City of Rockford, Illinois 2015 – 2019 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan 2015
The purpose of t The purpose of this his brief briefing is ing is to to rec receive input eive input on the pro on the proposed posed Conso Consolidat lidated ed Pla Plan for P n for Prog rogram ram Year Years s 2015 2015 - 2019 2019 A Commu A Community nity Input Input Pro Proces cess s is is use used d to to gather gath er input input in in prep preparing aring the the plan: plan: Fiv Five e Yea ear r Annua Ann ual l Act Action ion Plan Plan Cons Co nsolida olidate ted d Plan Plan Pr Prog ogram am Yea ear r 2015 - 2019 2015 2019 2015 2015
CON CONSOLIDATED SOLIDATED PLAN PLAN 2015 2015 - 2019 2019 Cons Consolidate olidated Plan d Plan is a is a str strate ategic gic plan plan des designe igned d to i to ide dentify a ntify and nd ad addre dresse sses co s commun mmunit ity ne y need eds: s: Hous Housing ing Ec Econ onomic omic Deve Developme lopment nt Pu Public blic Se Service rvices Pu Public blic Fa Facili ciliti ties es an and d Pu Public I blic Infras nfrastructu tructure re To To rec receive eive gran grant t fun funding ding from from Depa Department of rtment of Hous Housing an ing and d Ur Urba ban Deve n Developme lopment, th nt, the Ci e City ty mus must t co complete mplete the the Co Conso nsoli lida dated ted Plan Plan eve every f ry five ive ye years ars. HU HUD D Regu Regulati lation on 24 CFR P 24 CFR Part 21 art 21
Elements of the Cons Elements of the Consolidated P olidated Plan lan
Commun Communit ity y En Enga gage gemen ment t Inc Include luded: d: Commun Communit ity y Fo Forums Apri rums April l 21 21 – 25 25, , 20 2014 14 Fo Focu cus s Gr Grou oups, ps, Pu Public blic / Private / Private A Age genc ncies / ies / In Indu dustry stry Pu Public blic Of Offici ficials als Cons Consultations ultations Augu August 1 st 12 2 – 14 14, , 20 2014 14 Pu Public blic Inp Input S ut Surv urvey ey April April – Ju July, ly, 20 2014 14 30 30-da day y co commen mment t pe peri riod od O Octo ctobe ber r 1 1 – 31 31, , 20 2014 14 Pu Public blic Fo Forum rums / Con s / Consu sultation ltations s Octo Octobe ber 20 r 20 – 23 23, , 20 2014 14 City Ci ty Coun Council cil Pu Public H blic Hea eari ring ng / / Co Coun uncil cil Appro Approva val
An Analyzed lyzed housing sing su supply, d ly, dema mand, , condition ition, lo , location tion, c , cost: st: Popu Populati lation 154,517: 65% White on 154,517: 65% White - 21% African 21% African Amer American ican -16% Hispanic 16% Hispanic Households Households 59,827: 59,827: Families 36.7% Families 36.7% - Singles 33.3% Singles 33.3% -Seniors Seniors 30% 30% Housing Unit Housing Units s 68,757: 64% Single Family 68,757: 64% Single Family - 36% 4 units 36% 4 units or mor or more Homeowner Homeowner: : 48% Whites 48% Whites 66% 66% - His Hispanic panic 65% 65% - African A African American merican 32% 32% Median Home Value Median Home V alue $109,100: Median R $109,100: Median Rent ent $532 $532 - 57% $500 57% $500 - $1000 $1000 Median Income $38,864 Dis Median Income $38,864 Disparat parate e impact impact race/ race/ethnicit ethnicity y and income and income Modal Income: Whites Modal Income: Whites $50,000 $50,000 - $74,999 18.1% $74,999 18.1% His Hispanic $35,000 panic $35,000 - $49,999 20% African $49,999 20% African Amer Americans icans Less Less $10,000 28% $10,000 28%
Aff Afford ordab abil ilit ity y Conc Concern erns: s: Median Median I Inc ncome ome $3 $38,86 8,864 4 - Med Median ian Home Home Value Value $1 $109 09,10 ,100 0 - Med Median ian Rent Rent $5 $532 32 29 29% Whit % Whites es - 53 53% A % AA 3 A 37% 7% - Hi Hisp span anics l ics less ess th than an $2 $25K 5K Inc Income ome to Rent to Rent / Own / Own Med Median $2 ian $25,00 5,000 0 - 40 40,000 ,000 Gap Analysis: Gap Analysis: Hous Househ ehold old inco income me no not k t kee eeping ping pa pace ce wi with th Marke Market Hous Housing av ing availabili ailability, affo ty, afforda rdabili bility, co ty, cost b st burd urden en Hous Housing ov ing overc ercrowding rowding, , Hous Housing for l ing for larg arge famil e families ies Hous Housing ne ing need eds s for H for Home omeless, less, Se Seniors, Trans niors, Transit itiona ional l Hou Housing sing, , Su Supp pportive ortive Se Service rvices, Se s, Self lf Su Sufficien fficiency cy Hous Housing for spec ing for special ial ne need eds s po popu pulati lation ons s li limit mited ed Pu Public blic an and Assisted d Assisted Hous Housing Resou ing Resource rces Limi s Limited ted
Cons Consolidate olidated Plan d Plan / / Vision Vision 20 2020 20 Compre Comprehe hensive nsive Plan: Plan: Lin Links ks Cons Consolida olidated ted Plan Plan - 20 2020 20 Vision Vision Pla Plan Elev Elevating ating H Hou ousing sing and and Neighb Neighborh orhoo oods ds to to leve level l of of Zo Zoning ning, , La Land nd Use, T Use, Tran ransp sportation ortation, , Ec Econ onomic omic Dev Develo elopm pmen ent, t, Infra Infrastru structu cture, re, Pu Public blic Sa Safety fety, , Arts Arts Fo Focu cus: s: Cit City y an and d Reg Region ional Pu al Public P blic Policy olicy Cha Chang nges es De De-Conc Concen entrate trate Po Pove verty rty an and d Neighb Neighborh orhoo ood d Decline Decline Fe Fede deral an ral and d Sta State P te Policy olicy an and d Reg Regula ulatory tory Cha Chang nges es Hous Housing Af ing Afforda fordabili bility ty - Neighb Neighborh orhoo ood d Revitali Revitaliza zati tion on
De-Concentration Policy Develop and apply a policy that provides for de-concentration of areas of poverty and declining neighborhood conditions and encourage diversity in income and housing types in all areas of the City and in public and assisted housing in order to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. HUD Regulations C.F.R. Subpart A. Sec 903.
“Opportunity Areas” - “Areas of Minority / Low Income Concentration and Segregation” Opportunity Areas – areas offering access to quality goods and services, exemplary schools, health care, range of housing, transportation to employment and service centers, adequate public infrastructure, utilities, and recreation. Areas of Concentration/Segregation (HUD definition) – areas 50% or greater minority population and 3 times or more the poverty level of the MSA (35.1%) and generally lacking the above amenities.
R/ECAP Calculations of Minority and Poverty Concentrated Areas
HUD R/ECAP Calculations with Public and Assisted Housing Concentrations
Section 8 Voucher Concentrations
Public and Assisted Housing and LIHTC
Coordinated Housing and Social Service Application Intake, Triage, and Service Delivery (move toward self sufficiency) - comprehensive assessment of housing / service needs for people entering the assisted housing, affordable housing, and homeless assistance systems. Referrals based on client’s needs / conditions addressing determinants negatively impacting current condition - high school diploma, income and poverty, unemployment, job training and needed services treatments – substance abuse, mental health and medical care. Benefits – households get best fitting intervention from the start, provides a system wide prevention and diversion opportunity, improves system efficiency, collaboration among providers, transitions clients out of public assistance and public intervention programs permanently - Self Sufficiency
Fair Housing Index Data for ten variables, GIS mapped by census tract, to examine correlation of self sufficiency / housing choice with determinant variables that increase the level of risk of limited housing choice and social equity. Percent minority population Percent female-headed households with children Median housing value and Median contract rent Percent housing stock constructed prior to 1960 Percent earning median household income Percent poverty Percent with less than a high school degree Percent of the workforce unemployed Percent using public transportation to and from work Ratio of loan denials to loan originations (HMDA Data)
Fair Housing Index
Public Policy and Regulatory Local and Regional Policy Changes – Policies limiting placement of public / assisted housing, LIHTC, Federally Assisted Housing, Section 8 Voucher Utilization – determine appropriate percentages/limitation - percentage of market rate housing. Policies limiting future concentrations in opportunity areas; and Regional Housing Fair Share Policies for jurisdictions participating in regional transportation, infrastructure, economic development initiatives.
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