classical labor supply kink and bunching

Classical Labor Supply: Kink and bunching ECON 34430: Topics in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Classical Labor Supply: Kink and bunching ECON 34430: Topics in Labor Markets T. Lamadon (U of Chicago) Fall 2017 Agenda 1 Saez 2010 AEJ: Do Taxpayers Bunch at Kink Points? - Analyze the kink among US tax-payers - Estimate elasticity using kink

  1. Classical Labor Supply: Kink and bunching ECON 34430: Topics in Labor Markets T. Lamadon (U of Chicago) Fall 2017

  2. Agenda 1 Saez 2010 AEJ: Do Taxpayers Bunch at Kink Points? - Analyze the kink among US tax-payers - Estimate elasticity using kink - Provide evidence on response in reporting 2 Blomquist, Liang and Newey (WP) - Identification with non parametric preferences

  3. Saez 2010 AEJ

  4. Data • Use IRS records: Individual Public Use Tax Files • quasi-annually from 1960 to 2004 • 80k to 200k records per year • focus on 2 sets of kinks: - kinks in the EITC schedule (2 convex, 1 concave) - kinks in Federal income tax

  5. EITC structure

  6. Earnings density distributions and the EITC • bunching at the first kink • not so much at kink 2 & 3

  7. Use kinks to estimate elasticity • Using simple model: � z n � u ( c , z ) = sup c , z c − (1) 1 + 1 / e n s . t . c = (1 − t ) z + R (2) • Find relation between Bunching B at z ∗ , density h + ( z ∗ ) , h − ( z ∗ ) , taxes t 1 , t 0 and elasticity e 2 B = z ∗ �� 1 − t 0 � 1 − t 0 � e − 1 �� � − e � h − ( z ∗ ) + h + ( z ∗ ) · 1 − t 1 1 − t 1

  8. Use kinks to estimate elasticity 2 B = z ∗ �� 1 − t 0 � 1 − t 0 � e − 1 �� � − e � h − ( z ∗ ) + h + ( z ∗ ) · 1 − t 1 1 − t 1 • z ∗ and t 1 , t 0 are known • B , h + ( z ∗ ) , h − ( z ∗ ) need to be estimated from data - ignore convexity of h - define δ regions and H − , H + , H - use h − ( z ∗ ) = H − /δ , h + ( z ∗ ) = H + /δ - and B = H − ( H − + H + ) • get standard errors using Bootstrap or Delta method - choice of δ ?

  9. • hump shaped because of additional frictions

  10. Earnings density distributions and the EITC • bunching at the first kink • not so much at kink 2 & 3

  11. Earnings density distributions and the EITC • same for 2 children • note that the kink is even stronger here

  12. Wage earners Vs Self-Employed • the bunching is mostly for self-employed workers • this is also true for the 2 children workers

  13. Evolution over time • bunching becomes more and more pronounced at the first kink

  14. Lessons from graphical evidence 1 bunching at the first kink 2 not so much at kink 2 & 3 3 bunching is mostly among self-employed workers 4 bunching becomes more pronounced over time

  15. Table of elasticities • results confirm graphical evidence

  16. Table of elasticities • estimates do grow over time • estimates are very sensitive to choice of δ !

  17. A model of tax reporting 1 wage earners do not display any evidence of response to tax rate - could be low elasticity - could be lack of understanding of tax rules - could be lack of ability to actually adjust hours - or finally the inability to mis-report earnings (third party reporting) 2 for self-employed bunching only happens at the first kink - first kink is point of highest government transfer - because EITC > pay-roll tax, create incentive to over-report! - miss-reporting at other kinks?

  18. A model of tax reporting • assume linear preferences • formal earnings w and informal earning y • denote ˆ y reported informal earnings • taxes and transfers are based on w + y • c = w + y − T ( w + ˆ y ) • administrative cost q a to report ˆ y > 0 • moral cost q m to report ˆ y � = y

  19. A model of tax reporting • individual choose ˆ y to maximize: w + y − T ( w + ˆ y ) − q a · 1[ˆ y > 0] − q m · 1[ˆ y � = y ] • The authors shows that under some conditions ( T single peaked at z ∗ ) the solution to this problem to do one of the following: 1 truthful reporting ˆ y = y 2 complete evasion ˆ y = 0 y = z ∗ − w 3 transfer maximization ˆ • this: 1 creates bunching at z ∗ 2 does not generate bunching at other kinks since z ∗ maximizes transfers

  20. Kinks in the federal income tax • a similar exercice can be conducted for the federal income tax • focus on 2 periods: 1960-1972 and 1988-2004 • non-refundable tax credit: - items that can reduce positive tax liability - unlike EITC, can’t make taxes negative - however can move a worker from one bracket to another - this can create bunching beyond labor supply response • child credit introduced in 1998 - shifts the kink for family with children

  21. Taxable income density 1960-1969 - Married • Bunching is present at the first kink

  22. Taxable income density 1960-1969 - Single • Bunching is less clear for singles

  23. 1960-1969 - Married - Itemized Vs Total • Most of the response seems to come from changes in reported differences between taxable and standard deduction

  24. 1960-1969 - Married - Evolution • The figure reveals that workers might need time to adapt. In 1960, earnings and taxes were more stable.

  25. 1988-2020 - Married • presence of 2 kinks, second one is much smaller

  26. 1988-2020 - Married - Itemized Vs Total • similar conclusion to before, showing that part of the response is due to itemizing

  27. 1988-2020 - Married - Shift due to children • clear evidence that the bunch is due to the kink in tax marginal rate

  28. Saez 2010 AEJ conclusion • clear bunching at first kink in all data sets considered • for EITC, bunching is mostly due to self-employed • for the federal tax, bunching is partly due to amount of itemization • overtime, optimal response might be subject to some friction • this suggests twho margins of repsonse: - adjustment in hours - adjustment in reported income / reported items to deduct • it seems to me that under convex cost of itemizing, we should still see relatively strong bunching at the following kinks.

  29. Individual Heterogeneity, Nonlinear Budget Sets and Taxable Income

  30. Overview • can we introduce preference heterogeneity? • derive identification results using reveal preference argument • apply method to tax reform in Sweden

  31. The environment • Individuals have static preferences U ( c , y , η ) : - c is consumption - y is taxable income - η is unrestricted preference parameter (can be multidimensional) - U is increasing in c , decreasing in y , strictly quasi-concave in ( c , y ) • Under a linear budget set ( ρ, R ) the individual solves: sup U ( c , y , η ) c , y s.t. c = y · ρ + R

  32. Piece-wise linear budget sets • A piece-wise linear budget set with J segments can be described by a vector of parameters ( ρ 1 ...ρ J , R 1 ... R J ) where - ρ j are the net of tax rates (slopes) - R j are the virtual incomes (intercept) - the kink points are given by l j = ( R j +1 − R j ) / ( ρ j − ρ j +1 ) • B ( y ) is net income function • B = { ( c , y ) : 0 ≤ c ≤ B ( y ) , y ≥ 0 } is the budget set • We denote y ( B , η ) the choice of indiviudal η : y ( B , η ) = arg max U ( B ( y ) , y , η ) y

  33. Additional definitions • A convex budget B set corresponds to a concave B ( y ) and will have ρ j > ρ j +1 • In the case where B ( y ) is linear with parameters ( ρ, R ) we define: - y ( ρ, R , η ) the response of individual η - F ( y | ρ, R ) = Pr [ y ( ρ, R , η i ) ≤ y )] the distribution or resulting taxable income • For general budget sets with J components we can define the response to individual segments: y j ( η ) = y ( ρ j , R j , η ) • This paper will link F ( y | ρ, R ) to Pr [ y ( B , η ) ≤ y | B ] - Pr [ y ( B , η ) ≤ y | B ] is our object of interest - F ( y | ρ, R ) is a much smaller dimensional object - E [ y | B ] can be used to get the average effect of changes in B

  34. Additional definitions • A convex budget B set corresponds to a concave B ( y ) and will have ρ j > ρ j +1 • In the case where B ( y ) is linear with parameters ( ρ, R ) we define: - y ( ρ, R , η ) the response of individual η - F ( y | ρ, R ) = Pr [ y ( ρ, R , η i ) ≤ y )] the distribution or resulting taxable income • For general budget sets with J components we can define the response to individual segments: y j ( η ) = y ( ρ j , R j , η ) • This paper will link F ( y | ρ, R ) to Pr [ y ( B , η ) ≤ y | B ] - Pr [ y ( B , η ) ≤ y | B ] is our object of interest - F ( y | ρ, R ) is a much smaller dimensional object - E [ y | B ] can be used to get the average effect of changes in B

  35. Hausman (1979) • Hausman (1979) shows that when B ( y ) is concave, then: - ∃ ! j s.t. y j ( η ) ≥ l j , y j +1 ( η ) ≤ l j and then y ( B , η ) = l j - or ∃ ! j s.t. l j − 1 < y j ( η ) < l j and then y ( B , η ) = y j ( η ) • The first point gives us an expression for masses at kink points. • The second part tells us tangency points will always be inside segments, and there is only one. • The intuition behind the proof: - imagine that you have two tangency points on B ( y ) - then linear combination is also in the budget set - by concavity of the utility, this point has to be even better

  36. Hausman (1979) B ( y ) 2 3 1 y • If 1 and 2 are chosen then linear combination is feasible and dominates • Strict quasi-concave of U ( c , y , η ) in ( c , y ) gives that U ( B ( y 1 ) + B ( y 2 ) , y 1 + y 2 , η )) > U ( B ( y 1 ) , y 1 , η ) 2 2


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