il 53 phase i study

IL 53 Phase I Study W. Arsenal Road to US 52 Will County, Illinois - PDF document

IL 53 Phase I Study W. Arsenal Road to US 52 Will County, Illinois CAG Meeting #1 Stone City VFW January 27, 2016 Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Public Involvement Process 3. Existing Conditions 4. Public Meeting #1 Comments 5. Transportation

  1. IL 53 Phase I Study W. Arsenal Road to US 52 Will County, Illinois CAG Meeting #1 Stone City VFW January 27, 2016 Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Public Involvement Process 3. Existing Conditions 4. Public Meeting #1 Comments 5. Transportation Issues Workshop 6. Next Steps 1

  2. Project Team Introduction • John Baczek – Project and Environmental Studies Section Chief • Kimberly Murphy – Consultant Studies Unit Head • Chris Kersten – Project Manager/Patrick Engineering • Stacie Dovalovsky – Consultant – Clark Dietz Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) • A collaborative, interdisciplinary approach • Involves stakeholders in the project development process • Reflects project surroundings – “context” • CSS is flexible and addresses all project aspects: – Safety and mobility – Community and environment – The pavement and beyond the pavement 2

  3. CSS Goals • Understand stakeholder’s key concerns • Involve stakeholders in the decision making process • Apply flexibility in design to address stakeholder concerns • Achieve a general understanding of agreement among the stakeholders CSS Groups Community Advisory Group Project Study (CAG) Group (PSG) 3

  4. Project Study Group (PSG) Project Study Group (PSG) Group Members Project Role • Illinois Department of • Collects and analyzes data Transportation • Promotes partnership • Federal Highway • Ensures all requirements Administration are met • Renders the final decisions Community Advisory Group (CAG) Group Members Involved in CAG Property Owners Residents Businesses Non ‐ Profit Organizations Community Elected Officials Advisory Group Regulatory Agencies (CAG) Policy Advocates Travelers and General Public 4

  5. CAG Project Roles • Provides insight to issues and concerns • Identifies potential solutions/ implementation Community Advisory Group • Serves as (CAG) communication conduit • Attend all meetings CAG Ground Rules • All input from all participants in the process is valued and considered. • All participants must come to the process with an open mind and participate openly and honestly. • All participants must treat each other with respect and dignity. • The project must progress at a reasonable pace, based on the original project schedule. • All participants understand that topics will not be revisited once the issues have been addressed and a general understanding is reached. • Members of the media are welcome to attend as observers, not as participants in the process. 5

  6. Department Project Process • Identify • Identify transportation issues Funding • Development of • Develop alternatives Plans • Engage public • Acquire Right ‐ of ‐ Way NEPA Process • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – 1969 – Primary national charter for the protection of the environment – Reasonable alternatives must be considered – Comprehensive environmental review (avoid, minimize, mitigate impacts) – Public involvement – Formal documentation/disclosure 6

  7. NEPA Process EIS EA CE I/CE II Phase I Project Schedule 7

  8. IL 53 Regionally Strategic Arterial Route 512 Limits Interstate 80 Peotone Road 8

  9. Municipal Limits Roadway Jurisdictions 9

  10. Other Studies Project Study Limits 10

  11. Crash Data Crash Categories: Code Severity • Crash Location K Fatal • Crash Type A Incapacitating • Pavement Conditions B Injury Evident • Lighting Conditions C Injury Possible • Severity of Injury Property Damage PDO Only Crash Data Injury Injury Injury Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury PDO PDO PDO PDO Total Total Total Total Injury A ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury K ‐ Injury PDO Total Injury Injury Injury Injury Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury PDO PDO PDO PDO PDO Total Total Total Total Total Crash Type Injury Injury A ‐ Injury A ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury B ‐ Injury Fatalities PDO PDO Total Total Crash Type Crash Type Crash Type Crash Type Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities Crash Type Crash Type Crash Type Crash Type Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities Crash Type Crash Type Crash Type Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Crashes Rear End Rear End Rear End Rear End Rear End Rear End Rear End Rear End 30 4 17 0 84 114 Rear End Rear End Rear End Turning Turning Turning Turning Turning Turning Turning Turning Turning 38 8 24 1 50 88 Turning Fixed Object Fixed Object Fixed Object Fixed Object Fixed Object 18 3 12 1 39 57 Fixed Object Fixed Object Fixed Object Fixed Object Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle 19 3 11 1 26 45 Angle Angle Animal Animal Animal 2 0 1 0 33 35 Animal Animal Animal Animal Sideswipe Sideswipe Sideswipe 6 2 3 0 27 33 Sideswipe Sideswipe Sideswipe Overturned Overturned Overturned Overturned 13 2 9 0 8 21 Overturned Other Other Other 3 0 3 0 15 18 Other Pedestrian / Pedestrian / Pedestrian / 6 2 2 2 0 6 Bicyclist Bicyclist Bicyclist Head On Head On 5 1 3 0 0 5 Total 140 25 85 5 282 422 *2009 ‐ 2013 Crash Data 11

  12. 2015 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) • IL 53 • Schweitzer Road – 7,300 vpd – 1,400 vpd (East Leg) – 26,700 vpd – 600 vpd (West Leg) • US 52 (Doris Avenue) • Millsdale Road – 4,200 vpd (East Leg) – 2,000 vpd (West Leg) • Mills Road • Manhattan Road – 3,000 vpd (East Leg) – 3,300 vpd (East Leg) • Laraway Road – 4,200 vpd (West Leg) • Mississippi Road / Avenue – 7,900 vpd (East Leg) – 10,400 vpd (West Leg) – 200 vpd (East Leg) – 3,700 vpd (West Leg) • Ira Morgan Street – 400 vpd (East Leg) vpd: vehicles per day 2015 Truck Percentages • IL 53 • Schweitzer Road – Ranges from 9% to 32% – 25% (East Leg) – 26% (West Leg) • US 52 (Doris Avenue) • Millsdale Road – 7% (East Leg) – 4% (West Leg) • Mills Road • Manhattan Road – 14% (East Leg) • Laraway Road – 4% (East Leg) – 8% (West Leg) – 15% (East Leg) • Mississippi Road / Avenue – 54% (West Leg) – 13% (East Leg) – 3% (West Leg) • Ira Morgan Street – 31% (East Leg) 12

  13. Stressing Network Situations • Laraway Road after train • IL 53 and Laraway Road after regional event • IL 53 during and after funeral procession • Number of trucks Public Meeting #1 Comments • Safety • Traffic • Access • Drainage • Environmental • Speed Limits and Law Enforcement • Possible Geometric Improvements 13

  14. Transportation Issues Workshop Break 14

  15. Brochure • Project Constraints • Improvement Types – Design Constraints – Access Management – Environmental – Conventional Constraints Intersections – Alternative Intersections Next Steps 15

  16. Thank You 16


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