Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) February 27, 2018
● Implement 5-year personalized learning plan. ● Study current middle school model and make recommendations for an improved learning structure. ● Embed cultural proficiency into all aspects of our work. ● Expand online learning opportunities for all students.
Putting the focus on the individual student.
● Develop and implement a PK-12 Social Emotional Curriculum in order to support the development of the whole- child. ● Implement Restorative Practices PK-12 to support positive school climate and student responsibility. ● Develop and implement a plan for Pattonville to become a Trauma Informed Organization as defined by the Missouri Model for Trauma. ● Develop a proactive, intervention driven system to identify and support students in the Pattonville 6-12 alternative programs. ● Develop and implement an Early Warning System to proactively identify students for Tier II and Tier II interventions. ● Develop and implement district and building plans that systematically address areas of disproportionality in discipline data.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to: 1. understand and manage emotions 2. set and achieve positive goals 3. feel and show empathy for others 4. establish and maintain positive relationships 5. and make responsible decisions --Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) 2018
● Continue to design elementary and middle school after school programing to prepare students for high school MSHSAA options. ● Develop and provide strategies for community programing meeting criteria that supports Pattonville student participation in MSHSAA athletics and activities. ● Improve and enhance district supports for MSHSAA programing offerd at Pattonville High School.
● Conduct a district wide safety audit and review current safety training. ● Develop a comprehensive approach to safeguarding district technology. ● Review the district's current middle school model and attendance boundaries. ● Continue updating and implementing the district facilities master plan. ● Review the district’s current staffing model and evaluate ways to give buildings greater autonomy to meet specific needs. ● Ensure the district has competitive salaries, and proactively manage the district health insurance program to provide a competitive benefit program for staff.
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