Com Compa pany ny pr profile ofile
Wh Who we o we ar are We are a part from ZROUGA GROUP A leader Tunisian group acting in three main economical sectors : Industry , real estate and international trading. IFRISOL is a fast-growing manufacturer of high-performance photovoltaic modules with total annual capacity of 750 MW in 2020 and availability in more than 40 country
VI VISION ON provide affordable and smart energy solutions through technology and innovation to create a better future for the next generations MI MISSIO SION Our mission is to boost global renewable energy development around the world for the benefit of all humanity..
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 OHSAS 18001:2007 TÜV Rheinland IEC 61215 : 2016 IEC 61730 : 2016 IEC EN 62716 : 2013 IEC EN 61701 IEC UL 61730 : 2017 Ce Certifications rtifications
Ba Base se Mar arket ket From Tunisia to the world
Re Referen ferences ces
78 78 MW MW Ind India ia
40 40 MW MW Turkey Turkey
30 30 MW MW Fr Fran ance ce
30 30 MW MW Tun Tunisia isia
22 22 MW MW Mor Morocc occo o
16 16 MW MW Hun Hungary gary using mono PERC and Bifacial
Sta Stay Conn y Connected ected Address: ress: INDUSTRI STRIAL AL ZONE E DIET T ENFI FIDHATUNISIA DHATUNISIA Phone: ne: (+216 216) ) 73 381 853 E-mail: il: contact@ifrisol. solar twitter. com/Ifrisol1 instagra .com/ifri.sol /ifri.sol/ ifrisol
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