covid 19 use case

COVID-19 Use Case Contact Tracing | - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COVID-19 Use Case Contact Tracing | | 866-323-6572 ext. 1 Introduction This use case is designed to aid health officials with the contact tracing process when someone tests positive for COVID-19. Through

  1. COVID-19 Use Case Contact Tracing | | 866-323-6572 ext. 1

  2. Introduction This use case is designed to aid health officials with the contact tracing process when someone tests positive for COVID-19. Through SimplyCast’s Blueprints and Event tools, officials can document, track, and manage locations identified by patients where they have visited and come into contact with others.

  3. COVID-19 Contact Tracing Management Dashboard

  4. Confirmed Case Someone has tested positive for COVID-19. Now emergency health officials need to investigate any contact the individual may have had with others, and make sure these people self-isolate or receive appropriate testing.

  5. Contact Tracing Form The emergency health official sends the appropriate form to the newly- confirmed patient, which asks for information about the people and places they’ve interacted with over the past week. This provides health officials with a jumping off point for the contact tracing process.

  6. Review Submissions Health officials will then collect the contact and location data from the form submission provided by the patient and begin their preliminary investigation.

  7. Mapping Investigation Locations Locations that need to be investigated can be recorded on the SimplyCast Map, along with information regarding the current status of the investigation. Investigation statuses can be displayed on the Map as well as on a Command Hub dashboard.

  8. Advisory Alerts Alerts can be sent to businesses and individuals who are suspected to have come into contact with COVID-19 via email, SMS, or phone. These alerts can contain instructions to self-isolate for 14 days or take any necessary precautions in the case of a business. Alerts may advise recipients to contact a designated health services line if they experience any symptoms of COVID-19.

  9. Monitor Phone Line for Calls Health officials should monitor the designated health services line to receive calls from suspected contacts of confirmed cases who are experiencing symptoms. For each new case diagnosed, the health official should send the patient the Contact Tracing form in order to begin a new line of contact tracing.

  10. Update Investigation Records The status of all contact tracing investigation locations can be updated as needed on the SimplyCast Map interface or from the Command Hub Dashboard.

  11. Wellness Check Flow For any confirmed COVID-19 cases who are in self-isolation, health officials may determine whether or not to initiate the patient into the automated smart flow that will send them a wellness check message every couple days for the duration of their 14-day isolation period.

  12. Conclusion Since 2009, SimplyCast has built an engagement and communication technology stack completely in house, which means the solution is not reliant on third-party providers and can be deployed at a moment’s notice. With this technology, SimplyCast has developed an emergency technology and critical engagement solution to support national governments, provincial and state administrators, and municipal health providers. The technology can be used for mass notifications, teleconferencing, live polling, first responder recall, and more. SimplyCast created this COVID-19 template within the existing solution with no technological modification or additional development. This solution is 100% customizable and can be adjusted to meet your organization’s specific needs. If you would like additional information about SimplyCast’s solution and how it can aid in the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact: 866-323-6572 ext. 1


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