class of 2019

Class of 2019 Innovation Academy Rapid Fire Project Presentations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Class of 2019 Innovation Academy Rapid Fire Project Presentations Transforming Local Government Conference 1 cc: Charlottes Photo Gallery About the Innovation Academy OUR SIGNATURE CIRRICULUM

  1. Class of 2019 Innovation Academy Rapid Fire Project Presentations Transforming Local Government Conference 1 cc: Charlottes Photo Gallery ‐

  2. About the Innovation Academy OUR SIGNATURE CIRRICULUM • Understand the innovation process and how to integrate it into your organization • Build cross-functional teams • Expand organizational capacity for ongoing innovation • Learn more about your organizational culture and how to cultivate innovation leadership 2 cc: Rosmarie Voegtli ‐

  3. About the Innovation Academy • Complete an innovation proj ect which will make a contribution to the organization and/ or address a community issue • Apply learnings and tools from sessions • R ecommendations to strengthen innovation culture • Leadership Innovation Advance • Jumping off point (or re-igniting effort) for innovation teams and innovation efforts • Alumni serve as a peer mentors, guest faculty, and write articles/ serve as panelists on virtual learning events Learn more: • https:/ / innovation-academy • Email: academy@ • Ask any Alliance staff person about it today! 3 cc: Rosmarie Voegtli ‐

  4. Class of 2019 • Coconino County, Arizona • Dallas County, Texas • Hennepin County, Minnesota • Raleigh, North Carolina cc: Game of EPL5 & LUMIX G20/F1.7 ‐

  5. Team Presentation Coconino County, AZ 5 cc: John‐Mark Kuznietsov ‐‐credit

  6. Co c o nino Co unty I nno va tio n Ac a de my Pre se nts: L ig ht I t Up! E MPOWE RI NG COMMUNI T Y I MPACT T HROUGH SUN POWE R

  7. Wha t ha ppe ns whe n yo u c o mb ine so la r e ne rg y with c rimina l justic e issue s? Innovative solutions!

  8. Co c o nino Co unty: Our Co mmunity a nd Org a niza tio n Co c o nino Co unty is a la nd o f va st a nd e ndle ss b e a uty, ho me to ma ny c ulture s… Ho me to se ve ra l Dive rse re g io ns Rura l, c itie s, to wns, a nd fro m the Gra nd b ut b ig g e r tha n Na tive -Ame ric a n Ca nyo n to the Switze rla nd, with o ve r c o mmunitie s hig he st po int in AZ 18,000 sq . mile s

  9. Co c o nino Co unty’ s I nno va tio n Ac a de my T e a m  Ama nda Ac he so n, CD-Susta ina b ility  Bria n Ba rg , Pub lic He a lth Se rvic e s Distric t  Chris Gre e nwa y, Adult Pro b a tio n  E slir Musta , F a c ilitie s Ma na g e me nt  F lo ra Ha tc h, Cle rk o f the Bo a rd  K a thy F a rre tta , Adult Pro b a tio n  Ma rg a re t Pe na do , HR-Risk Ma na g e me nt  Ma tt Mitc he ll, Pub lic Wo rks  Na dia I va no va -Pfe nning , HR  Sc o tt Ca re y, I T -GI S

  10. T he L ig ht I t Up Pilo t Pro je c t T he Coc onino County L ight It Up Pilot Pr oje c t e mpowe r s positive c ommunity impac t by:  F unding e duc a tio na l o ppo rtunitie s fo r lo c a l yo uth who se pa re nts a re inc a rc e ra te d, he lping to b re a k a multi-g e ne ra tio na l c yc le in the Co unty’ s c rimina l justic e syste m  Building o n e xisting e nviro nme nta l a nd e ne rg y ste wa rdship pra c tic e s a nd mo de ls in Co c o nino Co unty, fo c using o n o ur pa rks  Pro mo ting e ffic ie nt, dive rse , a nd e ffe c tive use o f funding

  11. Co mmunity Ne e d T hr ough no fault of the ir own, c hildr e n of inc ar c e r ate d par e nts ar e e xpose d to c r iminoge nic fac tor s.  L o ss o f inc a rc e ra te d pa re nt’ s inc o me c a n impa c t fa mily fina nc ia l sta b ility  Childre n ma y live with a se rie s o f info rma l c a re g ive rs re c e iving inc o nsiste nt c a re  Childre n o fte n e xpe rie nc e limite d fa c e - to -fa c e c o nta c t with the ir inc a rc e ra te d pa re nt A sc holar ship c ould he lp the m e ar n post-se c ondar y e duc ation and tr aining, whic h is an impor tant indic ator of futur e suc c e ss *Co c o nino Co unty CI P T a sk F o rc e Re po rt

  12. L ig ht I t Up! Pro je c t De ve lo pme nt  So la r, F ina nc e , a nd Co mmunity I mpa c t te a ms wo rking o n pro c e ss, c o mmunic a tio n, a nd c o lla b o ra tio n with sta ke ho lde rs a nd spo nso rs.  De ve lo ping a fe a sib ility re po rt fo r pro je c t imple me nta tio n in Co c o nino Co unty  I de ntifying re so urc e s, risks, b o unda rie s a nd de c isio n ma king pro c e sse s  Pilo t Pro g ra m fo r two ye a rs

  13. I nitia l F inding s  Pub lic use is inc re a sing , so is e ne rg y de ma nd  E xisting la nd a nd infra struc ture g o o d fo r so la r insta lla tio n  Po pula r pub lic a re a , pro vide s g re a t o ppo rtunity fo r de ve lo ping e duc a tio na l mo de l a nd o utre a c h fo r pro je c t pa rtne rs a nd spo nso rs  Suppo rts the Co unty Pa rks missio n a nd visio n

  14. Co mmunity I mpa c t “T he r e is a str ong c or r e lation be twe e n e duc ation le ve l and pe r sonal inc ome , pr oduc tivity, c ivic par tic ipation, life e xpe c tanc y, e mployme nt status and the str e ngth of a c ommunity.”* *Arizo na T o wn Ha ll Re po rt # 102

  15. F or war d Planning • Dra ft a nd • De ve lo pme nt • Se le c tio n o f • Attra c t pa rtne rs issue RF P fo r o f fina nc ing F isc a l Ag e nt to c o ntrib ute to so la r e ne rg y struc ture fo r sc ho la rship sc ho la rships fund/ pro g ra ms • Struc ture • Co st b e ne fit • Awa rding o f • Re vie wing pilo t sc ho la rship a nd pilo t pro g ra m e va lua tio n sc ho la rships fo r sc a la b ility (le g a l re vie w) a nd fe e db a c k

  16. L ight It Up! L e sso ns L e a rne d  I mpo rta nt to e sta b lish a c le a r visio n o f the pro je c t to c o mmunic a te with po te ntia l sta ke ho lde rs a nd spo nso rs  I nvo lve sta ke ho lde rs a t the b e g inning to he lp sha pe pro je c t

  17. Que stio ns?

  18. Team Presentation Hennepin County, MN 18 cc: John‐Mark Kuznietsov ‐‐credit

  19. Hennepin County Innovation Academy 2019 Hennepin County 19

  20. Hennepin County 20

  21. 2019Innovation Academy Participants Wyatt Fertig Mark Brooks Hannah John Doan Cassie Ellison Ayanna Farrell Julie Baker Dietrich Becki McDonald Vinnie Kutty Deb Peterson Liz Runnels Markus Bill Rodgers Lori Imsdahl Klimenko Amy Schrempp Rachelle Tait Cassondra Whittley Rachel Walch Alisa Salewski Hennepin County Innovation Academy 2019 21

  22. Why do we need an innovation framework? • To provide a shared definition and understanding of innovation in order to embed it throughout the organization. • The framework needs to: • Follow an intentional process • Drive towards implementation • Include measurement Hennepin County 22

  23. Who is our innovation framework for? • Lines of business, departments, teams • Staff at all levels of the organization • To use as a co-creation platform with residents Hennepin County 23

  24. What will our innovation framework help us accomplish? • Grow capacity for innovation and improvement • Build a learning organization • Support disparity reduction Hennepin County 24

  25. Hennepin County Innovation Framework Build a Start with culture that values empathy innovation Make data‐ Focus on driven end user decisions Follow a design Build multi‐ process: disciplinary prototype teams and iterate Hennepin County 25

  26. Start with empathy Residents and end users feel METHODS MINDSETS Prototype and testing • Adaptability • understood and heard. Empathy mapping • Flexibility • Stakeholder analysis • End users are experts of • Mindful listening Tools to gather end user feedback their needs • Culturally-responsive • One size does not fit all • are utilized and the data is outreach Listen • reviewed and acted upon regularly. User input • Value what you hear • Engage people in their Address bias • • own success Acknowledge and mitigate bias in Co-creation • the problem-solving process. Hennepin County 26

  27. Focus on end user Greater clarity about resident needs. MINDSETS METHODS Open to Equitable, Residents are incorporated into • • constructive inclusive, the problem-solving processes. critique and responsive design alternatives Survey • Resident input demonstrates Flexibility Interview • • Priority is to meet Simulation improved satisfaction over time. • • end user need modeling Value end user’s Define need • • time Human-centered • design Person-centered • thinking Hennepin County 27

  28. Build multi-disciplinary teams Build diverse, collaborative, MINDSETS METHODS inclusive teams. Open, trustworthy, Involve staff at all • • honest and safe levels Diverse teams seek out new We vs. I thinking Involve end users • • opportunities to improve the Being passionate Volunteerism • • Curiosity Peer system resident experience. • • Focus on residents Mobility • • Inclusive assignments • collaboration Inclusive think- • tank Hennepin County 28


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