cleaning digester clarifiers lagoons

Cleaning Digester, Clarifiers & Lagoons JR Inman Vice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cleaning Digester, Clarifiers & Lagoons JR Inman Vice President Class Objective Industrial Pumping Options Questions Industrial Pumping Digester Lagoons Clarifiers Digester Maintaining and

  1. Cleaning Digester, Clarifiers & Lagoons JR Inman – Vice President

  2. Class Objective • Industrial Pumping • Options • Questions

  3. Industrial Pumping • Digester • Lagoons • Clarifiers

  4. Digester • Maintaining and cleaning will: • preserve maximum capacity • reduce operational downtime • help assure compliance • preserve normal plant operations • prevent emergency incidence and associated costs

  5. Lagoon • • • 1950: The use of ponds had become recognized as an 2014: One third of all secondary wastewater treatment 1980: Approximately 7,000 waste stabilization lagoons economical wastewater treatment method for small facilities include a pond system were in use in the U.S. municipalities and industries

  6. Clarifier • Clarifiers are used in many different industries for similar purposes, pulp and paper, on-site waste, and POTW • Regular maintenance will minimize the negative impact of debris buildup before it has a noticeable effect on the efficiency of the treatment process * Pumping a three million gallon clarifier Simpson Tacoma Kraft Paper Mill

  7. Options When cleaning a DIGESTER, LAGOON or CLARIFIER, there are many QUESTIONS that need answers. How long has it been since your last cleaning? Are you under time restraints due to plant operations? Do you have equipment or space to use to help mitigate costs?

  8. Questions to ask Will you be disposing on or off site? Are there budget guidelines? Are you doing a remodel of existing plant? Do you need the system live during this process? Do you have other material that needs to be by-passed? Does the contractor need to find site for disposal?

  9. Cleaning Digester

  10. Cleaning Digester

  11. Cleaning Digester

  12. Cleaning Digester

  13. Cleaning Digester

  14. Cleaning Digester

  15. Cleaning Digester

  16. Cleaning Digester

  17. Cleaning Lagoon

  18. Cleaning Lagoon

  19. Cleaning Lagoon

  20. Cleaning Lagoon

  21. Cleaning Lagoon

  22. Cleaning Lagoon

  23. Cleaning Clarifiers

  24. Cleaning Clarifiers

  25. Cleaning Clarifiers

  26. Cleaning Clarifiers

  27. Disposal Options

  28. Disposal Options

  29. Disposal Options

  30. Disposal Options

  31. Disposal Options

  32. Disposal Options

  33. Disposal Options

  34. Disposal Options

  35. Disposal Pretreatment

  36. Disposal Specialized Equipment

  37. Disposal Solids

  38. Disposal Solids

  39. Disposal Solids

  40. Disposal Solids

  41. Special Situations – Lift Station Servicing

  42. Use of Vactor Trucks

  43. Use of Vactor Trucks

  44. Use of Vactor Trucks

  45. Special Situations – Fish Ladder Maintenance

  46. Things to think about Is there an on-going maintenance program for cleaning the digester and clarifier? Trucks to move gallons of liquid/bio-solids per day Possibility of needing specialized equipment Timetable to complete job Experienced people to do the tough job How do we clean our digester and/or clarifier with minimum downtime?

  47. Any Questions? THANK YOU !

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