6/22/2017 Dana Vollmer’s Coaches: COMMON The Development of Dana THEMES: Teri McKeever What were the common threads Ron Forrest With THE ARC OF through both Ron and Teri’s interviews? Ron Forrest Fort Worth Area Swim Team University of California-Berkeley (Developmental Coach ) Coached Dana from 1999-2005 Has coached Dana since 2006 (1.) Technique Matters DANA (12 years old-18 years old) (18 year old-29 years old) & Dana accomplished: Dana Accomplished: (2.) Fly with Intent Teri McKeever 2001 Goodwill Games 2006 Pan Pac Team 2003 Pan Am Team 2009 World Championship Team (College Coach ) 2004 Olympic Team 2010 Pan Pac Team (3.) The Use of Freestyle 2004 Short Course World Championship Team USA Butterfly Revolution 2011 World Championship Team 2012 Olympic Team A Webinar Series 3 Olympics 2013 World Championship Team Part II 7 Olympic Medals (5 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) 2016 Olympic Team 6 World Records 35 International Medals
6/22/2017 Ron Forrest: A summer league Ron Forrest: Ron Forrest: Early swimmer walks Explain the WHY “Just telling her to do “This little girl, just “Her job was to blow my something didn’t work Relationship swimming away at the back cautiousness out of the onto a year-round really well. She needed of the lane.” water!” to know why she needed to pool deck. - Understood his athlete from a young The Development of Dana - Ron set appropriate goals. age. do something.” The Development of Dana The Development of Dana - Had a good sense of how to motivate his - Was able to help her conceptualize - No one has a crystal ball. swimmer. work in a way which directly correlated to the end result. - Empowerment of staff. - Always thought long-term Development ! - Who is in your lane right now? Feedback and engagement is important to maintain focus on correct technique in butterfly.
6/22/2017 Ron Forrest: Ron Forrest: “She was very natural, very fluid… Ron Forrest: and I think that is something over Injury & “Remembering the the years that went away[during late Early Training “Train her middle distance freestyle, The Natural. technique more than teen years]...when I watch her swim get her aerobic and anaerobic base Adaptation now as an adult, I actually see more up, then swim the butterfly in anything” of what I remember from 12-13 because shorter distances keeping the she’s worked to put the stroke back technique up ” to what is natural and fluid for - 12 & Under training consisted of a lot of The Development of Dana How Ron has defined “natural and fluid”: her.” - There is opportunity in injury. 25s and 50s. The Development of Dana - Dynamic kick forward - Shorter distance stroke was always - Didn’t (couldn’t) follow the 10 x 200 The Development of Dana perfect. - Early head position down and mentality. forward - She wasn’t forced into long butterfly - Higher amplitude (bell-curve) chest - Activated fellow USA National Team training at a young age. press coaches for help/advice. - “Training for the 200 to be good at the 100” Dana may have been a natural, but what made he a natural is teachable! When work was increased, During very formative years, technique was still prioritized butterfly was about mastery not muscle
6/22/2017 Ron Forrest: Ron Forrest: Perfect fly, Dana trains “Rhythm is something that is so “This is not over for you. You important that you can lose…during everyday. need to compose yourself” practice [doing this set] allowed us the WHY. to get it back…finish on a perfect ” DANA ARRIVES AT The Development of Dana The Development of Dana - Training middle distance freestyle - Working with coaching peers BERKELEY - Butterfly was not over trained, or over - Growth mindset raced from 14-16 years old - “Finish on a perfect” gives Dana an opportunity to know what perfect fly - Fall of 2006 is. She can then both define perfect and feel perfect Our butterfly greats have a history deeper than JUST Out of necessity she learned that she wasn’t butterfly. going to be great at fly by muscle; but rather finesse.
6/22/2017 Teri McKeever: Teri McKeever: Teri McKeever: Teri’s first The “Matching the rhythm of the water “The way she is wired, has “We tried to swim different strokes, Wired for memories of rather than overpowering the water” been,…shorter [butterfly] pieces of initially, so it wouldn’t always be return of the about her butterfly” exactly how she wants to feel ” perfection. Dana. The Development of Dana The Development of Dana natural. The Development of Dana - Dana showed up to Cal injured. - Dana’s focus on mastery of the stroke continues. - Concept of relationship with the - Butterfly training was limited. water/butterfly (positive view on the - Train the stroke you want to race (100 - Swum different strokes, wasn’t stroke). or 200). always about butterfly. - Rhythm can’t be prescribed, but can be - Ability to maintain technique prescribed - Still had an emphasis on feel. found. the distance. - “Feel” is another, deeper, word for technique It’s about racing efficiency Even at the age where people Even at the age where people become “specialize” Dana kept her training SO specific, Dana kept her training versatile. versatile.
6/22/2017 Teri McKeever: Teri McKeever: Teri McKeever: “Trained [butterfly] on the shorter “Not just focusing on the down Racing the [On racing the 200 fly] end, it was about good stroke, not Teri talks kick, but making sure the up kick “Even if you fall apart at a 150, Training fly letting it fall apart. Using fins moved her forward ” 200 fly it is still going to help your to help, using freestyle to help ” 100.” technique The Development of Dana The Development of Dana The Development of Dana - Maintain good stroke: Thriving Butterfly - Teri (like Ron) had Dana know the WHY. versus Surviving Butterfly. - Head down and forward. - Embraced the opportunity of swimming - Mixed Freestyle/Fly within repeats. the 200 fly. - Hips up – judging angulation. - Nothing really over 100 repeat. - Dana was a sub 2:10 200 flyer! - Kick helping her move forward. 100 and 200 fly might be different Training shorter repeats of butterfly animals, but it is important to race The word is forward. does NOT mean you have to decrease both. volume of a workout.
6/22/2017 COMMON What was the thread through both USA BUTTERFLY Ron and Teri’s interviews? THEMES (1.) Technique matters REVOLUTION (2.) Fly with intent IN: (3.) The use of freestyle THE ARC OF DANA Facebook Group: “USA Butterfly Revolution”
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