commissioning of metering equipment

Commissioning of Metering Equipment BSC Modification P283 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public Commissioning of Metering Equipment BSC Modification P283 6 October 2014 Sarah Fuller/Mike Smith Health & Safety 2 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283 Welcome and I ntroductions Present Today

  1. Public Commissioning of Metering Equipment BSC Modification P283 6 October 2014 Sarah Fuller/Mike Smith

  2. Health & Safety 2 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  3. Welcome and I ntroductions ■ Present Today ■ Suppliers, Meter Operators, LDSOs, Generators, the TAA and ELEXON – Sarah Fuller (ELEXON) – Mike Smith (ELEXON) – Paul Gregory (TAA) 3 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  4. P283 So What's all the Fuss? ■ Sarah Fuller/Mike Smith/ Paul Gregory

  5. What is Commissioning?

  6. Commissioning of Metering Systems • BSC Section L /Code of • To be performed on all new Practice Four (CoP4) metering equipment which requirement is to be used in Settlement 6

  7. Code Of Practice 4 Requirements Meter Testing CTs/VTs Commissioning Record keeping Records Procuring records 7

  8. What is commissioning? Commissioning is a series of site tests and checks to confirm that the Metering Systems is accurately recording the flows of electricity at the Defined Metering Point. Without commissioning there can be no certainty; and I f there is an underlaying error it may not be seen for years. 8 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  9. How to Commission? (Pre P283) I t is up to the MOA to carry out and record tests which PROVE compliance CoP4 Section 5.5.2 That the current transformers are of the correct ratio and polarity and correctly located to record the required power flow; 1. Correct ratio: Injection Test either on the primary circuit or on a test bench. 2. Polarity: DC flick test, Buck and Boost test etc. 3. Location: are the CTs at the DMP as in appendix A of the relevant CoP . Visual confirmation WARNI NG Labels can be wrong 9 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  10. Sample commissioning report Requirement Method Result Pass / Fail Confirm the CT Injected 10A in primary circuit Output of 0.25A Pass ratio confirms ratio of 200/5A Confirm the CT Inject 10A in primary circuit which includes Output of 0.5A Pass polarity a standard CT (200/5). Combine the confirmed secondary outputs (S1 to S1 and S2 to S2) to give 0.5A – Boost test Reverse the standard CT output and Output of 0A recorded Pass combine to give 0A – Buck test CT Correctly Visually inspection. The CTs are located in This is the DMP Pass located the CT chamber above the cut out. 10 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  11. Background to P283 – why the need for a Modification?

  12. Background to P283 – why the need for a Modification? Lack of / Incomplete Records CT/VT Compensation Incorrectly not applied for losses Installed Issues CT Calibration Ratios errors/phase rotation Incorrect 12

  13. Background to P283 – why the need for a Modification Results of the 2013/ 14 TAA Annual Report Health of the Market SVA CVA • 71% of HHMS audited had • Commissioning non- no evidence of or compliances have reduced incomplete commissioning; from 40 in 2012/13 to 32 in 2013/14 BUT sample • There are commissioning size increases from 5% to issues for all HHMS where 14.75% this year. a Category 1 non- compliance was recorded. 13 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  14. Background to P283 – why the need for a Modification BSC Audit • Extrapolating errors due to installation and commissioning of Metering Systems 2012/2013 would give an error of between 1.5 to 2.4TWh. Audit Qualification. • Mentioned in BSC Audit report but 2013/2014 extrapolated error < 1.5 TWh 14 Insert: Document title

  15. What is P283? Intended to reinforce Commissioning processes P283 Places new Commissioning obligations on System Operator Obligation to notify where records incomplete Solve access issue - obligation on equipment owners 15

  16. What do the new arrangements mean for you?

  17. Pre P283 Meter MOA Commissions Test Terminal Block Evaluates overall accuracy Output: Commissioning Report & calibration records CTs VT 17 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  18. Post P283: The new arrangements MOA Commissions Equipment Output: Commissioning Report & Meter calibration records MOA evaluates overall accuracy Test Terminal Block MOA notifies Registrant System Operator Commissions of Commissioning results Equipment Output: Commissioning Report & calibration records In case of failure of, or gap CTs VT in, Commissioning process, Registrant notifies LDSO or Transmission Company as appropriate 18 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  19. What do the new arrangements mean for you? Commissioning complete – no risk Receive Assess for risk to Supplier Commissioning Settlement notification from MOA Escalate gap in Agree appropriate steps Commissioning process to System to be taken to minimise incomplete Operator (LDSO) risk to Settlement Commissioning complete – no risk Receive Assess for risk to Generator Commissioning Settlement notification from MOA Escalate gap in process to Agree appropriate steps Commissioning System Operator to be taken to minimise incomplete (LDSO/Transmission risk to Settlement Company) 19 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  20. What do the new arrangements mean for you? Records complete - Inform Registrant and commission Metering retain copy of records equipment in for life of Metering Assess for completeness accordance with CoP4 Equipment Receive Commissioning and accuracy clarifying & calibration records MOA anything incorrect or from LDSO/TSO unclear Escalate gap in process Records incomplete to Registrant Provide copy of Commissioning & Record the CT & VT serial Ensure calibration records for Calibration records to System Operator numbers, class accuracy, CTs & VTs are available relevant MOA & Supplier burden, makes & models. and retain copy for life of Metering Equipment 20 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  21. Communications under P283

  22. Communications under P283 – We have provided sample forms in guidance for people to use – Initial communications are likely to be via E-mail – We will be providing a list of specific e-mail and telephone contacts for Suppliers, MOAs, LDSOs and the Transmission System Operator on our Portal – We anticipate these requirements will evolve and improve over time – TAMEG is looking at potential further developments. – DTN? Electronic Forms? What do YOU think? 22 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

  23. Questions and Open Forum 24 Commissioning of Metering Equipment: BSC Modification P283

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