country presentation finland

Country Presentation Finland Presented by Juha Vastamki Executive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Country Presentation Finland Presented by Juha Vastamki Executive director of Finnish Franchising Association World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February 3 March 2012, Mexico City Country Presentation: Finland Demographic Data Population:

  1. Country Presentation Finland Presented by Juha Vastamäki Executive director of Finnish Franchising Association World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  2. Country Presentation: Finland Demographic Data Population: 5,4 million Total area: 320,920 km² Population density: 18/km² GDP 2010 and latest 2011: $ 238 bn GDP per capita: $ 23 200 PPP(Purchasing Power Parity): $ 35 400 Inflation rate latest 2011: 2,9 % Unemployment rate latest 2011: 7,4 % World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  3. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Current industry data: Franchise brands: 265 outlets: 6800 employment: 42 000 % of domestic brands: 74 World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  4. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Current industry data: Development of franchising 2000 2011 Employees 29000 42 000 Franchisees 2300 4500 Franchisors 122 265 Turnover in USD 3 bn 6,5 bn World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  5. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Current industry data: Franchise-sectors 2011 World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  6. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Structure of our association: Members: Number of members in total: 122 full members: 33 • associated members: 55 • affiliates: 27 • personal members 7 • franchisees as members: 0 • Board: six members, all from franchisors Source of income: membership fee 85 % • marketing activities 0% • fair / conferences 0% • training activities 0% • Others(sponsorships, • publications) 15 % World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  7. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland 5 best running franchise-systems in our country: Franchise nr. of franchise units Kotipizza (Pizza chain) 265 R-kioski (C-store chain) 258 Laatutakuu (Commercial cleaning) 180 Kiinteistömaailma (Real estate) 120 Subway 91 World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  8. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Successful international franchise -systems in Finland 91 units 71 units 81 units 20 units 70 units 40 units World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  9. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Best exported franchise-systems - R-kiosk(C-store chain) has over 900 units abroad, mainly in the Baltic area - Nokian Tyres’ Vianor tire chain, consists of over 600 outlets in 19 countries World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  10. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Climate for franchising in our country Trends in franchising: - Franchising in Finland is expected to grow +7-8% in turnover in 2012 - New franchise concepts - New branches to franchising (health and senior care, silviculture, parking/ traffic warden business, children’s fun park) - Service sector is fastest growing - Use of social media when recruiting franchisees World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  11. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Financing a franchise-system: Government support(for all new or growing companies): - Free start up money for companies to help employing - State owned company, Finnvera (, provides its clients with loans, guarantees, venture capital investments and export credit guarantees. Other forms of financial support: Co-operation between FFA, Finnvera and FFA‘s affiliate member banks to develope financial solutions for franchising in Finland World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  12. No franchising specific legislation exists in Finland. As Finland is an EU member, the EU regulation applies here. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Legal framework: No franchising specific legislation exists in Finland. As Finland is an EU member, the EU regulation applies here. World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

  13. Flag of your country Country Presentation: Finland Contact data of our association: Finnish Franchising Association Lönnrotinkatu 22 A 2 FI-00120, Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 (0)9 586 5847 E-mail: web: Executive Director: Juha Vastamäki President: Henri Häyrinen World Franchise Council Meeting, 27 February – 3 March 2012, Mexico City

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