher, Teacher Aide, Teacher Assistant for self contained room at CE Current Estimated Revenues $28,824,361 ú Appropriated Fund Balance $1,625,000 ú Appropriated Reserves $100,000 ú Total Revenues $30,549,361 Budget Gap $ 840,285

  9. Benefits: Ø Health Insurance Increase $393,000 § Blue Shield 9% § Prescription Drug 9% § Capital District Physician’s Health Plan 12% Ø Teachers’ Retirement Decrease ($131,000) Ø FICA/Medicare Increase $ 43,000 Ø Workers’ Comp $ 5,000 Total Fringe Benefit Increase $310,000

  10. Salary & Fringe Benefit Trends 16000000 14000000 12000000 10000000 Salaries 8000000 Health 6000000 Retirement 4000000 2000000 0 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

  11. Rising cost of healthcare: 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 Salary 2% Health 10% 30000 20000 10000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  12. Distance Learning Staff participating in Distance Learning activities generates BOCES aid when those services are distributed on the DL Network…. 2014-15 Staff Costs assigned to DL $136,000 2015-16 BOCES aid revenue generated $77,000 2015-16 Staff costs assigned to DL $325,000 2016-17 BOCES aid anticipated $184,000 2016-17 Staff costs assigned to DL $393,175 2017-18 BOCES aid anticipated $216,639

  13. Budget Review § Expenditures –The Board of Education adopts an overall expenditure plan, not specifics within the plan. § Revenues –The current revenue plan is to stay within the Tax Cap calculation. This will require a simple majority to pass the budget: 50%+1.

  14. What’s next… § Clearer revenue picture-pray for more State Aid § Refining BOCES budget § Results of SPED Annual Reviews § Finalizing health insurance increases § Results of course requests § Retirement “breakage”

  15. Questions?


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