farmer perceptions of farmer perceptions of labor supply

Farmer Perceptions of Farmer Perceptions of Labor Supply and Labor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Farmer Perceptions of Farmer Perceptions of Labor Supply and Labor Supply and Immigration Reform Immigration Reform in New York State in New York State Thomas R. Maloney Thomas R. Maloney Nelson L. Bills Nelson L. Bills Conference on

  1. Farmer Perceptions of Farmer Perceptions of Labor Supply and Labor Supply and Immigration Reform Immigration Reform in New York State in New York State Thomas R. Maloney Thomas R. Maloney Nelson L. Bills Nelson L. Bills Conference on Immigration Reform Conference on Immigration Reform Washington, DC Washington, DC May 8-9, 2008 May 8-9, 2008

  2. What contribution do What contribution do immigrant workers make immigrant workers make to New York agriculture? to New York agriculture?

  3. • Tree Fruit : The value of NY apple production was $197 million in 2006. Harvest and pruning operations are done primarily by immigrant workers • Vegetables : New York ranks 5th nationally in : New York ranks 5th nationally in • Vegetables fresh vegetable production. Most of New fresh vegetable production. Most of New York's fresh vegetables are harvested and York's fresh vegetables are harvested and packed by immigrant workers packed by immigrant workers

  4. Dairy : More than 1/3 of milk produced in NY comes from farms that employ Hispanic workers

  5. Floriculture : NY ranks 5th nationally in : NY ranks 5th nationally in Floriculture • • floriculture production at $200 million floriculture production at $200 million annually. Transplanting operations rely annually. Transplanting operations rely heavily on immigrant workers heavily on immigrant workers Grapes : NY grows over 33,000 acres of : NY grows over 33,000 acres of Grapes • • wine and juice grapes. grapes. Most pruning, Most pruning, wine and juice tying and other field operations are done tying and other field operations are done by immigrant workers. by immigrant workers.

  6. Immigration enforcement Immigration enforcement activities are increasing activities are increasing

  7. Ag Labor Supplies Reports of lost farm income due Reports of lost farm income due to insufficient labor supplies to insufficient labor supplies are minimal are minimal BUT …… …….. .. BUT

  8. Employer anxiety over suddenly Employer anxiety over suddenly loosing harvest workers or loosing harvest workers or milkers is at an all time high is at an all time high milkers

  9. Farmworker anxiety over anxiety over Farmworker immigration enforcement is also immigration enforcement is also very high very high

  10. New York State Immigration and New York State Immigration and Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Issues Survey Issues Survey

  11. Methodology Methodology � Collaboration between Cornell and NYSASS Collaboration between Cornell and NYSASS � � Survey conducted Sept-Feb 2007, 2008 Survey conducted Sept-Feb 2007, 2008 � � Sample: Stratified list of NY fruit, vegetable, Sample: Stratified list of NY fruit, vegetable, � dairy and livestock producers dairy and livestock producers � Overall response rate 33% Overall response rate 33% �

  12. Survey Response Survey Response Farm Type Number of Response Farm Type Number of Response Responses Responses Rate % Rate % Fruit 314 22.1% Fruit 314 22.1% Vegetables 533 69.2% Vegetables 533 69.2% Dairy 265 30.7% Dairy 265 30.7% Other livestock 133 18.3% Other livestock 133 18.3% Total 1,245 32.9% Total 1,245 32.9%

  13. Survey results grouped by Survey results grouped by 1.) Employer status 1.) Employer status 2.) Farm type 2.) Farm type

  14. Figure 1: Concern that there may not be sufficient workers

  15. Figure 2: Importance of immigration reform

  16. Figure 3: Importance of a path to citizenship

  17. Figure 4: Importance of a guest worker program

  18. Figure 5: Concern that there may not be sufficient workers by farm type

  19. Figure 6: Importance of immigration reform

  20. Figure 7: Importance of a path to citizenship

  21. Figure 8: Importance of a guest worker program

  22. Farm Managers’ ’ Responses to Responses to Farm Managers Immigration Concerns Immigration Concerns � Involvement in the Policy Process Involvement in the Policy Process � � � �� Caution Regarding Staffing Decisions Caution Regarding Staffing Decisions �� �� Reduce Worker Visibility Reduce Worker Visibility �� � Search for Alternative Labor Pools Search for Alternative Labor Pools � � � �� Substituting Capital for Labor (mechanization) Substituting Capital for Labor (mechanization) ��

  23. Labor Efficiency in the New York Dairy Industry Pounds of Milk per Worker 1956-2006 1,200,000 Pounds milk per worker 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 Year

  24. Robotic Milking Robotic Milking


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