computational methods for systems biology and synthetic

Computational Methods for Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computational Methods for Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology Franois Fages, Constraint Programming Group, INRIA Rocquencourt 29/07/10 Franois Fages - Ecoles Jeunes

  1. Computational Methods for Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology François Fages, Constraint Programming Group, INRIA Rocquencourt 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 1

  2. Overview of the Lectures 1. Introduction Transposing concepts from programming to the analysis of living processes " 2. Rule-based Modeling in Biocham Macromolecules, compartments and elementary processes in the cell " Boolean, Differential and Stochastic interpretations of reaction rule models " Cell signaling, Gene expression, Retrovirus, Cell cycle " 3. Temporal Logic constraints in Biocham Qualitative properties in propositional Computation Tree Logic CTL " Quantitative properties in quantifier-free Linear Time Logic LTL(R) " Parameter optimization and robustness w.r.t. temporal logic properties " Conclusion " Killer lecture: abstract interpretation in Biocham " 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 2

  3. Cell Cycle Control by Cyclins: G1  S  G2  M Sir Paul Nurse Nobel prize 2001 G1: CdK4-CycD S: Cdk2-CycA G2,M: Cdk1-CycA Cdk6-CycD Cdk1-CycB (MPF) Cdk2-CycE 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 3

  4. 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 4

  5. Mammalian Cell Cycle Control Map [Kohn 99] 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 5

  6. Kohn� s map detail for Cdk2 Complexation with CycA and CycE Biocham Rules: cdk2~$P + cycA-$C => cdk2~$P-cycA-$C where $C in {_,cks1} . cdk2~$P + cycE~$Q-$C => cdk2~$P-cycE~$Q-$C where $C in {_,cks1} . p57 + cdk2~$P-cycA-$C => p57-cdk2~$P-cycA-$C where $C in {_, cks1}. cycE-$C =[cdk2~{p2}-cycE-$S]=> cycE~{T380}-$C where $S in {_, cks1} and $C in {_, cdk2~?, cdk2~?-cks1} Total: 147 rule patterns 2733 expanded rules [Chiaverini Danos 03] 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 6

  7. Computation Tree Logic CTL Temporal logics extend classical logic with modal operators for time & non-det. Introduced for program verification by [Pnueli 77] Non-det. E A Non-determinism E, A Time exists always EX ( ϕ ) AX ( ϕ ) X next time AG φ EF ( ϕ ) AF ( ϕ ) F ¬ AG ( ¬ ϕ ) finally liveness EG ( ϕ ) G AG () ¬ AF ( ¬ ϕ ) globally safety EF φ F,G,U E ( ϕ 1 U ϕ 2) A ( ϕ 1 U ϕ 2) U Time until 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 7

  8. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? " 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 8

  9. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? reachable( P^Q^ ¬ R ) " Can the cell always produce P? " 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 9

  10. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? reachable( P^Q^ ¬ R ) " Can the cell always produce P? AG(reachable( P )) " About pathways : Can the cell reach a set s of (partially described) states while passing by " another set of states s 2 ? 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 10

  11. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? reachable( P^Q^ ¬ R ) " Can the cell always produce P? AG(reachable( P )) " About pathways : Can the cell reach a set s of (partially described) states while passing by " another set of states s 2 ? EF( s 2 ^ EF s ) " Is it possible to produce P without Q ? 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 11

  12. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? reachable( P^Q^ ¬ R ) " Can the cell always produce P? AG(reachable( P )) " About pathways : Can the cell reach a set s of (partially described) states while passing by " another set of states s 2 ? EF( s 2 ^ EF s ) Is it possible to produce P without Q ? E( ¬ Q U P ) " Is set of state s 2 a necessary checkpoint for reaching set of state s? " checkpoint( s 2 ,s )== ¬ E( ¬ s 2 U s ) 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 12

  13. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (1/3) About reachability : Can the cell produce some protein P? reachable( P )==EF( P ) " Can the cell produce P, Q and not R? reachable( P^Q^ ¬ R ) " Can the cell always produce P? AG(reachable( P )) " About pathways : Can the cell reach a set s of (partially described) states while passing by " another set of states s 2 ? EF( s 2 ^ EF s ) Is it possible to produce P without Q ? E( ¬ Q U P ) " Is set of state s 2 a necessary checkpoint for reaching set of state s? " checkpoint( s 2 ,s )== ¬ E( ¬ s 2 U s ) Is s 2 always a checkpoint for s ? AG( ¬ s -> checkpoint( s 2 ,s )) " 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 13

  14. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (2/3) About stability : " Is a set of states s a stable state? stable( s )== AG( s ) 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 14

  15. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (2/3) About stability : " Is a set of states s a stable state? stable( s )== AG( s ) " Is s a steady state (with possibility of escaping) ? steady( s )==EG( s ) " Can the cell reach a stable state s ? 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 15

  16. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (2/3) About stability : " Is a set of states s a stable state? stable( s )== AG( s ) " Is s a steady state (with possibility of escaping) ? steady( s )==EG( s ) " Can the cell reach a stable state s ? EF(stable( s )) alternance of path quantifiers EFAG φ , not in Linear Time Logic LTL (fragment without path quantifiers) FG φ is not in LTL " Must the cell reach a stable state s ? 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 16

  17. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (2/3) About stability : " Is a set of states s a stable state? stable( s )== AG( s ) " Is s a steady state (with possibility of escaping) ? steady( s )==EG( s ) " Can the cell reach a stable state s ? EF(stable( s )) alternance of path quantifiers EFAG φ , not in Linear Time Logic LTL (fragment without path quantifiers) FG φ is not in LTL " Must the cell reach a stable state s ? AG(stable( s )) " What are the stable states? 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 17

  18. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (2/3) About stability : " Is a set of states s a stable state? stable( s )== AG( s ) " Is s a steady state (with possibility of escaping) ? steady( s )==EG( s ) " Can the cell reach a stable state s ? EF(stable( s )) alternance of path quantifiers EFAG φ , not in Linear Time Logic LTL (fragment without path quantifiers) FG φ is not in LTL " Must the cell reach a stable state s ? AG(stable( s )) " What are the stable states? Not expressible in CTL. needs to combine CTL with search [Chan 00, Calzone-Chabrier-Fages-Soliman 05, Fages-Rizk 07]. 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 18

  19. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (3/3) About durations : How long does it take for a molecule to become activated? " In a given time, how many Cyclins A can be accumulated? " What is the duration of a given cell cycle� s phase? " 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 19

  20. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (3/3) About durations : How long does it take for a molecule to become activated? " In a given time, how many Cyclins A can be accumulated? " What is the duration of a given cell cycle� s phase? " CTL operators abstract from durations. Time intervals can be modeled in FOL by adding numerical constraints for start times and durations. 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 20

  21. Biological Properties formalized in CTL (3/3) About durations : How long does it take for a molecule to become activated? " In a given time, how many Cyclins A can be accumulated? " What is the duration of a given cell cycle� s phase? " CTL operators abstract from durations. Time intervals can be modeled in FOL by adding numerical constraints for start times and durations. About oscillations : Can the system exhibit a cyclic behavior w.r.t. the presence of P ? " oscil( P )== EG((F ¬ P ) ^ (F P )) temporal operators not preceded by a path operator: CTL* formula approximation in CTL ? oscil( P )== EG((EF ¬ P ) ^ (EF P )) 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 21

  22. Oscillations in CTL ? EG((EF ¬ P ) ^ (EF P )) " Necessary but not sufficient condition for oscillations: 29/07/10 François Fages - Ecoles Jeunes Chercheurs - Porquerolles 22


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