commit to student success with avid

Commit to Student Success with AVID Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Commit to Student Success with AVID Agenda This Evening: Welcome: Ruth Moen Executive Director of Secondary Ed. What is AVID? o Overview, Purpose, Student and Teacher Voices Break Ou Out S Sessi ssion ons: Mr.

  1. Commit to Student Success with AVID

  2. Agenda This Evening: Welcome: Ruth Moen Executive Director of Secondary Ed. What is AVID? o Overview, Purpose, Student and Teacher Voices Break Ou Out S Sessi ssion ons: Mr. Belcher & Site Team Principal Mt. Si Mr. D’Ambrosio & Site Team Principal TFMS 2

  3. Ad Advanc ncement nt Vi Via Indiv ivid idual ual Determ ermin inat atio ion [L. avidus]: eager for knowledge

  4. Wha hat is is AVID? ?  A schoolwide college readiness system  A school elective/exploratory class  A structured approach to rigorous curriculum “WICOR”  Direct support structure for first-generation college students  Professional development for educators 4

  5. Th The AVID E Ele lective s stude dent pro profil ile Has as ac acad adem emic p potentia ial  Average to high test scores  2.0-3.5 GPA  College potential with support  Desire and determination 5

  6. Where re is is AVID? AVID impacts more than 700,000 students in 45 states and 16 other countries/U.S. territories 6

  7. AVID ID prepar ares s s student nts t s to…  Develop as read readers an and writ writer ers  Know content specif ific ic s strategie ies for reading, writing, thinking, and speaking  Develop hab habits its, skills, an and behavio viors to use knowledge and skills 7

  8. Why Colle lege R Readine ness? ss? Will every student pursue higher education? Not ne neces essarily. . Should every student be prepared for and have the option to attend college or pursue higher education? Absolu lutely ly! 8

  9. Ba Barriers to h higher er ed education ion  Teacher and school perceptions  Family fears/lack of resources  The peer group  Lack of academic preparation  Increased competition for college spaces 9

  10. How A w AVID w works  Acceler erates es s stud udent ents, , who have potential, into more rigorous courses  Teac eaches ac acad adem emic and and social ial s skil ills not targeted in other classes  Provide des intensive s suppo pport with in-class tutors and a strong student/teacher relationship  Creat eates es a a posit itiv ive p e peer eer group up for students  Develops a a se sense of of hop ope and personal al a achievem ement ent gained through hard w work k and de determination 10

  11. People Like Me (AVID Video) - YouTube Student Voices…. What AVID Means To Me Teacher and Student Voice: What AVID Means To Me Ms. Garcia TFMS STEM Teacher 11

  12. Why y AVID W Works ks  Raises s student nt a achievement nt  Ensu sures c res college a ege access ss and nd s suc uccess  Clos oses o oppor portuni unity and exp xpectat ation gap gaps 12

  13. AVI VID cl closes t the he achi hievement gap ap 2013 AVID seniors completing four-year college entrance requirements AVID U.S. U.S. Overall 95% 94% 94% 93% 93% 93% 100% 92% 84% 90% 80% 70% 60% 49% 50% 39% 36% 40% 25% 30% 22% 21% 20% 10% 0% American Asian Black or Filipino Hispanic or Other White (not Overall * * Indian or African Latino Hispanic) Alaska Native American AVID Center. AVID Senior Data Collection. (2012- 2013). Study of 34,229 AVID Seniors. Greene, J.P. and Forster, G. (2003). Public high school graduation and college readiness rates in the United States (Report No. 3). 13 New York: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. *Filipino and Other not classified by Greene and Forster (2003) National data represents the most current comprehensive data available

  14. 2013 A AVID Se Senio niors  91 91% plan lan t to en enroll ll in in a a colle llege o e or univ iversity » 61% 1% pl plan t to o en enrol oll i in a fou our-year u universit ity » 30% 30% plan an t to enroll i in a a two-ye year colle llege AVID Center. AVID Senior Data Collection. (2012- 2013). Study of 34,229 AVID seniors. 14

  15. Break eak O Out ut Ses Sessions ons: Meet Meet Your our T Team eam Middle School Principals And AVID SITE Team In The Wildcat Court Mt. Si Principals and AVID Site Team - Stay in Auditorium 15

  16. Bre reak O Out Se Sessio ssions:  Q & A with Principals and AVID Site Team  Review Packet of Materials  Understand the application process  Be thoughtful of the impact of your decision – Prepare for your potential—  You qualify for the determination to achieve 16

  17. All ll AVID se secondary s y stude dents Demographics of AVID Secondary Students in 2012-2013 American Indian or Alaska Native 1% Asian 5% Black or African American 18% Hispanic or Latino 50% Multi-Racial 2% White (not Hispanic) 21% Other 1% Male 41% Female 59% Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch 66% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% AVID Center. AVID General Data Collection. (2012- 2013). Study of 391,810 secondary AVID students. 45

  18. Th The AVID E Ele lective s stude dent pro profil ile Meets one or more of the following criteria:  First to attend college  Historically underserved in four-year colleges  Low-income  Special circumstances

  19. WI WICOR 47

  20. WICOR Writ iting Writing process (prewrite to final draft)  Respond, revise  Edit, final draft  Cornell notes  Quickwrites  Learning logs, journals 

  21. WICOR Inqu quiry  Skilled questioning  Socratic Seminars  Quickwrites/discussions  Critical-thinking activities  Writing questions  Open-minded activities

  22. WICOR Colla labo bora ration on Group projects  Response/edit/revision groups  Collaboration activities  Tutorials  Study groups  Jigsaw activities  Read-arounds 

  23. WICOR Organiz anizatio ion Tools  Binders  Calendars, planners, agendas  Graphic organizers Methods  Focused note-taking system  Tutorials, study groups  Project planning, SMART goals

  24. WICOR Reading ading SQ5R (Survey, Question,  Read, Record, Recite, Review, Reflect) KWL (What I Know;  What to Learn; Learned) Reciprocal teaching  Think-alouds  Text structure  Critical reading 

  25. A samp mple w week i in the he AVI VID E Elect ctive Dail ily or Block Schedu edule le Monday ay Tuesday Wednesday ay Thursday ay Frid iday Binder Evaluation Field Trips AVID Curriculum Tutorials AVID Curriculum Tutorials Media Center Speakers Motivational Combination for Combination for Activities Block Schedule Block Schedule (within block) Curric iculum: Tutoria ials:  Writing  Collaborative Study Groups  College and Careers  Writing Groups  Strategies for Success  Socratic Seminars  Critical Reading 53

  26. The e AVID C College llege R Readin ines ess S System em AVID E Eleme mentary Embedded strategies in multi-subject, non-elective classrooms AVID Se Secon ondary AVID ID El Elec ecti tive: : year-long elective offered on secondary sites AV AVID Schoolw lwide: strategies across all departments AVID P Postsecond ndar ary AVID Postsecondary works with institutions of higher education to support students with the goal of increasing academic success, persistence, and completion rates.

  27. A A Typical D Day in in a an A AVID Ele Elementary C Cla lassroom • Students use agenda/planner throughout the day • Organizational tools are expected to be used throughout the day • Note -taking strategies are utilized by all students • Lessons with an emphasis on WICOR are represented in a variety of subjects


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