Com puter Vision � Extraction of scene content from images and video � Traditional applications in robotics and control Com puter Vision and – E.g., driver safety Object Recognition � More recently in film and television – E.g., ad insertion � Digital images now being used in many fields Prof. Daniel Huttenlocher 2 Com puter Vision Research Areas Today’s Overview � Commonly broken down according to � Focus on some mid- and high-level vision degree of abstraction from image problems and techniques � Illustrate some computer vision algorithms – Low-level: mapping from pixels to pixels • Edge detection, feature detection, stereopsis, and applications optical flow � Segmentation and recognition because of – Mid-level: mapping from pixels to regions potential utility for analyzing images • Segmentation, recovering 3d structure from gathered in the laboratory or the field motion – Cover basic techniques rather than particular – High-level: mapping from pixels and regions to applications abstract categories • Recognition, classification, localization 3 4 I m age Segm entation A Motivating Exam ple � Find regions of image that are “coherent” � Image segmentation plays a powerful role � “Dual” of edge detection in human visual perception – Regions vs. boundaries – Independent of particular objects or � Related to clustering problems recognition – Early work in im age processing and clustering � Many approaches – Graph-based This image has three perceptually distinct regions • Cuts, spanning trees, MRF methods – Feature space clustering – Mean shift 5 6
I m portant Characteristics Graph Based Form ulation � G=(V,E) with vertices corresponding to pixels � Efficiency and edges connecting neighboring pixels – Run in time essentially linear in the number of image pixels • With low constant factors 4-connected or 8-conneted • E.g., compared to edge detection � Understandable output � Weight of edge is magnitude of intensity – Way to describe what algorithm does difference between connected pixels • E.g., Canny edge operator and step edge plus noise � A segmentation , S , is a partition of V such � Not purely local that each C ∈ S is connected – Perceptually im portant 7 8 Motivating Exam ple MST Based Approaches � Purely local criteria are � Graph-based representation inadequate – Nodes corresponding to pixels, edge weights are intensity difference between connected pixels – Difference along border between � Compute minimum spanning tree (MST) A and B is less than differences within C – Cheapest way to connect all pixels into single component or “region” � Selection criterion � Criteria based on piecewise A B C – Remove certain MST edges to form components constant regions are • Fixed threshold inadequate • Threshold based on neighborhood – Will arbitrarily split A into − How to find neighborhood subparts 9 10 Com ponent Measure Measuring Com ponent Difference � Don’t consider just local edge weights in � Let internal difference of a component be constructing MST maximum edge weight in its MST – Consider properties of two com ponents being Int(C) = max e ∈ MST(C,E) w(e) merged when adding an edge – Smallest weight such that all pixels of C are � Kruskal’s MST algorithm adds edges from connected by edges of at most that weight lowest to highest weight � Let difference between two components be – Only if edges connect distinct components minimum edge weight connecting them � Apply criterion based on components to Dif(C 1, C 2 ) = min vi ∈ C 1, vj ∈ C 2 w((v i, v j )) further filter added edges – Note: infinite if there is no such edge – Form of criterion lim ited by considering edges weight ordered 11 12
Regions Found by this Approach Closely Related Problem s Hard � What appears to be a slight change – Make Dif be quantile instead of min k-th vi ∈ C 1, vj ∈ C 2 w((v i, v j )) – Desirable for addressing “cheap path” problem of merging based on one low cost edge A B C � Makes problem NP hard � Three main regions plus a few small ones – Reduction from min ratio cut � Why the algorithm stops growing these • Ratio of “capacity” to “demand” between nodes – Weight of edges between A and B large wrt max � Other methods that we will see are also weight MST edges of A and of B NP hard and approximated in various ways – Weight of edges between B and C large wrt max weight MST edge of B (but not of C) 13 14 Som e Exam ple Segm entations Sim ple Object Exam ples k=300 320 components larger than 10 k=200 323 components larger than 10 15 16 Monochrom e Exam ple Beyond Grid Graphs � Components locally connected (grid graph) � Image segmentation methods using affinity (or cost) matrices – Sometimes not desirable – For each pair of vertices v i ,v j an associated weight w ij • Affinity if larger when vertices more related • Cost if larger when vertices less related – Matrix W= [ w ij ] of affinities or costs • W is large, avoid constructing explicitly • For images affinities tend to be near zero except for pixels that are nearby − E.g., decrease exponentially with distance • W is sparse 17 18
Cut Based Techniques Norm alized Cuts � For costs, natural to consider minimum � A number of normalization criteria have cost cuts been proposed � One that is commonly used – Removing edges with smallest total cost, that cut graph in two parts cut(A,B) cut(A,B) – Graph only has non-infinite-weight edges + Ncut(A,B) = assoc(A,V) assoc(B,V) � For segmentation, recursively cut resulting components � Where cut(A,B) is standard definition – Question of when to stop ∑ i ∈ A,j ∈ B w ij � Problem is that cuts tend to split off small � And assoc(A,V) = ∑ j ∑ i ∈ A w ij components 19 20 Com puting Norm alized Cuts Approxim ating Norm alized Cuts � Has been shown this is equivalent to an � Integer programming problem NP hard integer programming problem, minimize – Instead simply solve continuous (real-valued) y T (D-W)y version – relaxation method – This corresponds to finding second smallest y T D y eigenvector of � Subject to the constraint that y i ∈ { 1,b} (D-W)y i = λ i Dy i and y T D1= 0 � Widely used method – Where 1 vector of all 1’s – Works well in practice � W is the affinity matrix • Large eigenvector problem, but sparse matrices � D is the degree matrix (diagonal) • Often resolution reduce images, e.g, 100x100 D(i,i) = ∑ j w ij – But no longer clearly related to cut problem 21 22 Norm alized Cut Exam ples Spectral Methods � Eigenvectors of affinity and normalized affinity matrices � Widely used outside computer vision for graph-based clustering – Link structure of web pages, citation structure of scientific papers – Often directed rather than undirected graphs 23 24
Segm entation Som e Segm entation References � Many other methods � J. Shi and J. Malik, “Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and – Graph-based techniques such as the ones Machine Intelligence ,vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 888-905, 2000. illustrated here have been most widely used and successful � P. Felzenszwalb and D. Huttenlocher, “Efficient Graph Based Image Segmentation,” International Journal of – Techniques based on Markov Random Field Computer Vision , vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 167-181, 2004. (MRF) models have underlying statistical model � D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, “Mean shift: a robust approach • Relatively widespread use for medical image toward feature space analysis,” IEEE Transactions on segmentation problems Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 603-619, 2002. – Perhaps most widely used non-graph-based method is simple local iterative update procedure called Mean Shift 25 26 Recognition Recognizing Specific Objects � Specific objects � Approaches tend to be based on geometric properties of the objects – Much of the history of object recognition has been focused on recognizing specific objects in – Comparing edge maps: Hausdorff matching images – Comparing sparse features extracted from • E.g., a particular building, painting, etc. images: SIFT-based matching � Generic categories – More recently focus has been on generic categories of objects rather than specific individuals • E.g., faces, cars, motorbikes, etc. 27 28 Hausdorff Distance Distance Transform Definition � Set of points, P, some distance ⎟⎜ • ⎟⎜ � Classical definition D P (x) = min y ∈ P ⎟⎜ x - y ⎟⎜ – Directed distance (not symmetric) • h(A,B) = max a ∈ A min b ∈ B ⎟⎜ a-b ⎟⎜ – For each location x distance to nearest y in P – Distance (symm etry) – Think of as cones rooted at each point of P • H(A,B) = max(h(A,B), h(B,A)) � Commonly computed on a grid Γ using � Minimization term is simply a distance D P (x) = min y ∈ Γ ( ⎟⎜ x - y ⎟⎜ + 1 P (y) ) transform of B – Where 1 P (y) = 0 when y ∈ P, ∞ otherwise – h(A,B) = max a ∈ A D B (a) – Maxim ize over selected values of DT 2 1 2 3 1 0 1 2 � Not robust, single “bad match” dominates 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 3 29 30
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