Gahanna Middle Schools Code of Conduct Meeting
REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION Physical signed by the 1 st day of practice and/or try-out Good for 1 calendar year Online at Needs to be on the OHSAA form EMA form turned in with the physical by the first day of practice and/or try-out Good for the current sport Online at
REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION Athletic Code of Conduct signed by the 1 st contest (It is subject to enforcement for 12 months.) Pay-to-Participate fee paid by the 1 st contest
POLICY: TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, AND OTHER DRUGS In Season Out of Season 1 st : 50% loss of 1 st : 20% loss of next season and must playable season if complete family family education education course to course is completed be reinstated to team (if course is not completed, then loss 2 nd : Excluded from all of athletics for one athletic participation (1) calendar year) for one (1) calendar year 2 nd : Same as “In Season” second 3 rd : Banned from all violation athletic programs for remainder of 3 rd : Same as “In student’s athletic Season” third eligibility violation
ATTENDANCE AT SOCIAL FUNCTIONS/SITUATIONS In Season Out of Season 1 st : 20% loss of 1 st : 0% notify season parents 2 nd : 50% loss of 2 nd : 20% loss of season season 3 rd : removal from 3 rd : 50% loss of team season 4 th : removal from team
SELF-REFERRAL/ PEER REFERRAL BY STUDENT ATHLETES Allowed one time Made by student athlete, team member, or a member of the immediate family Made to the AD, coach, teacher, administrator, or guidance counselor Failure to attend a family education course can result in removal of the athletic program for up to one year
POLICY: CITIZENSHIP Student athletes should not cause undo attention to themselves. Student athletes should not wear any garment belonging to the athletic program for any reason other than for practice or competition. Acts of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to, the following: theft, vandalism, disrespect, and violations of law. Posting of inappropriate materials on web pages, etc. is not acceptable. Good citizenship is expected of each individual. Inappropriate behavior in school may result in loss of participation or removal from team (i.e. detentions, Saturday School, ISR, or OSS).
ELIGIBILITY Per OHSAA Policy Athletes must have a passing grade in 5 or more classes based on the previous quarter. All classes have the same weight, including Related Arts classes. All 7 th graders are eligible at the start of the fall quarter. All 8 th graders use the GPA from the 4 th quarter of their 7 th grade year.
ELIGIBILITY Per District Policy Athletes must have a 1.50 GPA or above to be eligible, which is based on the previous quarter. Athletes are required to attend study table if the GPA is between a 1.50 - 1.99. Study table is twice a week from 7:30am - 8:30am. Eligibility is checked every 2 weeks. (1 F=1 week/2 or more Fs=2 weeks)
PAY-TO-PARTICIPATE Fee Breakdown (as of July 2013) First Sport = $100.00 Second Sport = $50.00 Third Sport = Free Family Cap = $250.00 (middle school only) If athletes are on free or reduced lunch, then the fee is waived. (Free/reduced lunch application must be completed.) If athletes quit or are removed, the fee will not be refunded. Forms of Pay Cash, Check , Money Order, or Credit Card (Make checks payable to “Gahanna Athletics.”)
ATTENDANCE POLICY Athletes missing school for illness must be in attendance for a half day (4 periods) to be eligible to participate in practice or a game on that day. Students missing school on the day prior to a day with no school are eligible that day as long as their absence is an excused absence (Doctor’s note, etc.)
ATTENDANCE POLICY Vacations by team members during the season are discouraged. If unavoidable please: Notify the head coach in advance Be willing to accept change in team status when returning to the team You are not permitted to participate with non-school teams (club, AAU, etc.) while participating in the school sponsored sport.
CONCUSSIONS Any athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion shall be immediately removed from the contest and shall not return to play until cleared with written authorization by an appropriate health care professional (licensed doctor or athletic trainer).
ADDITIONAL INFO E-mail Blast Please make sure we have the most up- to-date e-mail address on file. Athletic Information Driving Directions and Athletic Schedule are located on our website under “Sports Calendar.”
CONTACT INFORMATION Tom Martin Gahanna Middle Schools Athletic Director 614-479-1414 or Middle School East Athletic Office - Sherry Kish 614-478-5550 or Middle School South Athletic Office - Janet Lawson 614-337-3730 or Middle School West Athletic Office - Deb Wilson 614-269-4845 or
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