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Counseling & College and Career Center ❧ Mrs. Hunter A-Fe khunter@eduhsd.k12.ca.us ❧ Mr. Spratling Fi-La jspratling@eduhsd.k12.ca.us ❧ Mrs. Lisa Woods Le-Ro lwoods@eduhsd.k12.ca.us ❧ Mrs. Hanson Ru-Z & EL khanson@eduhsd.k12.ca.us ❧ Mrs. Escobar cescobar@eduhsd.k12.ca.us
Transcripts & Graduation ❧ Transcripts •Different GPAs •Class Rank •Credit Summary Box ❧ Graduation Requirement •240 credits
Options for After High School Apprenticeship Vocational/Technical Education Military College/University Education
Apprenticeships An apprenticeship is a program that trains a worker to become SKILLED in a particular trade; considered full time employment Diesel Mechanic, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Carpenter, Electrician, Machinists, Surveyors, Power Lineman, Plumber www.calapprenticeship.org
Vocational/Trade Education A vocational or trade school is where you learn a combination of hands-on skills & theoretical knowledge directly related to the occupation your want to have. Community Colleges; UTI; Carrington College; MTI; Art Institute; Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts www.trade-schools.net
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Military Air Force Air Force (Colorado Springs, CO) Army Army (West Point, NY) Coast Guard Coast Guard (New London, CT) Marines Merchant Marine (Kings Pt, NY) Navy Naval (Annapolis, MA) ASVAB Exam November 4th & February 24th Sign up in the College & Career Center Military Recruiters are on campus throughout the school year
Post-Secondary Education
4 year College Admissions The Admissions Process for a 4 year College or University has Several Components: Grades (A-G requirements) A. SAT/ACT scores B. Extra-Curricular Activities C.
CSU/UC Requirements Subject (A-G Requirements) UC/CSU (Requirements) A) Social Studies 20 credits (30 rec) B) English 40 credits C) Math 30 credits (40 rec) D) Science 20 credits (30 rec) E) Foreign Language 20 credits (30 rec) F) Visual & Performing Art 10 credits G) Elective 10 credits Must Earn C’s or better in the A-G required classes!
College Admissions Testing ❧ SAT: www.collegeboard.com COST o May 2nd Register by April 3rd $49.50 o June 6th Register by May 8th $64.50 with writing ❧ ACT: www.act.org o April 4th Register by February 28th $52.00 o June 13th Register by May 8th $68.00 with writing
Why is the PSAT Important? PSAT is a practice test for the SAT Is also serves as a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program , which awards $2, 500 scholarships annually to high-scoring 11th graders. Colleges usually don’t see your PSAT scores Your results offer details on your performance in different areas and can help you determine which areas you need to improve and help guide you with your studying for the SAT
College Athletes NCAA/NAIA ❧ www.eligibilitycenter.org ❧ https://www.naia.org ❧ Must Register NOW!!! ❧ More info in the Junior Newsletter ❧ ACT/SAT scores must be sent directly to the Clearinghouse ❧ Academic requirements just as important as A-G’s
EAP & CAASPP ❧ EAP: Early Assessment Program – built into CAASPP ❧ CAASPP: CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress ❧ ENGLISH: week of March 17* o You will be tested in your English class & modified bell schedule ❧ MATH: April 20th* o You will be tested in your math class o if you do not have a math class you will be pulled out of a class and tested ❧ Importance of this test???? o Could exempt you from needing to take further placement tests for college level courses (CC and CSU) *CAASPP dates subject to change
CA CareerZone
CA CareerZone eduhsd.cacareerzone.org
California Career Zone
CA CareerZone
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