constraining coulomb corrections in deep inelastic

Constraining Coulomb Corrections in Deep Inelastic Scattering with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Constraining Coulomb Corrections in Deep Inelastic Scattering with Positrons Dave Gaskell Jefferson Lab International Workshop on Physics with Positrons at Jefferson Lab September 12-15, 2017 1 Heavy Nuclei and Coulomb Distortion Electrons

  1. Constraining Coulomb Corrections in Deep Inelastic Scattering with Positrons Dave Gaskell Jefferson Lab International Workshop on Physics with Positrons at Jefferson Lab September 12-15, 2017 1

  2. Heavy Nuclei and Coulomb Distortion Electrons scattering from nuclei can e ’ n be accelerated/decelerated in the p Coulomb field of the nucleus e à This effect is in general NOT included in most radiative corrections procedures à Important to remove/correct for apparent changes in the cross section due to Coulomb effects In a very simple picture – Coulomb field induces a change in kinematics in the reaction V 0 =3 a (Z-1)/2R E e à E e + V 0 E e ’ à E e ’ + V 0 Electrostatic potential energy at center of nucleus 2

  3. Coulomb Corrections in QE Processes Importance of Coulomb Corrections in quasi-elastic processes well known Gueye et al., PRC60, 044308 (1999) FIG. 5. Positron and electron response functions for the kine- Distorted Wave Born Approximation calculations are possible – but difficult to apply to experimental cross sections à Instead use Effective Momentum Approximation (EMA) tuned to agree with DWBA calculations with “ focusing factor” F 2 = (1+V 0 /E) EMA: E e à E e + V 0 E e ’ à E e ’ + V 0 V 0 à (0.7-0.8)V 0 , V 0 =3 a (Z-1)/2R V 0 = 10 MeV for Cu, 20 MeV for Au [Aste et al, Eur.Phys.J.A26:167-178,2005, Europhys.Lett.67:753-759,2004] 3

  4. Coulomb Corrections in Inelastic Scattering • E. Calva-Tellez and D.R. Yennie, Phys. Rev. D 20, 105 (1979) – Perturbative expansion in powers of strength of Coulomb field ( Q 2 ) 2 − Z α ( E e + E � e ) – Effect of order à < r > 12 ν 2 E e E � e – “For any reasonable kinematics, this is completely negligible” • B. Kopeliovich et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 11, 345 (2001) – Estimates non-zero effect using Eikonal approximation à applies estimates to vector meson production, not DIS • O. Nachtmann, Nucl. Phys. B 18, 112 (1970) – Coulomb Corrections for neutrino reactions – DWBA calculation that results in modifications to structure functions à “at most 5%” effects for energies > 1 GeV – Final state particle only 4

  5. Application: EMC Effect JLab E03-103 (6 GeV) measured s A / s D for light and heavy nuclei à Study modification of quark distributions in nuclei à EMC effect s A / s D for Gold (preliminary 2017) A=197 Z=79 SLAC E-139 E e ~ 8-25 GeV E e ’ ~4-8 GeV JLab E03-103 E e ~ 6 GeV E e ’ ~1-2 GeV No Coulomb Corrections applied 5

  6. Application: EMC Effect Coulomb corrections significantly larger for JLab data à 5-10%, SLAC à 1-2% s A / s D for Gold (preliminary 2017) A=197 Z=79 SLAC E-139 E e ~ 8-25 GeV E e ’ ~4-8 GeV JLab E03-103 E e ~ 6 GeV E e ’ ~1-2 GeV with Coulomb Corrections (both data sets) 6

  7. Application: R A -R D DIS/Inelastic cross section: d Ω dE / = 4 α 2 ( E / ) 2 ⎡ ⎤ d σ F 2 ( ν , Q 2 )cos 2 θ 2 1 ( ν , Q 2 )sin 2 θ M ν F 2 + ⎢ ⎥ Q 4 ν ⎣ 2 ⎦ å = 2 F ( x ) e xq ( x ) Quark distribution functions 2 i i i d σ F 1 a s T F 2 linear combination of s T and s L [ ] d Ω dE ' = Γ σ T ( ν , Q 2 ) + εσ L ( ν , Q 2 ) Measurements of EMC effect often assume s A/ s D = F 2A /F 2D à this is true if R= s L/ s T is the same for A and D SLAC E140 set out to measure R= s L/ s T in deuterium and the nuclear dependence of R , i.e., measure R A - R D 7

  8. R A -R D : E140 Re-analysis E140 measured e dependence of cross section ratios s A / s D for x=0.2, 0.35, 0.5 Q 2 = 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 5.0 GeV 2 Iron and Gold targets R A – R D consistent with zero within errors No Coulomb corrections were applied [E140 Phys. Rev. D 49 5641 (1993)] Large e data: E e ~ 6-15 GeV E e ’ ~ 3.6-8 GeV Low e data: E e ~ 3.7-10 GeV E e ’ ~ 1-2.6 GeV 8

  9. R A -R D : E140 Re-analysis Re-analyzed E140 data using R A -R D = -2E-4 +/- 0.02 Effective Momentum Approximation for published “Born”-level cross sections à Total consistency requires application to radiative corrections model as well R A -R D = -0.03 +/- 0.02 Including Coulomb Corrections yields result 1.5 s from zero when averaged over x 9

  10. R A -R D at x=0.5 Interesting result from E140 re- R A -R D = -0.011 +/- 0.051 analysis motivated more detailed study à x=0.5 , Q 2 =5 GeV 2 à Include E139 Fe data à Include JLab data Cu, Q 2 =4-4.4 GeV 2 (preliminary 2017) Normalization uncertainties between experiments treated as extra point-to-point errors No Coulomb Corrections à No Coulomb Corrections combined analysis still yields R A -R D ~ 0 10

  11. R A -R D at x=0.5 Interesting result from E140 re- R A -R D = -0.062 +/- 0.052 analysis motivated more detailed study à x=0.5 , Q 2 =5 GeV 2 à Include E139 Fe data à Include JLab data Cu, Q 2 =4-4.4 GeV 2 (preliminary 2017) Normalization uncertainties between experiments treated as extra point-to-point (between data sets) errors with Coulomb Corrections Application of Coulomb Corrections à R A -R D 1.2 s from zero 11

  12. R A -R D at Large x • Evidence is suggestive that R A -R D < 0 at large x – Effect is not large – depends on precision of the experimental data – Coulomb Corrections are crucial to observation/existence of this effect à CC has significant dependence on electron energy, varies between ε settings • Implications of R A -R D < 0 – F 1 , F 2 not modified in the same way in nuclei – What does this mean for our understanding of the EMC effect? – Parton model: R=4<K T2 >/Q 2 , <K T2 > smaller for bound nucleons? [ A. Bodek, PoS DIS2015 (2015) 026 ] • Additional data (dedicated measurement) in DIS region required 12

  13. JLab Experiment 12-14-002 Precision Measurements and Studies of a Possible Nuclear Dependence of R=σ L /σ T [S. Malace, M.E. Christy, D. example L/Ts in the Gaskell, C. Keppel, P. acceptance Solvignon] L/Ts at central Measurements of nuclear kinematics dependence of structure functions, R A -R D via direct L-T separations Detailed measurements of x and Q 2 dependence for Copper target à A dependence at select kinematics using C and Au 13

  14. E12-14-002 Experimental Hall C Spectrometers SHMS HMS: d Ω ~ 6 msr, P 0 = 0.5 – 7 GeV/c θ 0 =10.5 to 80 degrees e ID via calorimeter and gas Cerenkov SHMS: d Ω ~ 4 msr, P 0 = 1 – 11 GeV/c θ 0 =5.5 to 40 degrees HMS e ID via heavy gas Cerenkov and calorimeter Excellent control of point-to-point systematic uncertainties required for precise L-T separations Perform L-T separations using same spectrometer for all e à Ideally suited for focusing spectrometers points as much as possible 14

  15. JLab Experiment 12-14-002 Experiment will study R A -R D in both the EMC effect and anti-shadowing regions Projections shown at central kinematics only; enhanced coverage by adding L/Ts from spectrometers acceptance Overlap previous L-T separated data but will extend to both smaller and larger x 15

  16. E12-14-002 and Coulomb Corrections Coulomb corrections a key systematic issue for E12-14-002 à L-T separations require varying epsilon. Smaller epsilon corresponds to smaller beam energies and scattered electron momenta à larger Coulomb corrections à Size of Coulomb correction highly correlated with the very effect we are trying to study à Need robust tests to verify CC magnitude and epsilon dependence smaller e 16


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