
GeoSolutions, Taming OpenData and INSPIRE challenges with Open - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GeoSolutions, Taming OpenData and INSPIRE challenges with Open Source: lessons learned and real-world use cases from an SME Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions Outline Who we are What we do What we have done My Perspective on

  1. GeoSolutions, Taming OpenData and INSPIRE challenges with Open Source: lessons learned and real-world use cases from an SME Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions

  2. Outline  Who we are  What we do  What we have done  My Perspective on INSPIRE and OpenData

  3. GeoSolutions  Founded in Italy in late 2006  Expertise Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion • Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python • JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced 2D visualization •  Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects GeoTools, GeoServer  GeoBatch, GeoNetwork   Clients Large NGOs, Public Administrations  Private Companies  Good balance between Italian and International Clients  

  4. Reference Architecture Mashups MapStore Metadata Maps & Data Tiles & KML GeoNetwork GeoServer GeoWebCache Metadata WMS Data & Styles GeoBatch Ingest & Preprocess

  5. ---------- PNG, GIF ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- Shapefile JPEG WMS ---------- --------- --------- TIFF, 1.1.1 ---------- ---------- Formats and Protocols 1.3.0 GeoTIFF Vector files SVG, PDF PostGIS Oracle Styled KML/KMZ KML maps H2 DB2 Shapefile SQL Server GML2 MySql WFS GML3 Spatialite 1.0, 1.1, DBMS GeoRSS GeoCouch 2.0 Raw vector GeoJSON data CSV/XLS ArcSDE WPS WFS 1.0.0 GeoTIFF ArcGrid WCS Servers GTopo30 1.0,1.1.1 GeoTIFF Img+World 2.0.1 WMS Raw raster ArcGrid data GTopo30 GWC Img+world (WMTS, KML superoverlays TMS, Mosaic Raster files Google maps tiles MrSID WMS-C) OGC tiles JPEG 2000 OSGEO tiles ECW,Pyramid, Oracle GeoRaster, PostGis Raster

  6. GeoWebCache  Tile Oriented Geospatial Cache  Java Enterprise  Maps Acceleration ( 10x to 100x ) GeoWebCache  Standards compliant  OGC WMS 1.1.1, WMTS 1.0  TMS  WMS-C  Google Earth/Maps support  Stand-Alone or Integrated in Persistent raster/KML GeoServer tile cache

  7. MapStore  Create, Manage, Share Stunning Maps easily  Mashing-up various sources of data  Inject markers and tracks with custom HTML pop-up  Embed in existing sites and portal  Use as complete geoportal solution

  8. GeoNetwork • Metadata ISO19115:2003, ISO19119:2005, ISO19110:2005, – COMMON ISO19139:2007 LANGUAGES FGDC, Dublin Core – EXCHANGE • Export/Import FORMATS RSS & GeoRSS newsfeeds – CATALOGUES/ XML + XSL – WEB SERVICES • Catalogue interfaces – OGC CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile – OAI-PMH – Z39.50 Geo-OpenSearch – GeoRSS – – WebDAV • Web Mapping Client – OGC standards for WMS, WMC • Web Map Server (through GeoServer) – WMS, WFS, WFS-t, WCS, KML

  9. GeoBatch  Real-time produced data Remote Sensing, In situ, Models, etc..   Recognizable, isolate data streams  Flow Incoming series of geospatial data  Specific format  Defined rules for preprocessing  Defined rules for ingestion and/or exploitation  Automatic Ingestion and preprocessing  No manual intervention   Example, flow of EO raster GeoWebCache Producer Tile Pyramid Publish GeoServer

  10. INSPIRE – Who does What  Discovery service  GeoNetwork  View, Download, InvokeSD, Transformation Service  GeoServer

  11. INSPIRE Discovery Services GeoNetwork  GeoNetwork implements CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile  INPIRE extended constraints in metadata should be explicitly enabled in GeoNetwork  Complies with almost all main requirements in Metadata Implementation and Discovery Services  Main compliancy issues in:  Handling federated catalogues  in Discovery Service Metadata and Link Discovery Service operations  Federated metadata retrieving  no CSW, only Z39.50  Publishing in pull mode  matching CSW Harvest operation in GN is not stable yet

  12. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Historically well supported WMS 1.1.1  GeoServer Stable 2.1.x Supports WMS 1.3  Ordnance Survey (UK) funded the work  INSPIRE compliancy still partial  Harmonized Names (available since 2.2.0 beta)  SOAP Support missing (recommended, not mandatory)  Scenario 2 not supported  Partial support for multilingualism  INSPIRE Community Extension  Separate plugin  Plugs-in additional fields for Multilingualism and Service Metadata

  13. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Language support:  Single language declaration support  Limitations  No multilingual metadata on layers  Missing localized support for exceptions  Missing localization support for contents (e.g., GetFeatureInfo, GetMap labels)  Robust support for Mandatory CRS (ETRS89)  Support for Mandatory Encoding Formats (PNG, GIF)  Support for SLD 1.0 solid and mature  Many Additional Vendor Options

  14. INSPIRE View Services GeoServer  Support for SE 1.1 present  extra operations available in SE 1.1 and not in SLD 1.0 are not supported  Some of the above are available as SLD 1.0 vendor extensions (same functionality, different syntax)

  15. INSPIRE View Services GeoWebCache  Full support for WMTS 1.0 (tiled view services)  Harmonized names possible  INSPIRECRS84QUAD tile matrix set not built-in, but manually configurable  Missing INSPIRE extensions:  WMTS Capabilities document does not contain the required INSPIRE extensions (WMS-C do though)  No layer metadata links  Internationalization support missing  No SOAP support

  16. INSPIRE Download Services GeoServer  GeoServer 2.2.0 beta first release to support WFS 2.0 and GML 3.2.1  IGN France Funding  SOAP supported  Missing some functionalities  Standard Capabilites Extension missing  Local and Remote Resolve  GetPropertyValue Interactions with AppSchema/Complex Features  Basic Workflow for Complex features  Store original datasets in ad hoc schema database  Generating Object-Relational mappings  On-the-fly output transformations

  17. INSPIRE Coordinate Transformation Services - GeoServer  GeoServer provides coordinate transformation tools with the gs:Reproject WPS process  Requires some changes to become compliant  Name change  List supported SRS  Use different mime types for GML  Add “test transformation” mode (does not actually transform, checks only if possible)

  18. INSPIRE InvokeSD Services GeoServer  GeoServer Support OGC WPS 1.0.0  Interaction with external WFS and WCS  Automatic Ingestion of produced data  Basic process chaining is supported  Interaction with BPEL/BPMN engine to be tested

  19. Florence OpenGeoData Portal

  20. Florence OpenGeoData Portal

  21. Progetto CERCO

  22. Progetto CERCO

  23. LaMMa - MetOc

  24. NURC - CMRE

  25. Acque Wiz EU Project  Crowdsourcing of data losses reports and data quality  Participative approach to water resourcing and planning

  26. Cultura Italia - MuseiD Portal  Integrate with OpenCMS & SOLR  Inject custom markers and tracks with custom HTML pop-up  Mobile Enabled Version  Link-back to managed resources  Example here  No INSPIRE!

  27. Open Data  Tremendous push for business and innovation  Bottom-up process  Current Infrastructures shortcomings  Focus on data rather than on services  Mostly unidirectional  Split between geospatial and non geospatial  Interoperability between Hubs is an open point  There’s room for improvement

  28. INSPIRE  Top-down process  Works by imposition  Complexity, Complexity, Complexity  We really needed more docs to read!  Adapting to INSPIRE is expensive  Existing products  Existing infrastructure  Existing data repositories  Real world moves faster than standardization bodies  Open Data provides momentum, let’s use it!

  29. Conclusions  We work for people  People ask for more data & services not more rules  Complexity generate confusion  Confusion generate failures  Innovation  development of new values  solutions that meet new requirements  inarticulate needs  old market needs in new ways  Open Data initiatives are fostering innovation  INSPIRE does generate business, but innovation?

  30. The End Thanks for your time

  31. GeoSolutions  We don’t just use Open Source  We contribute to creating real Open Source products  New Features  Bug Fixing  Contributions Review and Acceptance  Community Management  Documentation*  Communication (conferences, events…)  No investors, we sustain ourselves with our revenue

  32. Team – Key Members Ing. Simone Giannecchini  Founder, GeoServer PSC, GeoTools PMC, ImageIO-Ext Architect, JAI-Tools founder,  GeoBatch founder Ing. Alessio Fabiani  Founder, GeoServer PSC, GeoTools Committer  Ing. Andrea Aime  GeoServer PSC, GeoTools PMC, JAI-Tools Lead, ImageIO-Ext committer  Ing. Daniele Romagnoli  GeoServer Committer GeoTools PMC, ImageIO-Ext Lead, JAI-Tools Committer  Ing. Emanuele Tajariol  GeoServer Committer, GeoTools Committer, GeoNetwork PSC  Ing Mauro Bartolomeoli  GeoServer Committer, GeoTools Comitter, GeoBatch Committer 

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