COMMUNITY TOWN HALL BUDGET MEETING March 12, 2019 Genera eral Fund Reven enue ue/Expen /Expense se Projecti ctions ons Other er Projections: ctions: Titl tle, e, Specia ial Ed, Techn hnolog ology y & Le Legisl slati tive e Funding ing Discuss cussion ion of Budgetar getary Optio ions ns and Imp mpact acts Audien ence ce Questi stions ons and Commun munica icatio tions ns
Board Budget Committee & Goal ■ Jeff Gray, Committee Chair ■ Jan Cahill, Committee Member and Board Chair ■ Kim Skornogoski, Committee Member Strategic ic Plan Goal: : Provi vide de pruden udent t stewards dship p and accounta ountabi bility lity of pub ublic c resou sources ces to best st sup uppor ort t educat ational ional oppor ortun tunit ity y and d student udent suc uccess cess. ■ The Board is committed to directing District resources to providing educational opportunity through both an instructional core and comprehensive programming while maximizing operational efficiency and public accountability within a sustainable budget. The District must recognize a need for a 21 st Century learning environment, changing student population with more diverse needs, uncertain revenue streams and escalating costs.
End Game: A balanced GENERAL FUND budget for the 2019-2020 school year that provides high quality educational opportunity while maximizing operational efficiency and public accountability. REMINDERS: ■ GENERAL FUND: The General Fund Budget finances the instructional costs of the district along with general maintenance and operational costs. It does not include grant monies nor federal allocations. ■ General Fund is NOT the bond levy proceeds! ■ Budget limits are established per MCA 20-9-308. ■ VOTING REQUIREMENTS — Voter approval is necessary for a district to increase Over-BASE taxes from the prior year. (MCA 20-9-308 and 20- 9-353).
HB 159: Funding Formula Summary : .91% & 1.83% inflation on the current funding formula Restores Data for Achievement Expands Guaranteed Tax Base (GTB) Funds the Natural Resource Development (NRD) payment to provide state match for the Building Reserve Permissive Levy fund Fiscal Note : $27,751,741 + $49,374,778 = $77,126,519 Bill Sponsor : Bruce Grubbs (R) with Anderson (R) and McKamey (R) Status : Signed by the Governor Voting : For...All GF Legislators GFPS Impact : $388,946 additional State funding or .55% in new money
18-19 19-20 Difference Notes: 100% Max Potential Budget $72,309,767 $ 72,850,701 $ 540,934 K-12 REVENUE: Overbase Property Tax $ 12,661,026 $ 12,661,026 $ - Locally voted; calculated without a 19-20 successful levy Guaranteed Tax Base (GTB) $ 14,461,137 $ 15,295,865 $ 834,728 Money from the State via other communities Local Base Property Tax $ 9,015,530 $ 8,451,469 $ (564,061) Set by the State funding formula; Lower local taxes Non-Levied Revenues $ 20,766 $ 12,506 $ (8,260) State $ Special Education $ 2,083,488 $ 2,078,777 $ (4,711) Enrollment driven Direct State Aid $ 28,774,678 $ 29,033,678 $ 259,000 Data for Achievement $ 217,882 $ 219,406 $ 1,524 Will receive the funding for 19-20 Indian Ed for All $ 227,501 $ 229,108 $ 1,607 Am. Indian Achievement Gap $ 342,186 $ 337,824 $ (4,362) At -Risk Student $ 370,773 $ 359,319 $ (11,454) Quality Educator $ 2,611,570 $ 2,595,189 $ (16,381) Fewer teachers = less money TOTAL $ 70,885,054 $ 71,274,000 $ 388,946 Difference from 100% $1,424,713 $ 1,576,701 % of Max Potential Budget 98.03% 97.84% Local Share $ 21,676,556 $ 21,112,495 $ (564,061) State Share $ 49,208,498 $ 50,161,505 $ 953,007 % Local 30.6% 29.62%
GENERAL FUND BUDGETING ■ Det eterm ermine ine estimat stimated d revenues enues ■ Det eterm ermine ine esti tima mated d expend penditu tures res ■ Det eterm ermine ine new w bud udge get t need ed ■ Com ompar are ■ Det eterm ermine ine nece cess ssary y action(s) ion(s) ■ Adopt t a bud udge get t in Aug ugus ust ■ The General Fund budget is: – A description of the educational plan and the resources required to support the plan; – An outline of proposed District actions; – An accountability tool as it is reported and audited; and – A public information document.
2019-2020 Budget Projections: Revenue Estimates: Additional STATE FUNDING: New 2019-2020 Factors: 2018-2019 local and *Enrollment Budget state allocations *Inflation Applied to Parts Authority of the Funding Formula $70,885,054 $71,274,000 +$388,946 $215,054 Need Estimates: Cost increase estimates: 2018-2019 Contractual Obligations: New general fund budget amount needed to maintain $604,000 Budget comprehensive programming 0 health insurance increase and staffing $70,885,054 0 wage increase $71,489,054 $604,000
2019-2020 Budget Projections: Revenue Estimates: Additional STATE FUNDING: New 2019-2020 Factors: 2018-2019 local and *Enrollment Budget state allocations *Inflation Applied to Parts Authority of the Funding Formula $70,885,054 $71,274,000 +$388,946 Each 1% of health insurance = $64,000 $407,054 Need Estimates: Cost increase estimates: Contractual Obligations: 2018-2019 New general fund budget $604,000 amount needed to maintain Budget 3% health insurance comprehensive programming and staffing $70,885,054 increase: $192,000 $71,681,054 0 wage increase $796,000
2019-2020 Budget Projections: Revenue Estimates: Additional STATE FUNDING: New 2019-2020 Factors: 2018-2019 local and *Enrollment Budget state allocations *Inflation Applied to Parts Authority of the Funding Formula $70,885,054 $71,274,000 +$388,946 Each 1% of health insurance = $64,000 Each 1% of wage increase = $534,000 $94 941,054 Need Estimates: Cost increase estimates: Contractual Obligations: 2018-2019 New general fund budget $604,000 amount needed to maintain Budget 3% health insurance comprehensive programming and staffing $70,885,054 increase: $192,000 $72,215,054 1% wage increase: $534,000 $1,330,000
2019-2020 Budget Projections: Revenue Estimates: Additional STATE FUNDING: New 2019-2020 Factors: 2018-2019 local and *Enrollment Budget state allocations *Inflation Applied to Parts Authority of the Funding Formula $70,885,054 $71,274,000 +$388,946 Each 1% of health insurance = $64,000 $1,475,054 54 Each 1% of wage increase = $534,000 Need Estimates: Cost increase estimates: Contractual Obligations: 2018-2019 $604,000 New general fund budget amount needed to maintain 3% health insurance Budget comprehensive programming increase: $192,000 and staffing $70,885,054 2% wage increase: $72,749,054 $1,068,000 $1,864,000
Other Budgetary ry Factors: Federal Funding Preschool Funding Special Education Technology Legislative Funding
Federal Funding Recap: Grant Name Purpose 2017-2018 2018-2019 Change 2018-2019 Formula Grants IDEA Elem. Federal Education for Children with Disabilities $ 1,735,206 $ 1,761,160 $ 25,954 associated with salaries and benefits. IDEA HS Federal " $ 661,065 $ 657,332 $ (3,733) Anticipating an approximate 2% decrease with additional costs IDEA Totals $ 2,396,271 $ 2,418,492 $ 22,221 Title 1 School wide " $ 2,945,254 $ 2,854,254 $ (91,000) Title II Class Size Reduction $ 252,054 $ 32,758 $ (219,296) $ 120,344 $ 129,150 Title 1 D ($55,200 pass through) Neglected and Delinquent Programs $ 8,806 Title III English as a Second Language $ 80,338 $ 81,539 $ 1,201 Title IV Enhancing Educational Opportunity $ 10,157 $ 185,554 $ 175,397 Title X Homeless $ 27,440 $ 25,024 $ (2,416) Federal ABLE Adult Basic Learning Education $ 155,317 $ 170,179 $ 14,862 State ABLE Access to Better Learning & Education $ 54,215 $ 99,284 $ 45,069 EL Civics Language and naturalization program $ 25,261 $ 24,750 $ (511) Perkins Vocational Education $ 190,600 $ 199,804 $ 9,204 Gifted and Talented Extended Curriculum for gifted $ 13,554 $ 13,554 $ - Indian Ed Grant Education and preservation of culture $ 310,017 $ 331,285 $ 21,268 Formula Grant Totals $ 4,184,551 $ 4,147,135 $ (37,416) Competitive grants Preschool Foundation grant Librarian at Preschool $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - MT Preschool Dev. Grant Expansion of current preschoolprogram $ 492,000 $ 502,754 $ 10,754 MT Comprehensive Literacy Intensive Literacy Intervention ELF, WH,LF, EMS, GFHS $ 290,000 $ 580,000 $ 290,000 Title I Support Grant Literacy Grant GFHS $ 95,000 $ (95,000) $ 6,000 $ 9,000 Jobs for Montana Graduates Foster job skills in at-risk students $ 3,000 Competitive Grant Totals $ 888,000 $ 1,096,754 $ 208,754 Impact Aid Mitigate Impact of Federal Property $ 841,391 Grant Totals (excluding Impact Aid) $ 7,468,822 $ 7,662,381 $ 193,559
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