PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT • Objectives: • Identify different types of competencies. List skills required of employees at different levels. • Methods & approaches to mapping competency & practical application.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT • Contents : 1. Meaning & classification. 2. Identifying competency. 3. Individual & collective competencies. 4. Managerial skills. 5. Competencies of HR Professionals. 6. Essential competencies. 7. Assessment of competencies. 8. Competency mapping. 9. Competency models.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Meaning & classification of competencies Competence means a skill (performance • what people can do) and the standard of performance reached, while competency means behavior by which it is achieved (how people do it). Competencies refer to behavior adopted in competent performance. • Hogg B defined competency as ‘competencies of a manager that lead to the demonstration of skills and abilities, which result in effective performance within an occupational area. Another definition is an underlying characteristic of a person which results in effective and/or superior performance on a job.’
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Meaning & classification of competencies • The five types of competency characteristics : 1. Motives -things a person consistently thinks about or wants and drive, direct or select behavior towards certain actions or goals. 2. Traits- physical characteristics and consistent responses to situations or information. 3 . Self-concept - A person’s attitude, values or self image. 4. Knowledge- information a person has in a specific content area. 5. Skills- the ability to perform a certain physical or mental task.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Meaning & classification of competencies • Competency classifications : 1. Central & surface competencies - visible and developed with training. 2. Threshold and Differential competencies - • Threshold: those required for job. • Differentiating: differentiate superior performers from average. • Other classification : 1. Organisation competencies. 2. Job-role competencies. 3. Personal competencies.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Meaning & classification of competencies • A competency map is an essential tool outlining the skills and behaviors required to succeed as manager and by which team members can help focus and support a participant’s learning process. Purpose of competency development is to constantly enhance capability of workforce.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.2 Identifying a competency • It can be done with 360 degree feedback. Their ratings o 5 or 7 point scale can be weighted and multiplied by scores and ranked in order of importance. A core competency is bundle of skills & technologies that enable company to provide particular benefits to customers. Core competence does not diminish with use, but enhance as they are applied & shared. They need to be nurtured & protected, knowledge fades if not used. Skills are obtained through work. Transferable skills can be used in any occupation. Many companies are adopting competency based people management practices and systems to find new and innovative solutions for managing and motivating workforce.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.3 Individual & collective competencies Individual competence can be gained through • education & experience. Competencies obtained through education are general & applicable in more than one firm. Competencies gained through experience may be firm-specific & difficult to obtain. One challenge is to co-ordinate and utilise a range of dissimilar competencies spread among large number of employees. This affects performance of the firm. Key competencies in the firm are unique compared to those of competitors. and generate competitive advantage. Organisational performance is determined by the manner in which the competencies are chosen, combined and utilized. This has a social dimension, i.e. the way in which people interact and produce collective competence and teamwork.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.4 Competencies for HR professionals: • Different stages in the organization life cycle may require different types of skills by the manager. They also depend on the position of the manager. Skills can be categorized as technical, interpersonal or human relation, and decision-making or conceptual skills. Need for decision-making or conceptual skills tend to increase in importance as one moves up the organizational hierarchy. Interpersonal or human-relations skills are equally important at all levels
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: • Core HR competencies centre on leadership and managerial skills, functional performance and personal attributes. • HR competencies are divided into five distinct domains- 1. Knowledge of the business: i.e. organisation’s financial, strategic, technical and human capabilities, as well as company’s external competitive environment and customer demands. 2. Delivery of HR practices, concepts and build HR credibility.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: • 3. Management of change : strategic performance management competency facilitate the pace and extent of change in the organisation.. • 4. Management of culture : A high performance HR strategy is a leading indicator of high performance culture .e.g. in case of a strategic shift in business; organisation’s culture has to move from one focused on product and costs to one focused on customer service. • 5. Personal credibility: is the foundation on which other pillars of dimensions rest.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: • Credibility comprises of three dimensions : i) HR personnel ‘live’ the firm’s values like openness, candor, ability to be a team player, capacity to treat individuals with respect, concern for due process and professional bent of mind. ii) HR personnel build credibility when their relati9nshipwith colleagues are founded on trust and they skillfully support business objectives. iii) HR personnel earn the respect of their colleagues offering innovative ideas and solutions and encouraging debate about key issues . • Assessment of HR performance: is on results and behaviors. For development internal and external programmes are organized .
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: Skill Development • Various skills are developed under each of the following groups: 1. Planning & Organisation skills. 2. Oral & written communication skills 3. Decision-making, Supervisory, Management and/or Leadership Skills. 4. Financial management skills. 5. Critical thinking, Problem- solving and Conflict-resolution Skills. 6. Teamwork & teambuilding skills. 7. Ethics & tolerance skills. 8. Personal & professional management skills. 9. HR & interpersonal skills. 10. Career building skills 11. Management & administrative skills.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: Skill Development • 1. Planning & Organisation skills: i) Follow up to evaluate progress. ii) Praise & give credit. iii) Motivate others on group projects iv) Facilitate brainstorming activities v) Develop goals for organisation vi) Work effectively with organisation numbers vii) Identify tasks vii) Prioritise tasks ix) Facilitate discussions
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: Skill Development 2. Oral & written communication skills: i) Organise ideas for formal and spontaneous speeches. ii) Effectively participate in group discussion iii) prepare concise written material iv) listen and respond to messages v) Effectively utilize campus resources for public relations. vi) Respond to positive & negative feedback vii) debate issues without being abrasive viii) possess courteous telephone skills.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER V COMPETANCY DEVELOPMENT 5.5 Competencies for HR personnel: Skill Development 3. Decision-making, Supervisory, Management and / or Leadership Skills: i) understands steps involved in it ii) facilitate group in the process iii) implement sound decisions iv) take responsibility for decisions v) evaluate effects and effectiveness of decisions vi) make decisions without feeling pressure. vii) remain flexible with decision viii) explain unpopular decisions to others ix) motivate others to common goals x) use effective coaching. Mentoring skills with peers & subordinates.
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