committee of the whole

Committee of the Whole Request for Direction December 19, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fine Peace Furry Creek Canada Application for an OCP Amendment and Rezoning Committee of the Whole Request for Direction December 19, 2019 Background Planning Context Key Issues Building Heights Proposed Park (in lieu of pier)

  1. Fine Peace Furry Creek Canada Application for an OCP Amendment and Rezoning Committee of the Whole Request for Direction December 19, 2019

  2. Background • Planning Context Key Issues • Building Heights • Proposed Park (in lieu of pier) • Location of Village Commercial and Community Facilities Staff Recommendations Next Steps

  3. Furry Creek Planning Context RGS: Master Planned Community Master Planned Communities refers to larger scale developments that are planned on a comprehensive basis within the defined boundaries of Britannia Beach, Furry Creek and Porteau Cove, as shown on the Regional Settlement Planning Map and the Howe Sound Settlement Planning Map For existing SLRD master planned communities, further growth is not supported beyond what is currently contemplated in SLRD Official Community Plans (OCPs) and what is specified in the SLRD Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). Zoning and OCP amendments that propose to increase density or area of existing SLRD master planned communities are not supported.

  4. OCP: Planned Community Continue to recognize the Planned Community designation, and encourage adequate provision of community facilities and public open space as development proceeds. Consider establishing zoning regulation of the Uplands area of Furry Creek consistent with the existing development agreement to ensure public consultation occurs in conjunction with any revisions to the development agreement.

  5. OCP: Planned Community A development agreement with the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) is in place and Furry Creek ha[d] an approved Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for development of 920 residential units consisting of up to 250 units in the “waterfront” lands and up to 670 single family lots in the “uplands”.

  6. Furry Creek Planning Context Zoning: Furry Creek R1, R2, R3 and Furry Creek C1 & C2 plus unzoned land

  7. Furry Creek Planning Context - Development Covenants Oceanside Development Covenant “Marina Phase” - Public Access Area (right of way) containing a paved walkway together with all necessary ancillary support structures and associated works including landscaping, benches, stairs, railings, curbs and gutters and similar equipment “Waterfront Phase” – the pier is fully constructed and complete to the specifications as set out on Schedule D

  8. Marina Phase Public Walkway

  9. Upland Development Covenant Specifies timing of servicing upgrades and identifies timing of provision of community facilities and amenities. Community facilities and amenities to be provided under the Upland Development Covenant (UDC) by the owner include: 1. Fire Hall 2. Community Centre 3. Administrative Offices 4. Public Works Yard

  10. Key Issues - Building Heights – Visual Impacts Proposed Mid-rise buildings of up to: • 6 – 11 storeys proposed on Lot 2 • 6 storeys in Marina & Collector Neighbourhoods • 8 storeys in Uplands North & South High-rise buildings of up to: • 15 storeys in North West and North East Neighbourhoods

  11. Visual Impact Analysis Overview Balloons at Proposed Building Heights: View from 800 Ocean Crest

  12. View from 800 Ocean Crest Original Proposed Heights After Height Reduction of Signature Building

  13. Signature Building Height Reduction

  14. View from the Highway

  15. Northbound View of the Northwest Neighbourhood LiDAR, bare land, looking north With LiDAR trees

  16. Key Issue - Building Heights: Fire Protection • Limited capacity of Britannia Beach VFD • Fine Peace has offered to provide funding to support training and acquisition of fire fighting apparatus • Technical reports regarding fire safety have been received from: • Jack Blair, Fire Protection Report For the Proposed Furry Creek Development, June 2019 • GHL Consultants, Fire Safety in Residential Buildings, Furry Creek, BC, October 18, 2019 • A number of fire safety design features have been proposed to help address possible fires in taller buildings. They include video cameras on each floor and intercoms on every 2 floors. Significantly, Furry Creek has a “sprinklering” bylaw. • From an emergency management program/fire services perspective, SLRD staff recommend obtaining an opinion by the Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS) as to what would be required to issue a protected status Dwelling Protection Grade (DPG) to the proposed development.

  17. Building Heights – Zoning Approach • Recognizing the present fire service limitations, Fine Peace has requested consideration of zoning, with conditions, for taller buildings • The Fire Underwriters Survey would define the fire services conditions/criteria to be met that would make buildings of various heights insurable for fire risk. • A zoning approach is being proposed that zones for taller buildings, but restricts building heights to a maximum of 6 storeys until adequate fire protection service can be provided as defined by FUS. • The regional district solicitor and SLRD Emergency Management staff support the inclusion of specific FUS criteria being met before construction of buildings taller than six storeys can be constructed.

  18. Key Issue 2 - Park Proposal in lieu of Pier • Oceanside Development Covenant condition to develop a pier as a public amenity. • Pier was strongly opposed by residents. Crown tenure application was ultimately rejected by BC Lands, resulting in the original location for the pier being abandoned. • An alternate pier location was approved in 2005 but never pursued.

  19. • Fine Peace has proposed a park location on the road right of way (outlined in red below) adjacent to Hole 14. • PWL landscape architects have developed a plan for a new waterfront park that includes a children’s play area, picnic areas and a public washroom. • Fine Peace will work with a golf course architect and landscape architect to provide a safe visual and physical alignment to address concerns associated with proximity to the golf course.

  20. Additional Park & Trail Initiatives Fine Peace is also proposing a number of additional parks: • a 0.275 ha waterfront park north of the Marina which will be accessed by a trail provided approvals can be obtained from CN. • a 1 ha wetland park in Uplands North. • a 8.5 ha park between the Uplands North and South neighbourhoods which will incorporate wetlands and bioswales with interpretive plaques, sitting and viewing areas. • a 1 ha wetland that will be protected within the Uplands North neighbourhood and a 2.23 ha Middle Creek Park between the Upland South neighbourhood and golf course. • In addition, Fine Peace has committed to create many kilometres of trails in response to feedback from the community which sees this as a much desired recreation form.

  21. Key Issue 3 - Village Commercial & Community Centre Relocation • Proposal to relocate commercial from Oliver’s Landing Lot 4 and community centre from Lot 9 to a single site adjacent to Hole 3 • More convenient, central location for village commercial • Community centre would help animate the village commercial centre. • SLRD already owns Lot 9 in fee simple for community centre purposes • Proposed community centre is presently on MoTI right of way. May be possible to purchase right of way land.

  22. Proposed Village Commercial & Community Centre

  23. Overview of the Village Commercial from Ocean Crest

  24. Community Centre

  25. Staff Recommendations 1. Proceed with consideration of zoning for taller building heights as proposed by the applicant. Further technical work will be needed to determine zoning or development covenant preconditions (or both) to allowing construction of taller buildings. 2. Proceed with consideration of the park on the road right of way subject to confirmation of an adequate tenure arrangement. 3. Proceed with consideration of relocation of the village commercial and the community centre as proposed. If fee simple tenure cannot reasonably obtained for the MoTI right of way, Lot 9 could be used as originally planned.

  26. Next Steps 1. Staff and consultants will be addressing the following in the new year: • Infrastructure servicing (water, waste water disposal, storm water management) • Geotechnical • Transit & Traffic Management • Environment & Habitat • Parks & Trails 2. Progress report(s) 3. Draft OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for discussion

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