City of Galesburg, Illinois 2007 Digital Orthophotography Update Project Request for Proposals Distributed by: City of Galesburg 55 W Tompkins St Galesburg IL 61401 October 2, 2006
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2007 Digital Orthophotography Update Project Instructions to Vendors 1. An advertisement requesting proposals for the above professional services was published in the Galesburg Register-Mail on October 23, 2006. As stated in such notice, sealed proposals will be received until 4:00 pm local time, November 3, 2006 in the Purchasing Office, located at City Hall, Galesburg, Illinois. 2. The person, firm or corporation making a proposal shall submit it in a sealed envelope to the City of Galesburg; Attn: Kraig Boynton; 55 W Tompkins St; PO Box 1387; Galesburg, Illinois, 61401, on or before the hour and the day stated above. The words "Proposal for 2007 Digital Orthophotography Update Project" shall appear on the outside of the sealed envelope. All vendors shall insert the prices and supply all the information as indicated in the Request For Proposal documents. A total of three copies shall be submitted. 3. Each respondent shall insert the cost, and supply all the information, as indicated in the RFP. The cost inserted shall be net and shall be the full cost for the work specified including all factors whatsoever. The CITY reserves the right to request additional information on any proposals submitted. Refusal to supply additional information may lead to rejection of any proposal submitted. 4. No charge will be allowed for taxes from which the City of Galesburg is exempt: the Illinois Retailer's Occupation Tax, the Service Occupation Tax, the Service Use Tax, the Use Tax, Federal Excise and Transportation Tax. 5. Each respondent shall affirm that no official or employee of the City of Galesburg is directly or indirectly interested in this proposal for any reason of personal gain. 6. Delivery of the services shall be made as stated in the successful proposal. 7. The CITY reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all proposals and to waive any technicalities or informalities in the proposals. Any proposal submitted will be binding for 90 calendar days after the date the proposals are opened. Proposals may be withdrawn on written request prior to the time of acceptance. Negligence on the part of the respondent in preparing the proposal confers no right of withdrawal after the time fixed for the acceptance of the proposals. 8. The City of Galesburg has adopted an "Equal Employment Opportunity Clause" which is incorporated into all specifications, purchase orders, and contracts, whereby a vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. A copy of this clause may be obtained at the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Galesburg, Illinois. 9. The City of Galesburg has adopted an Affirmative Action Program. All formal sealed proposals must be accompanied by a properly prepared Certificate of Compliance Form, whereby the vendor certifies the number of employees in each class of employment and that affirmative action has been taken to ensure the equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment. 10. The successful vendor is prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting, or otherwise disposing of the contract to be signed or its rights, title or interest therein or
2007 Digital Orthophotography Update Project Request for Proposals Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 C OMMUNITY P ROFILE ...........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 C ITY OF G ALESBURG GIS B ACKGROUND ..........................................................................................................1 1.3 T ENTATIVE P ROJECT T IMELINE ( PENDING ACQUISITION SUITABILITY ).........................................................2 2. SCOPE OF WORK / SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................2 2.1. A CQUISITION .........................................................................................................................................................2 U PDATE L OW A LTITUDE P ANCHROMATIC A ERIAL P HOTOGRAPHY – E NTIRE P ROJECT A REA ...........2 U PDATE L OW A LTITUDE P ANCHROMATIC A ERIAL P HOTOGRAPHY – C ORE A REA ..............................3 2.1.2 N EW L OW A LTITUDE P ANCHROMATIC A ERIAL P HOTOGRAPHY .................................................................3 2.1.3 C OLOR / IR I MAGERY (O PTIONAL )..................................................................................................................3 2.2 O RTHOPHOTOGRAPHY P RODUCTION ..................................................................................................................3 3. DELIVERABLES .....................................................................................................................................................4 4. QUALITY CONTROL............................................................................................................................................4 4.1 V ENDOR QC/QA....................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 NSSDA T ESTING ...................................................................................................................................................5 5. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS .........................................................................................................................5 5.1 R ESPONSIVE P ROPOSALS ......................................................................................................................................6 5.2 O WNERSHIP ............................................................................................................................................................7 6. CONTACTS................................................................................................................................................................7 APPENDIX 1 - PROJECT AREA MAPS ..............................................................................................................8 F IGURE 1 - P ROJECT A REA & K NOX C OUNTY O VERVIEW .....................................................................................9 F IGURE 2 - P ROJECT A REA (D UPLICATE )................................................................................................................10 F IGURE 3 - P ROJECT A REA (C ORE A REA - D UPLICATE ).......................................................................................11 F IGURE 4 - P ROJECT A REA (N EW A CQUISITION )...................................................................................................12
1. Introduction The City of Galesburg invites qualified vendors to submit proposals for the creation of digital aerial orthophotography for the City of Galesburg (the City). This imagery will be used in the City's Geographic Information System. 1.1 Community Profile The City of Galesburg is the county seat of Knox County, in the western part of Illinois (see Figure 1 of Appendix 1). The 2004 estimated population of Galesburg was 32,408; Knox County's estimated population was 53,884. 1.2 City of Galesburg GIS Background The City became actively involved in GIS development beginning in 1997 as a founding partner of the Knox County GIS Steering Committee. The Galesburg Sanitary District is also involved in this project. In FY 1999-2000, the City was awarded an ESRI Local Government Start-up Grant and hired a full-time GIS Analyst to develop and promote a Geographic Information System for use in City operations. The City of Galesburg acquired 6-inch resolution digital orthophotography, contours and planimetrics in 2001. In 2003 the City of Galesburg and Knox County entered into an intergovernmental agreement to develop a digital cadastral. The City of Galesburg has also developed most of the traditional municipal GIS layers. To date, all City departments and several other organizations in Knox County have made use of GIS analysis and products. GIS has also been used in City Council meetings and work sessions as an aid in discussing spatially significant issues. The City of Galesburg has used numerous ESRI software tools including ArcIMS and ArcReader to distribute GIS-based tools and information throughout City and County operations. Current goals are to use GIS to make the City's knowledge more available to City staff and the general public. As digital geospatial information plays a larger part in government operations, the need for data with a greater spatial accuracy and temporal significance has become apparent. Our 2001 digital orthophotography has been valuable, but is now in need of updating. 1
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