continuous improvement toolkit

Continuous Improvement Toolkit Importance Urgency Matrix 1 2 3 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Continuous Improvement Toolkit Importance Urgency Matrix 1 2 3 4 www. citoolkit .com The Continuous Improvement Map Managing Selecting & Decision Making Planning & Project Management* Risk PDPC Daily Planning PERT/CPM Break-even

  1. Continuous Improvement Toolkit Importance Urgency Matrix 1 2 3 4 www. citoolkit .com

  2. The Continuous Improvement Map Managing Selecting & Decision Making Planning & Project Management* Risk PDPC Daily Planning PERT/CPM Break-even Analysis Importance Urgency Matrix RAID Log* Quality Function Deployment Cost Benefit Analysis MOST RACI Matrix Activity Networks FMEA Payoff Matrix Delphi Method TPN Analysis Risk Analysis* SWOT Analysis Stakeholder Analysis Decision Tree Pick Chart Voting Four Field Matrix Fault Tree Analysis Project Charter Improvement Roadmaps Critical-to X Force Field Analysis Portfolio Matrix Traffic Light Assessment PDCA Policy Deployment Gantt Charts Paired Comparison Decision Balance Sheet Kano Lean Measures DMAIC Kaizen Events Control Planning OEE Prioritization Matrix Pugh Matrix Cost of Quality* Standard Work Document control A3 Thinking Process Yield Matrix Diagram Project KPIs Pareto Analysis KPIs Implementing Best Practices Understanding Capability Indices Nonparametric Solutions*** Descriptive Statistics Chi-Square TPM Automation Cause & Effect Gap Analysis* Hypothesis Probability Distributions Mistake Proofing Health & Safety ANOVA DOE Bottleneck Analysis Histograms Multivariate Normal Distribution Simulation Just in Time 5S Multi-vari Studies Reliability MSA Graphical Methods Scatter Plots Quick Changeover Visual Management Correlation Regression Understanding 5 Whys Run Charts Product Family Matrix Flow Pull Root Cause Analysis Data Mining Performance** Control Charts SIPOC* Spaghetti** Process Redesign Fishbone Diagrams Relations Mapping Benchmarking*** Waste Analysis** Value Stream Mapping** How-How Diagram*** Tree Diagram* Sampling Data collection planner* Brainstorming Attribute Analysis Value Analysis** Process Mapping SCAMPER*** Check Sheets** Interviews Affinity Diagrams Morphological Analysis Flow Process Charts** Time Value Map** Questionnaires Focus Groups Data Mind Mapping* Lateral Thinking Flowcharting IDEF0 Service Blueprints Observations Collection Group Creativity Designing & Analyzing Processes Suggestion Systems Five Ws www. citoolkit .com 2

  3. Importance Urgency Matrix “We live in a time pressured world where it is common to have multiple overlapping commitments that all require immediate attention now” Steven Covey “Urgency is no long reserved for special occasions, they are an everyday occurrences” “How can one manage the flood of responsibilities, do excellent work and maintain a positive frame of mind?” www. citoolkit .com 3

  4. Importance Urgency Matrix An effective method for organizing priorities 1 2 3 4 A 2-dimensional chart www. citoolkit .com 4

  5. Importance Urgency Matrix Also called . . . 1 2 Eisenhower's Covey’s Time Urgent/Important Management 3 4 Principle Grid A 2-dimensional chart www. citoolkit .com 5

  6. Importance Urgency Matrix Used to prioritize work activities as well as personal activities Can be used when the team is having a conflict and unable to manage the work effectively. www. citoolkit .com 6

  7. Importance Urgency Matrix All tasks can be evaluated in terms of importance and urgency They are then placed in the appropriate quadrants of the importance-urgency matrix - Importance + 1 2 3 4 + Urgency - www. citoolkit .com 7

  8. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Important activities Activities that are that require important but not immediate attention urgent - Importance + Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Quadrant 3 Activities that are Quadrant 4 not really important, Activities that are + Urgency - but someone wants neither important it now! nor urgent www. citoolkit .com 8

  9. Importance Urgency Matrix Not important Important Do First Do Soon Manage Focus Delegate Drop Push back Avoid Urgent Not urgent www. citoolkit .com 9

  10. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 1 For important and urgent matters Q1 A problem may arise when unexpected activities arises Or when activities become urgent due to procrastination or poor planning www. citoolkit .com 10

  11. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 1 - Examples Deadlines at Projects Performing work at hand urgent repairs Paying urgent Medical bills emergencies www. citoolkit .com 11

  12. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 1 – Examples Unexpected Leave some activities time in your arises schedule Procrastination Be proactive and poor planning www. citoolkit .com 12

  13. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 2 The important activities that you should spend most of your time on Q2 Exceptionally important when it comes to personal development and growth Finding ways to expand them is the main goal from using this matrix www. citoolkit .com 13

  14. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 2 Often under used You should spend more time here www. citoolkit .com 14

  15. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 2 – Examples Planning Personal development Prevention Leadership driven activities Research Continuous improvement www. citoolkit .com 15

  16. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 2 Athletes, entrepreneurs and other people of great achievement find time for this quadrant Help you achieve your personal and professional goals www. citoolkit .com 16

  17. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 3 Unimportant activities that are done with a sense of urgency Q3 Most of these activities are draining and time consuming www. citoolkit .com 17

  18. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 3 – Examples Most Some emails meetings Some phone Frequent calls interruptions Unwanted Agreeing to do something because conversations you can’t say “no” www. citoolkit .com 18

  19. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 3 Push back, delegate , or at least don’t get caught up with these activities Arrange regular meetings with those who interrupt you often Keep your phone on silent when you need to focus www. citoolkit .com 19

  20. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 3 Try to have time slots when you are Learn available, so people know they can how to speak with you them say No www. citoolkit .com 20

  21. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 4 The area that most of us get caught up in Q4 These are the activities used for taking a break from important and urgent activities www. citoolkit .com 21

  22. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 4 – Example Watching TV and playing video games can be a relief at the end of a long day! www. citoolkit .com 22

  23. Importance Urgency Matrix Quadrant 4 Limit the time you spend in this quadrant. Otherwise, you lose control of your future and may decrease your chance for success. www. citoolkit .com 23

  24. Importance Urgency Matrix How to Use the Importance-Urgency Matrix Begin by your personal or job-related activity list Draw the importance-urgency matrix on a paper (or on a flip chart if you are working with a team) www. citoolkit .com 24

  25. Importance Urgency Matrix How to Use the Importance-Urgency Matrix Sort all the activities in the appropriate quadrant Manage and focus what’s on the first two quadrants, and pushback or ignore what’s on the last two quadrants www. citoolkit .com 25

  26. Importance Urgency Matrix Example – Professional Life Preparation Not important Important Meetings Planning Major deadlines Prevention Customer calls Coaching Customer emails Networking Some meetings Junk emails Interruptions Gossiping at work Personal calls Internet surfing Many emails Urgent Not urgent www. citoolkit .com 26

  27. Importance Urgency Matrix Example – Personal Life Exercise Not important Important Family calls Family gathering A crying baby Daily planning A family breakfast Mentoring A kitchen fire Reading a book Internet chatting Video games Work-related calls Social media A neighbor visit Excessive TV Interruptions Urgent Not urgent www. citoolkit .com 27


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