constructing dependent random probability measures from

Constructing dependent random probability measures from completely - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Constructing dependent random probability measures from completely random measures Changyou Chen 1 , Vinayak Rao 2 , Wray Buntine 1 , Yee Whye Teh 3 presented by Sinead Williamson 4 1 NICTA, 2 Duke University, 3 University of Oxford, 4 UT Austin

  1. Constructing dependent random probability measures from completely random measures Changyou Chen 1 , Vinayak Rao 2 , Wray Buntine 1 , Yee Whye Teh 3 presented by Sinead Williamson 4 1 NICTA, 2 Duke University, 3 University of Oxford, 4 UT Austin ICML 2013

  2. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  3. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): priors that are more expressive than the Dirichlet Process Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  4. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): priors that are more expressive than the Dirichlet Process e.g. power-law behaviour or more uncertainty on number of clusters: Normalized Random Measures [James et al., 2005, Kingman, 1975] (e.g. normalized generalized Gamma process) Poisson-Kingman processes [Pitman, 2003] (e.g. Pitman-Yor process [Pitman and Yor, 1997]) Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  5. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): priors that are more expressive than the Dirichlet Process priors that model more structured data Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  6. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): priors that are more expressive than the Dirichlet Process priors that model more structured data for data violating the assumption of exchangeability: Time-series, spatial data, conditional density modelling Research traces back to work of [MacEachern, 1999] on dependent RPMs Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  7. Introduction Two strands of research in NPBayes modelling of random probability measures (RPMs): priors that are more expressive than the Dirichlet Process priors that model more structured data This talk: Flexible constructions for dependent RPMs with flexible marginals Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 2 / 23

  8. Relevant work There is a rich literature on dependent RPMs the seminal work of [MacEachern, 1999] on dependent DPs Existing work that is directly relevant [Rao and Teh, 2009, Nipoti, 2010, Lijoi et al., 2012, Foti et al., 2012, Lin and Fisher, 2012, Griffin et al., 2013] Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 3 / 23

  9. Relevant work There is a rich literature on dependent RPMs the seminal work of [MacEachern, 1999] on dependent DPs Existing work that is directly relevant [Rao and Teh, 2009, Nipoti, 2010, Lijoi et al., 2012, Foti et al., 2012, Lin and Fisher, 2012, Griffin et al., 2013] C. Chen, V. Rao, W. Buntine and Y.W. Teh (2013) Dependent Normalized Random Measures Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 3 / 23

  10. Completely random measures (CRMs) A random measure µ on some space ( X , Σ X ) such that µ ( A ) ⊥ ⊥ µ ( B ) if A and B are disjoint Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 4 / 23

  11. Completely random measures (CRMs) A random measure µ on some space ( X , Σ X ) such that µ ( A ) ⊥ ⊥ µ ( B ) if A and B are disjoint The measure µ is atomic: � µ = w i δ x i i Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 4 / 23

  12. Completely random measures (CRMs) A random measure µ on some space ( X , Σ X ) such that µ ( A ) ⊥ ⊥ µ ( B ) if A and B are disjoint The measure µ is atomic: � µ = w i δ x i i ( x i , w i ) : events of a Poisson process on the space X × W , where W = [0 , ∞ ). The Poisson process has intensity ν ( w , x ) = ρ ( w ) h ( x ), where ρ ( w ) is the L´ evy intensity of the CRM, and h ( x ) is the base probability density. Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 4 / 23

  13. Normalized random measures Poisson process { w i , x i } Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 5 / 23

  14. Normalized random measures Poisson process { w i , x i } CRM µ ≡ { w i , x i } Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 5 / 23

  15. Normalized random measures Poisson process { w i , x i } CRM µ ≡ { w i , x i } Normalize to construct a random probability measure G : G ( · ) = µ ( · ) µ ( X ) Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 5 / 23

  16. Normalized random measures Poisson process { w i , x i } CRM µ ≡ { w i , x i } Normalize to construct a random probability measure G : G ( · ) = µ ( · ) µ ( X ) In the following, we set ρ ( w ) = α w − σ − 1 exp( − τ w ) corresponding to the generalized Gamma process. Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 5 / 23

  17. Normalized random measures Poisson process { w i , x i } CRM µ ≡ { w i , x i } Normalize to construct a random probability measure G : G ( · ) = µ ( · ) µ ( X ) In the following, we set ρ ( w ) = α w − σ − 1 exp( − τ w ) corresponding to the generalized Gamma process. We want: Dependent normalized random measures, G t Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 5 / 23

  18. Dependent normalized random measures Define a common latent CRM/Poisson process. Define dependent measures via transformations of this process. Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 6 / 23

  19. Dependent normalized random measures Define a common latent CRM/Poisson process. Define dependent measures via transformations of this process. ◮ Superposition [Rao and Teh, 2009, Griffin et al., 2013] ◮ Rescaling ◮ Thinning [Lin et al., 2010, Lin and Fisher, 2012] Normalize these dependent CRMs to produce dependent NRMs. Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 6 / 23

  20. Superposition theorem The superposition of two independent Poisson processes with intensity ν i ( · ) , i = 1 , 2 is a Poisson process with intensity ν 1 ( · ) + ν 2 ( · ) The resulting CRM has L´ evy measure ρ = ρ 1 + ρ 2 . Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 7 / 23

  21. Superposition theorem The superposition of two independent Poisson processes with intensity ν i ( · ) , i = 1 , 2 is a Poisson process with intensity ν 1 ( · ) + ν 2 ( · ) The resulting CRM has L´ evy measure ρ = ρ 1 + ρ 2 . The projection of a Poisson process from X × W × A to X × W is a Poisson � process with intensity A ν ( d x , d w , d a ) Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 7 / 23

  22. Superposition theorem The superposition of two independent Poisson processes with intensity ν i ( · ) , i = 1 , 2 is a Poisson process with intensity ν 1 ( · ) + ν 2 ( · ) The resulting CRM has L´ evy measure ρ = ρ 1 + ρ 2 . The projection of a Poisson process from X × W × A to X × W is a Poisson � process with intensity A ν ( d x , d w , d a ) If ν ( · ) factors as ρ ( w ) h ( x ) ν a ( a ), then the resulting CRM has L´ evy intensity �� � A ν a ( a ) d a ρ ( w ) h ( x ). Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 7 / 23

  23. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23

  24. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Instantiate a Poisson process on some augmented space Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23

  25. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Instantiate a Poisson process on some augmented space Associate each t with a subset X × W × A t Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23

  26. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Instantiate a Poisson process on some augmented space Associate each t with a subset X × W × A t Restrict to A t , and project onto the original space, defining an NRM Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23

  27. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Instantiate a Poisson process on some augmented space Associate each t with a subset X × W × A t Restrict to A t , and project onto the original space, defining an NRM Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23

  28. Spatial Normalized Gamma processes [Rao and Teh, 2009] A measure-valued stochastic process G t , t ∈ T is an arbitrary space Instantiate a Poisson process on some augmented space Associate each t with a subset X × W × A t Restrict to A t , and project onto the original space, defining an NRM Chen, Rao, Buntine, and Teh (Duke) Dependent RPMs from CRMs June, 2013 8 / 23


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