commissioners meeting

Commissioners Meeting T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 7 , 2 0 1 2 M O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RGRTA Board of Commissioners Meeting T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 7 , 2 0 1 2 M O N R O E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Agenda Approve Minutes and

  1. RGRTA Board of Commissioners Meeting T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 7 , 2 0 1 2 M O N R O E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E

  2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Pledge of Allegiance  Adoption of Agenda 

  3. Approve Minutes and Acceptance of Reports  Regular Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2012

  4. CEO Report Presented by: Bill Carpenter

  5. Chief Executive Officer Report  Project Highlight  Miscellaneous

  6. Project Highlight


  8. Project Overview  Install 4 Automatic Traveler Information Signs (ATIS) at SUNY Geneseo  Install 1 ATIS inside Geneseo Wegmans  Install Computer Aided Dispatch / Automatic Vehicle Location in LATS Vehicles  Provide “Where’s my Bus?” (WMB) - Text Messaging Capability  Enable 24 hour dispatch , RTS takes control when LATS offices close. LATS Dispatch coverage is currently 6am-6pm Monday-Friday  Update Radio hardware into FCC compliance  Co-location of Livingston County emergency tower to provide better coverage

  9. Why LATS?  Largest Regional location: FY11-12 Total Ridership  245,962  114,792 of those riders were SUNY Geneseo Students  Largest Regional Fleet consisting of 25 vehicles

  10. ATIS signs to be installed at Geneseo College Wayne Hall Residence and Lot H will have Pole Mounted signs The College Union and Library will have Wall Mounted signs

  11. ATIS sign to be installed at Wegmans in Geneseo  One ATIS single line sign will be installed behind Wegman’s customer service counter.  All Signs will be installed during the month of July.

  12. ATIS Sign and WMB Communication Plan  Participation in student orientations: giving away canvas “Geneseo/LATS” bags with information on service and WMB  Signage attached to ATIS poles on how to use WMB  Geneseo College website: promotional spots under transportation and parking venue  Poster campaign for all buildings  LATS Facebook Page  Meet with Student Government in September to review new features of ATIS and WMB  WMB business cards available in all buses  WMB communication packet distributed to all subsidy partners

  13. Project Costs  Project is funded by a 5309 grant  Total budget : $875,000  Spent to date: $366,211  Expected project closeout amount: $847,656  Operating Costs 2013 and beyond: $40,125 o Communications (i.e. cellular modems, T1 Line) o Vendor support for CAD/AVL, Radio/IVU Support* *Contracted Services costs are not finalized.

  14. Timeline Date Board Approval to proceed with CAD/AVL Communications System for LATS 6/2/2011 Project Start 11/1/2011 Signed Easement Agreement with Wegmans, confirmation of sign location and color 11/14/2011 Signed Easement Agreement SUNY Geneseo Sign Location, color and right to build 2/23/2012* Signs Ordered 3/5/2012 Engineering Drawings Complete 4/17/2012 Bid Documents Issued for Construction work (sign installation, electrical, etc.) 4/23/2012 Upgrade of Network to accommodate RTS-LATS communications (T1 & backup DSL) 5/25/2012 Vehicle Installations Complete 5/25/2012 Board Approval to proceed with Construction Contract 6/7/2012 Cut Vehicles over to production 7/20/2012 Construction Completed 7/30/2012 Go-Live 8/16/2012 * Project could not move forward without a signed contract from SUNY Geneseo, which was delayed by 3 months. SUNY Geneseo’s original request was to have the ‘go - live’ to occur prior to start of fall semester; our target date was 6/15. Due to creative planning and extra effort , the revised target date was delayed only by 2 month, still meeting SUNY Geneseo’s timeline.

  15. Timeline You are here Board Approval to move Construction forward with the Complete construction August June 7 May 25 July 20 July 30 16 Vehicle Cut vehicles Go Live Date Installations over to Complete Production

  16. Summary  Strengthen Partnership with SUNY Geneseo  Improved Radio Communications within Livingston County and with RTS  Dependable Real-Time Information for Customers

  17. Chief Executive Officer Report  Project Highlight  Miscellaneous

  18. Miscellaneous RTS Quarterly Employee Meeting Lift Line Quarterly Employee Meeting May 9, 2012 May 11, 2012

  19. Miscellaneous  Beechwood Neighborhood Clean Sweep May 12, 2012

  20. Miscellaneous The volunteers at Reconnect Rochester invite you to be "CAR-FREE" with us for one day. We're aiming to get 1,000+ Rochesterians to use public transit on June 21. Anyone, anywhere can participate. Just leave your car at home and hop a bus with us!

  21. Miscellaneous  Attended Fortune Leadership Conference  Meeting with Tony DiMarzo, owner of the HH Warner Building  Attended 2012 Financial Executive of the Year Awards Luncheon  Customer Town Meeting  Attended 2012 State of the County Address by Maggie Brooks  Met with Assemblyman Harry Bronson and Chris Hilderbrant, COO of Center for Disability Rights  6 Pack Lunch Meeting with Employees

  22. Financial Report Presented by: Robert Frye

  23. Financial Report RGRTA - Consolidated Budget Status Report - FY 2012-2013 As of 4/30/12 - (In Thousands) Budget FYTD Projected Budget 2012-13 4/30/2012 3/31/2013 Variance Revenues Total Locally Generated $ 28,718 $ 2,533 $ 29,390 $ 671 Total Government Subsidies $ 43,244 $ 3,600 $ 43,291 $ 48 Mortgage Tax $ 6,850 $ 566 $ 6,950 $ 100 Grand Total Revenue $ 78,812 $ 6,699 $ 79,631 $ 819 Expenses Personnel Salary & Wages $ 35,797 $ 2,870 $ 36,244 $ (447) Fringe Benefits $ 22,161 $ 1,439 $ 22,273 $ (112) Total Personnel $ 57,958 $ 4,310 $ 58,517 $ (559) Non-Personnel Services $ 4,356 $ 247 $ 4,190 $ 165 Fuel/Lubricants $ 7,570 $ 640 $ 7,574 $ (3) Parts $ 3,178 $ 224 $ 3,178 $ - Other $ 6,600 $ 487 $ 6,654 $ (54) Total Non-Personnel $ 21,704 $ 1,599 $ 21,596 $ 108 Grand Total Expenses $ 79,662 $ 5,908 $ 80,113 $ (451) Net Income/Deficit From Operations & Subsidies $ (850) $ 791 $ (482) $ 368

  24. Consent Resolutions

  25. Resolution Authorizing the Declaration of Buses and Office Furniture as Surplus RGRTA 43-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y D a v i d C o o k , V P P r o c u r e m e n t & G r a n t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

  26. Resolution Awarding Contract for Real Estate Appraisal Services RGRTA 44-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y D a v i d C o o k , V P P r o c u r e m e n t & G r a n t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

  27. Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Commissioning Agent Services for the Renaissance Square Transit Center RGRTA 45-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y M a r k B a l l e r s t e i n , D i r e c t o r o f E n g i n e e r i n g

  28. Resolution Awarding a Contract for Installation and Maintenance of On-Street Dynamic Messaging Signs in Livingston County RGRTA 46-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y D a w n S y w u l s k i , M a n a g e r o f C o n t r a c t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

  29. Resolution Acknowledging Annual Board Review and Approval of RGRTA’s Procurement Guidelines RGRTA 47-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y D a v i d C o o k , V P P r o c u r e m e n t & G r a n t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

  30. Resolution Authorizing Establishment of Depository Bank Account RGRTA 48-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y R o b e r t F r y e , C F O

  31. Resolution Amending a Contract with Clean Source for Janitorial Services RGRTA 49-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y D a v i d C o o k , V P P r o c u r e m e n t & G r a n t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

  32. Resolution Extending the Fuel Service Agreement with the City of Rochester to Include Diesel Fuel RGRTA 50-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y B r u c e P h i l p o t t , D i r e c t o r o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n O p e r a t i o n s

  33. Motion to Adjourn the Monthly and Move into Annual Meeting

  34. RGRTA Board of Commissioners Annual Meeting T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 7 , 2 0 1 2 M O N R O E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E

  35. Approve Minutes of Preceding Joint Annual Meeting  Adoption of Annual Meeting Agenda, June 7, 2012  Approve Annual Meeting Minutes, June 2, 2011

  36. Resolution Ratifying Actions of Commissioners/Directors and Officers of the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority and Its Subsidiaries RGRTA 51-2012 P r e s e n t e d b y H a r o l d C a r t e r , G e n e r a l C o u n s e l / C A O

  37. Election of Officers


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