conten contents ts

Conten Contents ts 1. About us 2. Corporate Video 3. Our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Conten Contents ts 1. About us 2. Corporate Video 3. Our Services 4. Our Products Size Range Pressure Classes Materials 5. Our Manufacturers 6. Our Quality Assurance 7. Our Valve Service Facilities 8. Summary of

  1. Conten Contents ts 1. About us 2. Corporate Video 3. Our Services 4. Our Products Size Range  Pressure Classes  Materials  5. Our Manufacturers 6. Our Quality Assurance 7. Our Valve Service Facilities 8. Summary of Benefits to our Customers 9. References

  2. About us Established in 1972  Largest and major distributor of industrial and process valves  according to DIN and ASME Standards in Germany Sales and warehouse locations in  Germany (Head Office)  The Netherlands  United Kingdom (UK)  Hungary  Foreign Representatives throughout Europe and the Middle East  Expediting and Support Services in Monza (Italy)  Long term major partnerships with leading companies in the  Chemical, Petrochemical, Process Plant and General Industry

  3. Our L r Locati tion ons Norway Sweden Russ ssia UK Baltic c st states Belarus Netherlands Poland Germany CZ SK A Fr France ce Hungary Rumänia Italy AVA Sales and warehouse se loca cations AVA Sales Loca cations Fo Foreign resp spresentatives

  4. Our Servi vices Fast and efficient supply of Industrial valves according to:  DIN and ASME Standards  German and European regulations, such as for example  Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and AD2000 A4 . Many years of exclusive sales experience and transfer of technological  information in partnership with leading global manufacturers. Comprehensive and qualified quality management system.  Reliable delivery and MRO / project support during plant construction  and shut down. Certification, supplementary technical testing and evaluation  documentation. Conversion and Modification services through our own valve  service shop (ASA).

  5. Corporate Video

  6. AVA at one sight Product range Sales & advisory Product range Sales & advisory  Consistant volume of more  Sales & warehouse locations   Consistant volume of more Sales & warehouse locations than 10 Mio € in Germany, Netherlands, than 10 Mio € in Germany, Netherlands,  Immediate availability UK and Hungary  Immediate availability UK and Hungary  Gate -, Globe-, Ckeck-  Sales representatives  Gate -, Globe-, Ckeck-  Sales representatives Ball-, Butterfly Valves  Direct distribution Ball-, Butterfly Valves  Direct distribution Strainers, Sight Glasses,  Consigned stocks Strainers, Sight Glasses,  Consigned stocks Steam Traps Steam Traps  ( for e.g.DOW, BASF,  ( for e.g.DOW, BASF,  Var. Carbon steel, alloy  Var. Carbon steel, alloy TANQUID ) TANQUID ) steel, stainless steel to steel, stainless steel to AVA DIN and ASME standard DIN and ASME standard Armaturen Vertrieb Alms QS-Management AVA Know-How QS-Management AVA Know-How GmbH   Extensive AVA QS- Certification & approvals  Extensive AVA QS-  Certification & approvals Management  Projectmanagement Management  Projectmanagement  DIN EN ISO 9001:2008  Technical „KnowHow“  DIN EN ISO 9001:2008  Technical „KnowHow“  ATEC94/9/EC transfer and explanation  ATEC94/9/EC transfer and explanation   AD200 HPO, AD2000 A4 Valve serivce  AD200 HPO, AD2000 A4  Valve serivce   TA-Luft 2002/VDI2440 Supplier control &  TA-Luft 2002/VDI2440  Supplier control &  expediting API BS 6755 expediting  API BS 6755

  7. AVA V Valv lve Pr Project Ma Management Pr t Prog ogram AVA Program objectives are Project focused and designed to create value through Engineering and Materials Management support activities throughout a project life cycle. Project Team FEE EED Contra ract ctor EPC PC Contract ctor AVA VA are able to pro rovi vide the following se serv rvice ces s as s may y be needed to su support rt co contract ctor r desi sign and co const stru ruct ction object ctive ves. Provide product specifications and Develop project specification Provide product specifications and related date to support design Develop project specification related date to support design gap analysis gap analysis Review piping specifications and Engineering Review piping specifications and Finalize technical design and process requirements Finalize technical design and process requirements actuation selection Services actuation selection Review actuation philosophy and Review actuation philosophy and Review P&ID takeoff and specifications Review P&ID takeoff and detailed valve data base specifications detailed valve data base Construction RAS date alignment Review and contribute to procurement Construction RAS date alignment Review and contribute to procurement Review final coating and lead time estimates and materials Review final coating and lead time estimates and materials preservation specification Identify and provide field shorts management plans preservation specification Identify and provide field shorts management plans Develop valve data bas e Manage overages Identify critical long lead items and Develop valve data bas e Manage overages Identify critical long lead items and support procurement plans support procurement plans Develop expediting reports Develop expediting reports Insure proper documentation provided Develop budgeting estimates Insure proper documentation provided Develop budgeting estimates Develop/provide complete valve order Materials Provide site warehousing, inventory, Develop/provide complete valve order and expediting management program Provide site warehousing, inventory, preservation services and expediting management program Management preservation services Manage alternate suppliers Services Provide service technician Manage alternate suppliers Provide service technician

  8. Our Products Consistant storage volume of more than 100,000 products  valued at approximately €10 Million held in stock in Germany and The Netherlands (UK in progress). Immediate availability of our standard range of valves which  includes: Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Strainers, Sight Glasses and Steam Traps from leading international manufacturers. Various Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel to DIN  and ASME Standards. Specialised Valve Modification Service Operation.  Bespoke valves produced to customer specification.  Efficient Logistics and Information management System. 

  9. Size Range (AVA-Stock) k) TYP YPE DIN ASME ASME Gate Valve DN15 - DN500 1/4“ – 20“ Globe Valve DN8 - DN200 1/4“ – 8“ Swing Check Valve DN50 - DN300 1/2“ – 12“ Piston Check Valve DN15 - DN150 1/2“ – 2“ Ball Valve DN8 - DN200 1/4“ – 12“ Butterfly Valve DN40 - DN400 1.1/2“ – 12“ Strainer DN15 - DN200 1/2“ – 10“ Sight Glass DN15 - DN100 1/2“ – 4“ Steam Trap DN15 - DN25 on request

  10. Press ssure Class Range (AVA-Stock) k) TYP YPE DIN ASME ASME Gate Valve PN10 - PN160 150 - 1500 lbs Globe Valve PN10 - PN160 150 - 1500 lbs Swing Check Valve PN10 - PN40 150 - 600 lbs Piston Check Valve PN10 - PN40 150 - 1500 lbs Ball Valve PN10 - PN100 150 - 1500 lbs Butterfly Valve PN10 - PN16 150 lbs Strainer PN10 - PN40 150 - 300 lbs Sight Glass on request 150 lbs Steam Trap PN10 - PN40 on request

  11. Material Range (AVA-Stock) DIN/EN DIN/EN ASME ASME Body/Bonnet/Cover Forged Steel Cast Steel Forged Steel Cast Steel Carbon Steel 1.0460 1.0619 1.0460 ~ A105N 1.0619 = A216-WCB Low Temperature Carbon 1.0566 on request 1.0566 ~ A350-LF2 A352-LCC~1.6220 Steel Alloy Steel 1.7335 A182- F1 ~ 1.5415 1.7357 A182-F11~1.7335 1.7362 1.7365 A182-F9 ~ 1.4920 1.7365 = A217-C5 1.7335 ~ A182-F12 1.7362 = A182-F5 A182-F22 ~ 1.7380 A217-C12 CrNi Stainless Steel 1.4541 1.4552 1.4541 = A182 -F321 1.4552 = A351-CF8C CrNiMo Stainless Steel 1.4408 1.4404 = A182 F316(L) 1.4408 = A351-CF8M 1.4571 1.4581 Duplex Stainless Steel 1.4462 1.4470 on request on request

  12. Our Manufacturers


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