completing 3d object shape from one depth image cvpr 2015

Completing 3D Object Shape from One Depth Image (CVPR 2015) Jason - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CS688: Web-Scale Image Retrieval Completing 3D Object Shape from One Depth Image (CVPR 2015) Jason Rock, Tanmay Gupta, Justin Thorsen et el. Taehee Kim (20184269, ) Review: CycleGAN Generate paired image without its pair 2

  1. CS688: Web-Scale Image Retrieval Completing 3D Object Shape from One Depth Image (CVPR 2015) Jason Rock, Tanmay Gupta, Justin Thorsen et el. Taehee Kim (20184269, 김태희 )

  2. Review: CycleGAN ● Generate paired image without its pair 2

  3. Purpose ● Reconstruct 3D object from observed depthmap 3

  4. Relation with Image Retrieval ● RGB-D object classification ● 3D structure aware object identification ● Depthmap retrieval in its pipeline 4

  5. Pipeline Overview ● Matching – ● retrieve similar 3D model in database ● Deformation – ● deform 3D model to make it similar to query ● Completion – ● predict unobserved voxels 5

  6. Pipeline Overview 6

  7. Matching: Training Silhouette(50x50) Subsample & Random Object Render NNMF Forest Model Views (50) Hashing Relative Depth(50) 7

  8. Matching: Retrieval Minimal Surface Distance Query Match Match Match Depthmap Depthmap Object Group 8

  9. Deformation: Symmetry Detection 1. Find Major Symmetry Planes 2. Model Surface -> Points 3. Match Points over Plane 4. Distribute Symmetry to Points Sampled Matched Point Point 9

  10. Deformation: Thin Plate Spline From Tsai et el. 10

  11. Completion: Cues for Voxels ● Voxels near observed depth points ● Voxels requiring large rotaion ● Symmetry reflection from matched mesh ● Voxels from matched mesh ● Depth distance ● Point distance 11

  12. Completion: Voxel Prediction 1.Boosted decision tree -> Confidence of each voxel 2.Fit to observations 3.Smoothing 12

  13. Completion: Voxels to Surface from wiki. From Kazhdan et el. Marching Cubes Poisson Reconstruction 13

  14. Evaluation ● SHREC12 mesh classification dataset ● 3 Kinds of Problems : 1. Novel View 2. Novel Model 3. Novel Category ● Performance Metric: 1. Intersection over union(large->better) 2. Surface distance(small->better) 14

  15. Evaluation Result 15

  16. Examples Novel Class Novel Model Novel View Res. Query Gnd. T. 16

  17. More Examples 17


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