congestion management process

Congestion Management Process February / March 2020 Defining Terms: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Congestion Management Process February / March 2020 Defining Terms: Congestion Management Application of strategies to improve transportation system performance and reliability by reducing the adverse

  1. 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Congestion Management Process February / March 2020

  2. Defining Terms: Congestion Management Application of strategies to improve transportation system performance and reliability by reducing the adverse impacts of congestion on the movement of people and goods.

  3. Defining Terms: Congestion Management Process (CMP) A method of managing congestion that provides information on transportation system performance.

  4. History: Congestion Management Guidance Intermodal Surface FHWA released Transportation Incorporating Travel- Efficiency Act (ISTEA) Time Reliability into required Congestion the Congestion Management System Management Process 2005 (CMS) (CMP): A Primer 1991 2015 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), replaced with the Congestion Management Process (CMP)

  5. Interconnected Planning Relationship • Aligned goals • Aligned objectives MTP CMP • Aligned targets • Aligned study area (Long-Term) (Short-Term) • Informs projects and programs

  6. The Congestion Management Process: Objectives-Driven, Performance-Ba sed Define how progress will be measured. Define the study area Define goals & Monitor objectives. effectiveness Implement strategies

  7. Best Practice: A well-designed CMP should…  Identify performance measures  Establish a program for data collection and to monitor system performance  Identify congested locations  Identify strategies to address congestion  Help congestion management strategies get funded and implemented

  8. The Congestion Management Process: Setting the Stage Define the study area Define goals & objectives.

  9. The Congestion Management Process: Define CMP Goals & Objectives

  10. Step #1: Develop Congestion Management Objectives • How objectives will be used: • To help define how system performance is tracked over time • To help select strategies that will be included in the MTP and corresponding TIP and PPL • Typically derived from the vision and goals articulated in the MTP • Objectives should be SMA MART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Bound • Dat ata a availabili lity i is es essent ential ial!

  11. Proposed 2045 MTP Goals Safety & Security Provide a safe and secure transportation system for all users Reliability & Performance Leverage innovative solutions to optimize system performance Access & Connectivity Enhance communities and lives through improved access to opportunity Health & Environment Protect and preserve our region’s public health and environmentally sensitive areas Investment & Economy Support economic prosperity through strategic transportation investment

  12. Safety & Security Pr Provide e a safe e and nd secur ecure e transportation on system for or all ll users Objectives • El Eliminate t e the e rate a e and nd o occur ccurren ence o e of trans nsportation s system em fat atal alities, in injuries, an and c crash ashes w wit ith high high empha hasis o s on the he mo most st vuln lnerable le us user ers • Provide infrastructure and services to help prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies • Prevent and mitigate transportation-related security risks • Improve ve em emer ergenc ency r res esponse and inci ncident cl clea earance e time imes s • Increase the resiliency of infrastructure to risks, including extreme weather and other environmental conditions

  13. Reliability & Performance Lever erage i e inno nnovative s e solut utions to optimize s e system em p per erformance Objectives • Improve t e travel el t time r e rel eliabi bility on n the e transportation s system em • Enh Enhance a e and nd e expand t the e reg egion’s I ITS, adaptive a and nd a act ctivel ely managed t man traf affi fic syst systems • Red educe uce t travel el time p e per er ca capita ( (pea eak a and nd o off-pea eak t travel t times es) • Improve a e aver erage t e transit on-time p e performance ( e (bus bus a and nd r rail s ser ervices es) • Adapt t transportation i inf nfrastructure a e and nd t tech echno nologies to mee eet changing t ch travel eler er need needs a and nd d des esires es

  14. Access & Connectivity Enhan hance c commu mmunities a s and l liv ives s through i improved ed acce ccess t to oppor ortunities Objectives • Incr ncrease e trans nsit syst system freq equen ency • Improve ho housi sing g and e employm yment ac access t s to high high-frequen ency cy t transit • Improve a e acces ccess t to es essent ential s ser ervices a acr cross a all modes es of of transporta tati tion • Red educe uce p per er ca capita v veh ehicle m e miles es t travel eled • Incr ncrease e rider ership o on n publ ublic t c transportation • Red educe uce t the e rel eliance o e on n sing ngle-occ ccupant v veh ehicle t e travel el • Pl Plan n and nd d devel elop t trans nsportation s system ems t that r ref eflect ect r reg egion onal a and nd communit ity v y values s

  15. Health & Environment Protec Pr ect a and nd p pres eser erve our our reg egion’s p publ ublic c hea ealth and nd en envi vironmentally s sens ensitive a area eas Objectives • Provide transportation solutions that contribute to improved public health • Expand conservation lands and minimize land consumption for future development • Increase population/employment densities and mix of land uses • Red educe per e per capi pita r rel elated air quality po pollutants a and green eenhouse gas emi emissions • Reduce adverse health impacts associated with physical inactivity • Plan and develop transportation systems in a manner that protects and restores the function and character of the natural environment and avoids or minimizes adverse environmental impacts • Reduce transportation impacts caused by stormwater issues and flooding • Prevent disproportionate adverse effects of transportation projects on minority and low-income communities

  16. Investment & Economic Opportunity Suppor Su ort econ onom omic d develop lopment t throu ough strateg egic c trans nsportation inves estmen ent Objectives • Meet industry, state, and national standards for infrastructure and asset quality, condition, and performance for all public transportation infrastructure • Red educe p per er capita del delay for r resi sident nts, s, visitors, s, and b businesse sses • Increase affordability for transportation and housing choices • Imp mprove e transportatio ion experie ience f for vis isit itors an and s supportive-in industry y workers wo • Increase the number of skilled workers in Central Florida’s transportation- related industries • Promote transportation projects that expand and enhance economic vitality

  17. The Congestion Management Process: Define Study Area

  18. CMP Study Area & Network Includes all roadways, transit routes, freight network, pedestrian and bike network where data i is availa lable le

  19. ? ? ? ? ? ? DATA ? AVAIL ILABI BILIT ITY ? ? ? ? ? ?

  20. FHWA’s 8-Step Process:

  21. Steps #4 & #5: Develop Performance Measures & System Monitoring Plan For a CMP to be truly effective, it requires a coordinated program of data collection and system performance monitoring to assess the extent of congestion and to see whether remedial steps are working.

  22. Step #6 : Identify and Evaluate Strategies • Based on causes of congestion, consider an array of solutions. TSM&O based solutions: Arterial Management Emergency/Incident Management Freeway Management Freight Management Special Event Management Travel Demand Management Travel Weather Management Traveler Information Work Zone Management

  23. Step #7: Implement Strategies • New opportunities identified through the CMP are intended to be implemented within 5 years • System-wide and location-specific projects will be identified along with approximate costs • Information developed throughout the CMP will be used to establish priorities in the MTP, TIP, and PPL

  24. Step #8: Monitor Effectiveness • CMP = An iterative process • Monitor effectiveness of CMP strategies • Data collection and before/after studies are helpful monitoring activities. • Monitor effectiveness of CMP process • Each step is evaluated and opportunities for improvement are noted.

  25. MetroPlan Orlando’s CMP Process: Continuous Improvement QUARTE RTERLY

  26. Next Steps Congest stio ion M Manageme ment P Process ss • April / May: Overview of Performance Measures & Targets • May / June: Approval of Performance Targets • June / July: Approval of CMP 2045 Metropo polit itan an T Transpo sportat ation P Plan • April / May: Introduction to Scenario Planning

  27. 250 South Orange Avenue, Suite 200 | Orlando, Florida 32801

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