Regent Park Community Update Meeting April 10, 2019
Land nd Acknowledge nowledgement ment The land we all stand on today is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Mê tis peoples. We acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Williams Treaty signed with multiple Mississaugas and Chippewa bands.
Housekeeping usekeeping • Washrooms are located to your left, and down the hall • Child minding is also available down the hall, in the library. • We have interpretation services in multiple languages
Gu Guidel idelines ines • We will treat everyone with respect • We will give people space to speak • We will provide an opportunity for further questions to be answered at the end of the meeting • We encourage all to participate • Stay focused on the topic
Contact Information: General City of Toronto Inquiries: Please call 311 Telephone: 416-392-7903 Email: Social Services Support: Website: Please call 211
Regent Park Constituency Assistants Luula Hassan Farhin Jahan Constituency Assistant, Regent Park Constituency Assistant, Housing Tel: 416-392-7903 Tel: 416-392-7903 Email: Email:
Agenda enda 6:30 p.m. Development Update Community Engagement Update Questions 7:00 p.m. Phases 4 and 5 RFP Update Questions 7:30 p.m. Open House 8:00 p.m. Wrap Up
Development velopment in Regent gent Park rk TCHC Buildings Daniels Buildings
Demolition: molition: 365 5 Parliament rliament and d 295 5 Ge Gerrard rard Demolition of 365 Parliament Street and 295 Gerrard Street East started in March. These are the final two buildings in Phase 3. The adjacent road, Dreamer’s Way, will be constructed from June-November.
Recently cently Op Opened: ened: 110 0 River ver St Tenants have started occupying units in 110 River Street. It is a 181- unit building with 100 RGI units and 81 affordable rental units. The building has a large outdoor terrace with seating, a children’s playground and gardening plots. Dundas St E River St
Updates dates on 110 0 River ver Relocation location • TCHC has rented 79 units at 110 River Street to eligible phase 1-4 tenants. This includes: • 29 - 2 bedrooms • 50 - 3 bedrooms • 15 3-bedroom units remaining to be rented. • Eligible Phase 5 tenants may be able to move directly into one of the remaining 3-bedroom units at 110 River Street.
Under der Construction: nstruction: 150 0 River ver Str treet eet 150 River Street is currently under construction, and is set to open in the winter of 2019. The building will have 158 units in total, with 125 RGI units and 33 affordable rental units. Oak St River St
16N is currently being In In Design: sign: 16 16N N designed. The building will be located at the corner of Oak Street and Sumach Street. It will be 12 storeys tall, with 181 units. In addition to apartment units and townhouses, the building will house the OU office and a satellite energy plant. Oak St River St
Relocation location Update date Status for Phases 1, 2, 3 and Direct Moves Moved out of TCHC 14% 221 HH Waiting to Return 10% 159 HH Returned Waived 64% 12% 997 HH* 191 HH * Includes direct moves
Market ket Housing: using: New w Oc Occupancies upancies The Sutton Collection The Sumach by Chartwell Dundas St E 18 units 332 units River St Occupancy: 2018/2019 Occupancy: 2019
Market ket Housing: using: Under der Construction nstruction DuEast Evolv 370 units 435 units Dundas St E Occupancy: 2020 Occupancy: 2020 River St Artworks The Wyatt 454 units 343 units Occupancy: 2021 Occupancy: 2019
Market ket Housing: using: In In Design/Development sign/Development Block The building that 1 will be located on Block 1 is currently in design.
Daniels niels Commu munity nity Comme mercial rcial Space ace Program gram
Community mmunity Economi onomic c Development: velopment: Current rent Programs ograms
Community mmunity Economi onomic c Development: velopment: Current rent Programs ograms Up Upcomi ming g Infor format mation ion Sessions: ons: May 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM • (246 Sackville St.) May 14, 2019 at 1:00 PM • (246 Sackville St.) May 22, 2019 at 6:00 PM • (4580 Dufferin St, suite 200)
Th The Social cial Development velopment Plan an To accompany the Physical Transformation, the SDP was created to guide social development and integration throughout Regent Park’s Revitalization process and to serve as a long -term strategy for the community Revitalization Physical Social Social Cohesion Development Development & Inclusion Plan Plan
Wh What t is th the Social ial Development velopment Plan? an? • 75 recommendations in the original Social Development Plan • After 10 years of physical development, a refreshed plan has been in development • The major goal of the SDP is to foster social cohesion and inclusion in the new Regent Park • Resident consultation to refresh the SDP has happened over the past 2 years
The Refreshed Social Development Plan In order to be accessible and useful to residents, agencies and organizations, the City and TCHC, the refreshed SDP is organized around four focus areas. Four Focus Areas: 1. Community Building 2. Communications 3. Employment and Economic Opportunities 4. Safety
Qu Ques estions tions on on Phase Phase 3 U 3 Upd pdates ates
Ph Phases ases 4 4 and and 5 5 RF RFP P Up Update date We are going to start this portion of the presentation with a video produced by Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts with input from the Revitalization Working Group. This is an explainer video on the RFP process and how you can participate.
Phases ases 4 and d 5 The Request for Proposals is a two-stage process Stage 1: qualifications of potential developers and how they respond to the community vision for Regent Park. Stage 2: business proposal and community economic development. We have issued the RFP to the shortlisted Proponents. They are: • Capital Developments • The Daniels Corporation • Tridel Builders Inc.
RFP FP Process cess Developer Developer Partner Partner Revitalization RFP issued Presentation & Selected on Phases 4 (April 2019) RFP Evaluation (Late and 5 Starts (Summer/Fall 2019/Early (2020) 2019) 2020)
How w is th the community munity involved? volved? • RFP Procurement Committee (made up of members of RPNA & Tenant Council ) reviewed the Stage 1 RFVQ and Stage 2 RFP document before it was issued. • TCHC has created the Revitalization Working Group which is tasked with the co-creation of the community engagement strategy for the RFP. • The community will attend the Developer Partner Presentations and score each presentation.
Engagement gagement Process cess CREATE SCORE ANNOUNCE UNDERSTAND Understand Create Vetted Score at the Announce the Request Questions for Developer Selected for Proposals the Developer Partner Developer Partner (RFP) Presentations Partner Presentations process
Developer veloper Partne tner r Presentations esentations • The community will help create questions for the developer partners, which will be narrowed down by the Revitalization Working Group, and vetted by a Fairness Commissioner. • The shortlisted proponents will give a presentation on their vision, community engagement strategy, community economic development plan and answer the vetted questions. • Residents of Regent Park will score each developer presentation on a scale of 1-5. • Resident scores will be incorporated into the RFP evaluation by TCHC. • We will be checking your photo ID, or ID with mailing address, to verify that you are a Regent Park resident. • For more information and to pre-register for the day, please visit
Qu Questions estions
Thank YOU! If you have any questions or concerns after this meeting, please call the Regent Park Hotline 416-981-4311
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