clinical presentation of mosaic manifestations of

Clinical Presentation of Mosaic Manifestations of Neurocutaneous - PDF document

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  1. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Clinical Presentation of Mosaic Manifestations of Neurocutaneous Syndrome Conference Paper · August 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 139 1 author: Retno Danarti Universitas Gadjah Mada 76 PUBLICATIONS 375 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Dermatitis View project Infantile Hemangioma View project All content following this page was uploaded by Retno Danarti on 12 April 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.

  2. ����������������� Speaker: Proceeding Book of The 23 th Regional Conference of Dermatology Incorporating with the 16 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology August 8 th – 11 th 2018 Grand City Convex, Surabaya - Indonesia Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia (PERDOSKI) Bekerja sama dengan League of Asean Dermatological Societies; Universitas Airlangga ; Rumah Sakit Daerah Dr. Soetomo dan Ikatan Dokter Indonesia

  3. Speaker: Proceeding Book The 23 th Regional Conference of Dermatology Incorporating with the 16 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology DR. Dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Reviewer : DR. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Prof. DR. Dr. Saut Sahat Pohan,Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Prof. DR. Dr. Indropo Agusni, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Dian Ardiana, Sp.KK, FINSDV Dr. Agnes Sri Siswati, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Danang Triwahyudi, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Adri Dwi Prasetyo, Sp.KK Dr. Irmadita Citrashanty, Sp.KK Editor : Dr. Maylita Sari, Sp.KK Dr. Menul Ayu Umborowati, Sp.KK Dr. Renata Prameswari, Sp.KK Bambang Agustono Roesmaydita Noernaning Mentari Kep,S.Kep,Ns ISBN : 978 - 602 - 50061 - 5 - 9 Cetakan : Pertama, September 2018 Dicetak : Percetakan Wahana Ilmu Jl. Kali Kepiting N o . 97 Surabaya Isi diluar tanggung jawab percetakan Diterbitkan oleh : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia (PERDOSKI) Bekerja sama dengan League of Asean Dermatological Societies; Universitas Airlangga ; Rumah Sakit Daerah Dr. Soetomo dan Ikatan Dokter Indonesia

  4. ���ala���alaik�� �aroh�at�llahi �abarokat�h Sala� Se�ahtera �ll �ri�e� to �o� �rai�e an� �ratit��e to �o� �l�i�ht� �or �i� �ra�e �o that thi� e�ent �an be hel� ��oothl�� �he �� r� �e�ional �on�eren�e o� Der�atolo�� ���ian����tralian� In�orporatin� �ith �he �� th �nn�al S�ienti�i� �eetin� o� the In�one�ian So�iet� o� Der�atolo�� an� �enereolo�� hel� in �ran� �it� �on�e� an� �e�i�al �a��lt� o� �irlan��a �ni�er�it�� S�raba�a�In�one�ia on �����t � th � �� th ����� �hi� biann�al �on�eren�e i� the o��i�ial �on�re�� o� the �ea��e o� �S��� Der�atolo�i�al So�ietie� ���DS�� �o�pri�in� the national �er�atolo�i�al �o�ietie� o� In�one�ia� Sin�apore� �hailan�� �ala��ia� �hilippine�� �ietna�� an� �a�bo�ia� �hi� e�ent i� in�orporatin� �ith �� th �nn�al S�ienti�i� �eetin� o� In�one�ian So�iet� o� Der�atolo�� an� �enereolo��� the bi��e�t ��ienti�i� �er�atolo�i�t �eetin� in In�one�ia� �he �on�eren�e i� e�pe�te� to �ra� ���� to ���� atten�ee�� �ith parti�ipation �ro� In�one�ian an� �o�ntrie� o� the ��ia��a�i�i� re�ion� in�l��in� �hina� In�ia� �on� �on� an� �ai�an� �he�e o� the �on�eren�e i� ��nhan�in� ��i�en�e �a�e� Der�atolo�� �ra�ti�e in �lobali�ation �ra�� �he �on�eren�e ai� i� to enhan�e �er�atolo�i�al pra�ti�e ba�e� on be�t e�i�en�e� an� brin� �er�atolo�i�al re�ear�he� into �lini�al pra�ti�e�� �he �on�eren�e al�o ai�� to �p�ate the late�t �e�elop�ent in �e�i�al an� ��r�i�al �er�atolo��� ��n�re�� paper are pre�ente� in thi� �on�eren�e on topi�� in �an� i���e� ���h a� �e�i�al ethi�� an� e���ation�� aller�i� an� a�toi���nolo�� �kin �i�ea�e�� tropi�al in�e�tion �kin �i�ea�e�� �e��al tran��itte� in�e�tion�� �kin t��or� �o��eti� �er�atolo��� �er�ato��r�er�� ener�� ba�e� �e�i�e� in �er�atolo��� an� �o on� �re�enter� �o�e �ro� all o�er In�one�ia� ��ia� the �S� the ��� an� al�o ��ropean �o�ntrie�� �he �o��ittee �o�l� like to thank all pre�enter� an� parti�ipant� �or the �reat �ontrib�tion to thi� �on�eren�e� �e al�o �o�l� like to all area� �or �enero�� ��pport an� �ollaboration to ����e�� thi� e�ent� �he �o��ittee al�o apolo�i�e i� there are an� in������ien�ie� ��rin� the preparation pro�e�� an� the �on�eren�e� �e hope thi� �reat ��ienti�i� e�ent �ill �ontrib�te to the a��an�e�ent o� �er�atolo����enereolo�� in the �orl�� S�raba�a� ��l� �� th ���� �he �o��ittee o� the �� th �e�ional �on�eren�e o� Der�atolo�� In�orporatin� �ith the �� th �nn�al S�ienti�i� �eetin� o� the In�one�ian So�iet� o� Der�atolo�� an� �enereolo�� 23 th RCD - 16 th PIT PERDOSKI 2018, Surabaya - Indonesia, August 8-11 th 2018 iii

  5. ORGANIZING AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 23 rd RCD - 16 th PIT PERDOSKI 2018 PATRON : - Minister of Health Indonesia - President of Indonesian Medical Association - Rector of Airlangga University ADVISORY : - Mayor of Surabaya - President and Excecutive Board of LADS - President and Excecutive Board of Indonesian Society Dermatology and Venereology - Director of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya - Dean of the Medical Faculty of Airlangga University BOARD OF COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON : Dr. Syarief Hidayat, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV SECRETARY GENERAL : Dr. Srie Prihianti, PhD, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV ORGANISING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON : DR. Dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV VICE-CHAIRPERSON : DR. Dr. Cita Rosita S.Prakoeswa, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV ORGANIZING SECRETARY : Dr. Ni Putu Susari Widianingsih, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV VICE-SECRETARY : Dr. Hanny Nilasari, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Ary Widhyasti, M.Kes, Sp.KK, FINSDV SECRETARIAL AND REGISTRATION COORDINATOR : Dr. Linda Astari, Sp.KK, FINSDV SECRETARIAL : Dr. Astindari, Sp.KK Dr. Dinar Witasari, Sp.KK Bambang Agustono REGISTRATION : Dr. Septiana Widyantari, Sp.KK Dr. Yuri Widia, Sp.KK Dra. Eka Marta Diana TREASURER : Dr. Trisniartami Setyaningrum, Sp.KK, FINSDV VICE-TREASURER : Dr. Inge Ade Kristanti, SpKK, FINSDV, FAADV VICE –TREASURER II : Dr. Kurniati, Sp.KK FUND RAISING COORDINATOR : Dr. Andreas Widiansyah,Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV MEMBERS : Dr. Sri Ellyani, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Abraham Arimuko, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Herliani M Purba, Sp.KK, FINSDV Dr. Jasmin Thalib, Sp.KK Dr. Firdausi Nurharini, Sp.KK FOOD COORDINATOR : Dr. Trisiswati Indranarum, Sp.KK, FINSDV MEMBERS : Dr. Noormaini, Sp.KK Dr. Desy Hinda Pramita, Sp.KK Dr. Renata Mayangsari, Sp.KK SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR : Dr. Dian Ardiana, Sp.KK, FINSDV MEMBERS : Prof. Dr. Jusuf Barakbah, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Prof. DR. Dr. Saut Sahat Pohan,Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Prof. DR. Dr. Indropo Agusni, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Agnes Sri Siswati, SpKK(K), FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Danang Triwahyudi, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV Dr. Adri Dwi Prasetyo, Sp.KK Dr. Irmadita Citrashanty, Sp.KK Dr. Menul Ayu Umborowati, Sp.KK Dr. Renata Prameswari, Sp.KK 23 th RCD - 16 th PIT PERDOSKI 2018, Surabaya - Indonesia, August 8-11 th 2018 iv


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