Probing Nucleon Spin Structure Using Probing Nucleon Spin Structure Using Deep Inelastic Scattering Deep Inelastic Scattering E12-06-121: Neutron g 2 and d 2 E12-06-121: Neutron g 2 and d 2 Spokespersons: B. Sawatzky, W. Korsch, T. Averett, Z.-E. Meziani Spokespersons: B. Sawatzky, W. Korsch, T. Averett, Z.-E. Meziani Murchhana Roy Murchhana Roy University of Kentucky University of Kentucky July 16 th , 2020 July 16 th , 2020 z
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 1
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 2
Deep Inelastic Scattering Deep Inelastic Scattering Unpolarized cross section: 2 ( 2 ) d 2 σ 2 + 1 2 F 1 ( x ,Q 2 ) sin 2 θ ν F 2 ( x,Q 2 ) cos 2 θ α = 4E 2 sin 4 θ d Ω dE' M 2 ● Unpolarized structure functions F 1 and F 2 contain information about the momentum structure of the target nucleon. Polarized cross section: Q 2 = 4-momentum transfer squared of the virtual photon 2 σ 2 E' 2 dE'd Ω(↓ ⇑ −↑ ⇑ )= 4 α d 2 )− Q 2 )]=Δσ ∥ [( E + E'cos θ) g 1 ( x ,Q ν g 2 ( x ,Q ν = E-E' = energy transfer 2 ν E MQ θ = scattering angle 2 σ 2 sin θ E' 2 dE'd Ω(↓ ⇒ −↑ ⇒ )= 4 α d 2 )+ 2Eg 2 ( x,Q 2 )]=Δσ ⊥ [ν g 1 ( x,Q 2 ν 2 E MQ x = Fraction of nucleon momentum carried by the ● Polarized structure functions g 1 and g 2 encode information struck quark about the spin structure of the target nucleon . 3
g 2 and Quark-Gluon Correlations g 2 and Quark-Gluon Correlations ● In naive quark parton model, nucleon is viewed as a collection of non interacting, point like constituents. ● g 2 has no interpretation in naive quark parton model, provides information on quark-gluon correlation. ● g 2 is among the cleanest higher twist observables – contributes to leading order (twist-2 is leading twist) at the transverse spin asymmetry. 2 )= g 2 WW ( x ,Q 2 )+̄ 2 ) g 2 ( x,Q g 2 ( x ,Q ● Twist-3 term with a suppressed twist-2 piece ● Twist-2 term (Wandzura & Wilczek). (Cortes, Pire & Ralston). ∂ y ( 2 ) ) 1 m q 1 g 1 ( y,Q 2 ) dy ∂ 2 )=− ∫ 2 )+ ∫ x 2 )− ξ ( y,Q g 2 ( x,Q M h T ( y,Q WW ( x,Q 2 )=− g 1 ( x ,Q ̄ g 2 dy y y x Quark-gluon Transversity 4 correlation
d 2 : Clean Probe of Quark-Gluon Correlations d 2 : Clean Probe of Quark-Gluon Correlations ● d 2 is a clean probe of quark-gluon correlations / higher twist effects - third moment of the linear combination of the spin structure function. 1 1 2 ̄ 2 )= 3 ∫ 2 )] dx = 3 ∫ 2 [ 2g 1 ( x,Q 2 )+ 2 ) dx d 2 ( Q x 3g 2 ( x,Q x g 2 ( x ,Q 0 0 ● Related to matrix element in OPE, which represents average color Lorentz force on the struck quark due to the remnant di-quark system and it is cleanly computable using Lattice QCD. ● Connected to “color polarizability”. ( 4d 2 − f 2 ) ( 4d 2 + 2 f 2 ) χ B = χ E = 3 3 ● f 2 is a twist-4 contribution can be extracted from the first moment of g 1 . 2 ( a 2 + 4d 2 + 4f 2 )+ O ( 4 ) g 1 dx =μ 2 + M 2 6 1 μ Γ 1 = ∫ 0 ⃗ Response of the color and B 9Q Q ⃗ E field to the nucleon polarization 5
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 6
Existing results: d 2 for proton and neutron Existing results: d 2 for proton and neutron Hint of a negative d 2 n , negative twist-3 at moderate Q 2 ~ 3 (GeV/c) 2 was noted in E06-014 at JLab . Posik et al., 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.022002 (d 2 n , color force extraction) Flay et al., 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.05200 (Archival paper: g 1 n , g 2 n , d 2 n ) p d 2 Parno, et al., 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.03.067 (A 1 n ) Similar hint of negative twist-3 (dips below CN elastic) in d 2 p data was noted in SANE experiment. Armstrong et al., PRL 122, 022002 (2019) 7
E12-06-121: Projected Results E12-06-121: Projected Results Projection of x 2 g 2 n over broad range of x. Points are vertically offset from zero along lines that reflect different (roughly) constant Q 2 values from 2.5—6 GeV 2 . Projected results for d 2 n at truly constant Q 2 = 3, 4.3 and 5.6 GeV 2 /c 2. . In this region, ● Models are thought to be accurate. ● Direct overlap with 6 GeV Hall A measurements. 8
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 9
E12-06-121: Hall C Layout E12-06-121: Hall C Layout Spectrometers: ● Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS). ● High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS). Electron Beam : HMS ● Beam energies ➔ 10.4 GeV/c (production) [5-pass] ➔ 2.1 GeV/c (calibration) [1-pass] ● Beam current target ➔ 30 μA (production) ➔ 45 μA (max, calibration) e - beam ● Beam polarization ~ 80% ➔ Measured to ~3% using Moller polarimetry. SHMS Polarized 3 He target: ● 40 cm long 3 He cell. ● Target polarization ➔ 45 - 55% in beam ➔ 55 - 60% without beam. 10
E12-06-121: Kinematic coverage E12-06-121: Kinematic coverage ● Reduced kinematic settings vs. proposal to accommodate run-time reduction and lower electron beam energy. ● SHMS collects data at θ = 11°, 14.5° and 18.0° for 125 hrs each. ● HMS collects data at θ = 13.5°, 16.4°, 20.0° for 125 hrs each. ● Each arm measures an absolute polarized cross section independent of the other arm to extract g 1 , g 2 . SHMS Production HMS Production Setting Angle x Q 2 W Setting Angle x Q 2 W P o P o (GeV 2 /c 2 ) (GeV) (GeV 2 /c 2 ) (GeV) X 7.5 11.0 o 0.527 2.866 1.859 A 4.2 13.5 o 0.207 2.414 3.178 Y 6.4 14.5 o 0.565 4.240 2.036 B 4.2 16.4 o 0.305 3.554 2.993 Z 5.6 18.0 o 0.633 5.701 2.046 C 4.0 20.0 o 0.418 5.018 2.806 11
Polarized 3 He target ● Short lifetime of neutron (886 s), no dense neutron target. ● Effective neutron target: 90% of 3 He spin comes from the neutron spin. ● Polarization method: Spin exchange optical pumping (SEOP) 1. Optical Pumping 2. Spin exchange ● Polarization measurements: 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 2. Pulse NMR 3. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) 12
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 13
E12-06-121: Rate estimates ● The tables have a first estimate of the expected rates and error in raw asymmetries for the different kinematics (B. Sawatzky, W. Korsch). Input parameters and assumptions 14
E12-06-121: Run Plan E12-06-121: Run Plan Beam time allocation: SHMS Production HMS Production Setting Angle Setting P o Angle P o A total of 6 calendar weeks of electron X 7.5 11.0 o A 4.2 13.5 o beam time is expected. Y 6.4 14.5 o B 4.2 16.4 o Z 5.6 18 o C 4.0 20.0 o Start with 5-pass production: SHMS- Kin X, HMS- Kin C (~ 1-2 calendar weeks) Take 1-pass calibration data, E12-06-121A He-3 Elastic FF Measurements. (~3 days) Return to 5-pass production: SHMS- Kin Z, HMS- Kin A SHMS- Kin Y, HMS- Kin B (rest of the beam time, ~3-4 calendar weeks) 15
E12-06-121: Run Plan E12-06-121: Run Plan 5-pass running (Production) 1-pass running (Calibration) For each kinematic pair Reference cell runs: 3 He, N 2 ● Nominal to do list : Empty cell run ● 8 hr Moller run ● 8 hrs Optics (C-foil + Sieve) ● 4 hr Optics run at p 0 = 2.1 GeV/c ● Positive polarity runs: 4 hrs optics, ● 4 hrs production Pressure curves for current cell ● Target NMR (1–2 / shift), PNMR, ● Hydrogen elastics ● EPR measurements Delta QE measurements ● Production runs ● E12-06-121A 3 He Elastic Form ● Instrumentation / Calibration runs Factor Measurements ● BPM calibration (2 hour) ● BCM calibration (2 hour) ● Beam energy (2 hour) 16
Outline ● Introduction to DIS ● Existing results and projections ● Hall C layout ● Rate estimates and run plan ● Progress and updates ● Summary 17
E12-06-121: Progress and Updates Field mapping and field direction measurements: ● Both the magnetic field mapping and magnetic field direction measurements in target region were completed in March, 2020. ● The vertical correction coil current settings were optimized to eliminate Field mapping setup Results from Field mapping any vertical magnetic field component and to get reduced gradient along the target cell. ● The magnetic field direction was scanned along the target length using an air floated compass. The uncertainty in the direction measurement was limited to ±0.1°. Air compass used for field direction measurements Results from compass measurements 18
E12-06-121: Progress and Updates Target preparation and polarimetry: ● Polarized 3 He cell “Austin” and the reference cell “Christen” were installed in March. ● Target optics were cleaned up. ● Laser software was upgraded. ● Laser alignment in both transverse and longitudinal direction was done. ● Laser polarization optimized, laser spectrum analyzer calibrated. ● New holding field Kepco power supplies were installed and calibrated. ● Quick magnetic field measurement check was done. Results agreed with the field mapping done in March. 19
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