consumer ad preferences

Consumer Ad Preferences January 2019 Overview The Coalition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Consumer Ad Preferences January 2019 Overview The Coalition endeavors to understand consumer preferences for ad experiences and create standards that reduce annoyance After completing studies in North America and Europe that formed

  1. Consumer Ad Preferences January 2019

  2. Overview ● The Coalition endeavors to understand consumer preferences for ad experiences and create standards that reduce annoyance ● After completing studies in North America and Europe that formed the basis of the initial standards for desktop and mobile web, additional studies were completed in the largest Asian, Latin American, and African markets ● Analysis shows that consumer preferences are similar in all tested countries and that the Better Ads Standards (BAS) are appropriate globally 2

  3. Methodology

  4. Better Ads Standard Principles User based Context-based Empirical Impactful 4

  5. What Users Did Read articles Answer questions Rank experiences by preference + 5

  6. Which Gave Us... MOBILE AD FORMATS SMALL Most preferred STICKY AD ON THE TOP Ads AUTO PLAY VIDEO W/ SOUND Least preferred POP UPS W/ COUNTDOWN TIMER Relative preferences 6

  7. Most Annoying Mobile Ads Pop-up ads Prestitial ads Auto-play video Poststitial ads ads with sound with countdown Density >30% Flashing Large sticky ads Full-screen animated ads scroll over ads 7

  8. Most Annoying Desktop Ads Pop-up ads Prestitial ads with countdown Auto-play video ads with Large sticky ads sound (outstream) 8

  9. Global Scope ● The most comprehensive research of its type representing 70% of global ad spend ● 2 1/2 years ● 18 countries ● 66,000 in-country participants 9

  10. Consumer Studies

  11. Methodology ● For both desktop and mobile web, there were two stages of testing ● The survey instruments were translated by a team of professional translators and reviewed by additional native speakers ● Pilot studies were conducted to identify any remaining localization issues ● Participants completed questions about the overall experience as well as each ad experience ● At the end of the survey, ad experiences were ranked from most to least preferred 11

  12. Strength of preferences ● Stack ranks align ● Strength of preferences varies ○ Stronger: US, CA, JP, KO ○ Weaker: DE, AU, ID, NG (BAS violating experiences in red) 12 CONFIDENTIAL

  13. Brazil Mobile and Desktop Preferences (BAS violating experiences in red) Desktop Mobile 13

  14. Japan Mobile and Desktop Preferences (BAS violating experiences in red) Desktop Mobile 14

  15. Global Results and Analysis

  16. Mobile Stack Rank The current mobile standard (in red boxes) as compared to the stack rank of all tested experiences ● The least preferred ad experiences are at the bottom ● Consumers seeing these experiences are more likely to install an ad blocker 16

  17. Global Mobile Stack Rank Combined results from all countries shows that preferences are aligned with the Better Ads Standard (BAS) for mobile web (in red box) ● The ranking order is based on the stack rank used for the current mobile standard ● There are greater similarities than differences between countries 17

  18. Desktop Stack Rank The current mobile standard (in red box) as compared to the stack rank of all tested experiences ● The least preferred ad experiences are at the bottom ● Consumers seeing these experiences are more likely to install an ad blocker 18

  19. Global Desktop Stack Rank Combined results from all countries shows that preferences are aligned with the Better Ads Standard (BAS) for desktop web (in red box) ● The ranking order is based on the stack rank used for the current desktop standard ● There are greater similarities than differences between countries 19


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