Compiling Data to establish base-line and benchmarks OBJECTIVES INPUTS ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS OUTCOMES Short Medium Long Compile court Ensure quality data is Mass data 100% county- Have current Ensure accurate Analyze/compare data on truancy compilation and wide data data on data reporting and statistics for first maintained for successful petitions for assessment of reporting will lead attendance/trua accuracy of base- year of program benchmarking of the 2013. current base-line to informative ncy compiled line data program addressing statistics processes to and analyzed to 12 months attendance/truancy in K-1 Compile court address establish base- w/i 4-6 months data on ed attendance and line: w/i 3-4 Reduce school Establish a base-line on neglect Quarterly truancy issues months attendance while where current petitions 2013 reporting from increasing attendance/truancy issues courts/schools to Establish graduation rates are on a county wide basis maintain current ~ between 2013 and Compile court accurate data 2016. before the program begins delinquency and data base. student count (bulk is in elementary ed; rates as of 15% early high school). 2013 # of truancy Maintain petitions filed Establish base line of Compile quarterly school attendance, district-wide # of ed-neglect updates on graduation rates, and data on total petitions filed data from court delinquency rates starting in youth in K-1 and school. % of expulsion 2013 to monitor until 2016. and the number Statistics should include K- of youth in K-1 Establish current % of 1, grade 5, grade 7, and with attendance ~ suspension grade 9 for future issues. student count for future comparison. comparison # of truancy Compile petitions filed graduation rates w/I 2-3 months for 2013 # of ed-neglect petitions filed Compile school attendance rates % of expulsion for 2013 for K-1, 5, 7, and 9. % of suspension for future comparison
SCHOOL - JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP LOGIC MODEL Goal of Absenteeism OUTCOMES INPUTS ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS OBJECTIVES Short Medium Long Year 1: Adopt model policies to address Able Training coaches & Committee will County wide awareness of County wide use of absenteeism/early truancy to Community Identification of root cause complete a System Scan/data collection policies and procedures to absenteeism policies decrease elementary (K-5) Stakeholders of absenteeism address student absenteeism and procedures to identify root causes involving absenteeism by 5% throughout absenteeism/early truancy Jackson County by 2017 Jackson County Superintendents & Improved parenting School/Justice JCISD will review existing model Policy and process Family needs are assessed and and parental Taskforce policies protocols involving implementation barriers are indentified management practices absenteeism/early truancy Establish a collective agreement Community resources and Parents will increase Consistent use of between County Superintendents supports are secured to meet their understanding of absentieeism JCISD Improved policies addressing concerns involving famiy needs and reduce barriers the value of their policies and absenteeism/ early truancy that affect attendance child's education procedures Parents will understand Michigan's Compulsory School Children will Jackson County Superintendents will Elementary School Attendance law, local district Children will improve Establish/revise absenteeism policies improve school Administrators attendance policies and school attendance and a flowchart of procedures attendance implications of continued absenteeism Children will Year 2: Families will improve Cradle to Career Community Stakeholders & Committee improve grades Community partnerships communication with Group will begin to develop community and academic school partnerships performance Early Truancy The ISD & Committee will research Family and school Coordinator program planning and development attachment Existing policies/ protocols used The committee will research additional elsewhere such as funding mechanism as plan is Midland, Ingham and developed Eaton Counties Year 3: Provide Jackson County The Committee/School districs will with an evidence-based Interns provide Jackson County with an absenteeism/early truancy evidence-based absenteeism/early intervention program truancy prevention program Existing policies from End of year progress review- JCISD Reduction of Absenteeism other schools Medical Community Absenteeism Committee Members: Kriss Giannetti, Maureen Keene, Scott Dukate, Vicotria Burke and Anissa Lewis
SCHOOL-JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP LOGIC MODEL For Goal of Intervention & Resource Board OBJECTIVES INPUTS OUTPUTS OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES Short Medium Long The team will Will provide alternative ideas Resources from Reduction in the What are the Are suspensions What impact has review task force and resources for expulsions the Michigan number of out of current and expulsions up the change School – Justice data and and suspensions. school practices for or down in number made over time? resources. Partnership will suspensions and suspension and over the baseline? (2-5 years) The team will Gather specific and consistent be reviewed and expulsions. expulsion, develop a resource data for all schools for shared with county wide? list and determine suspensions and expulsions. community Provide Did attendance What impact, if alternative plans for partners. resources and What data is increase, as any, has the suspension and alternatives available to measured by change made on expulsion. Develop a team action plans for develop a annual student student The team will that will gather schools. baseline for the count? performance? review current data, to share number of suspension and county wide. Share current suspensions expulsion practices successful and expulsions, Is there What impact, if county-wide. The team will practices among county wide? community buy in any, has the The team will include school schools. with the change made on develop training principals, Are suspension suspension and graduate rates? packages for teachers, board Link current and expulsion expulsion goal? individual schools. members, DHS, school programs rates affected The team will and mental together in by the What impact, if provide families health collaborative strategies Is the resource any, has the and opportunity to representatives. efforts to share implemented? team being change made on participate in the resources. utilized? arrests, court development of Team members Are we able to referrals, and policies and will provide Parent and have parent and delinquency in practices. feedback to student student the community? County-wide data schools. representatives involvement in collection. to be invited in planning? Developing model Training for the development policies for truancy. school principals of new policies Developing model and boards will and practices. policies for be provided. suspension and expulsion. Current data is Providing resource district specific information to and inconsistent schools and school in content. boards. Policies and practices informed by community partners.
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