clojurescript in action

ClojureScript in Action! David Nolen QCON New York 2015 Demo REPL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ClojureScript in Action! David Nolen QCON New York 2015 Demo REPL Driven Development JavaScript JavaScript has an incredible amount of reach these days Browser iOS Android Java ClojureScript ~4 years old, 109

  1. ClojureScript in Action! David Nolen QCON New York 2015

  2. Demo

  3. REPL Driven Development

  4. JavaScript ๏ JavaScript has an incredible amount of reach these days ๏ Browser ๏ iOS ๏ Android ๏ Java

  5. ClojureScript ๏ ~4 years old, 109 contributors, ~25000 lines of code ๏ In production at Ebay, Cisco, Thomson Reuters, and many more ๏ Thanks to React an explosion of innovation

  6. REPL ๏ Wishful thinking is a powerful tool ๏ Avoid trivial testing & implementation detail testing ๏ Stay in the fl ow

  7. Node.js Demo

  8. Browser Demo

  9. Ambly ๏ REPL to iOS device via mDNS (Bonjour aka ZeroConf) ๏ Mounts iOS application directory as WebDAV volume ๏ Can develop applications sans Xcode

  10. Ambly Demo

  11. Takeaways ๏ “Live coding” can fundamentally change how you work ๏ Coding is an active, explorative process ๏ REPLing from a source fi le is qualitatively di ff erent

  12. Questions?


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