city city o of el l pas aso

City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Managers Proposed Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Managers Proposed Budget Planning & Economic Development Department Mission Statement To improve the quality of life in El Paso by facilitating the enhancement of the physical and economic

  1. City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Manager’s Proposed Budget Planning & Economic Development Department

  2. Mission Statement To improve the quality of life in El Paso by facilitating the enhancement of the physical and economic environment. 2

  3. Accomplishments from FY2011 Planning Smart Code Title 21 Calibration for Transit Oriented Development & • Brownfields Smart Growth Initiative • Comprehensive Plan: Future land use map draft complete with PSB input • Asarco Smart Code Rezone • Medical Center of the Americas rezoned to SmartCode • Northwest Master Plan rezoned to Urban Reserve District • Working with Dover-Kohl to develop first Smart Code Transit-Oriented- • Development project in El Paso (Northgate) Incentivized 3 Smart Growth Development Projects totaling 750 acres • 60 staff Accredited by Congress for the New Urbanism • 3

  4. Customer Service Metrics Program initiated May 2011 • Approximately 100 surveys received • Each customer interaction ends with a request to complete a brief survey • Customers self select and return the survey out of sight of the initial • interaction 4

  5. Your overall experience with our services 77% Excellent Very Good 17% 5% Good 0% Fair 2% Poor 0% 50% 100% Survey Responses 5

  6. Promptness of service by counter personnel 76% Excellent Very Good 22% 1% Good 0% Fair 0% Poor 0% 50% 100% Survey Responses 6

  7. Helpful/Courteous Staff Excellent 83% 14% Very Good 2% Good 0% Fair 2% Poor 0% 50% 100% Survey Responses 7

  8. Knowledgeable Staff 70% Excellent 27% Very Good Good 0% 2% Fair 2% Poor 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Survey Responses 8

  9. Time spent waiting to be called 45% 0-4 min 33% 5-9 min 12% 10-14 min 15-19 min 3% 6% 20+ min 0% 20% 40% 60% Survey Responses 9

  10. FY2012 Priorities/Major Initiatives Planning (within existing proposed budget) • Comprehensive Plan rewrite, including TOD Overlays (Mission Valley, Glory Road, Oregon) • Alameda Corridor Plan • Northpark TOD • Implementation of Accela Automation Plan review tracking and processing o • Improve Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction (in conjunction with Engineering & Development Services) “Development Assistance Center” o Update regulatory requirements o  Proposed Title 5 Amendments  Revisiting Title 18, 19, 20 • Implementation of Electronic Application Submittals: Plat, Detailed Site Plan, 10 Subdivision Improvements

  11. FY2012 Department Performance Measures Planning Function Project FY2012 Goal Land Development • Subdivisions (30 day State 100% Applications (On-Time requirement) Completion) Plan Completions • Connecting El Paso 100% • TOD/RTS Overlays Ongoing Planning Comprehensive Plan 100% Ongoing Customer Service Metrics 11

  12. Accomplishments from FY2011 Economic Development Business Retention & Expansion Visits • o 361 visits in FY2011 (as of July 6) o Franchise Fee Policy enacted Downtown • o Since 2006, $233 million invested  19 private projects - $59.8 million; 18 public projects - $173.2 million o Housing – Magoffin Park Villas New Market Tax Credits • o Played key role in securing $25 allocation for Mills Building o Financing will allow redevelopment of Plaza Hotel to be accelerated 12

  13. Accomplishments from FY2011 Economic Development Retail Attraction • o Regular electronic and direct mail marketing pieces to more than 250 retailers o 5 retail-initiated visits at company headquarters to discuss potential expansion o 6 assisted visits to the El Paso market Workforce • o Regional Innovation Grant (City, Workforce Solution, Paso del Norte Group) - industry cluster development o Project Arriba  64 graduates; 48 job placed at wages $12.22/hr. or higher 13

  14. FY2012 Priorities/Major Initiatives Economic Development (within existing proposed budget) • Revitalize underperforming areas of the city through incentive programs to enhance tax base and quality of life o Returning to Council with revised incentive policy(s) • Support a regional technology infrastructure to enhance efforts to support high- tech businesses, such as the Hub for Human Innovation • Implement an international program to enhance El Paso’s economy o Establishment of a Regional Investment Center • Develop and facilitate airport properties, MCA and Smart Growth Pilot Projects o Dedicated ED Staff assigned to airport and CARE • Utilize creative financing programs to enhance the local economy o New Market Tax Credit Program, Section 108, 63/20 14

  15. FY2012 Priorities/Major Initiatives Economic Development (within existing proposed budget) • Enhance job creation via business expansion, recruitment & entrepreneurship o Economic gardening, cluster development, Revolving Loan Fund Direct Lending (vs. gap lending) • Industry Recruitment o Coordinated joint business outreach attraction effort for targeted industries with REDCO o Returning to Council with detailed plan proposal • Downtown Revitalization & Housing Projects TIRZ and DMD capital projects/bonding o • Implement social media program to increase awareness and access to assistance 15

  16. Economic Development-Small Business Assistance (To be funded by ED Reserve Fund) • Small Business Assistance Program o Facade improvement matching grants  $60,000, city-wide, matching dollar-per-dollar o Economic Gardening - Market intelligence and technical assistance  Consumer demographics, industry data, workforce data, supplier data, GIS analysis, export assistance, etc. o Community Business Capital & Resource Program  Finance guidance – matching business with best options, loan or other, and guiding through process o Grow America Fund Revolving Loan Fund 16

  17. Economic Development-Imaging (To be funded by ED Reserve Fund) El Paso Image Task Force • Four meetings since March • Stakeholders include leadership from City Manager’s Office, City PIO, • MCAD, CVB, EPPD, El Paso County, Chambers of Commerce, UTEP, Texas Tech, MCA, UMC, PDN, REDCO, Ft. Bliss, local media, etc. Internal survey of stakeholders showed that negative perceptions of El Paso • seriously impact business & tourism attraction Strong commitment from all stakeholders to participate in a positive consensus • message Survey also identified a wealth of promotional information developed by • stakeholders, however independent Finalizing a plan that involves two parallel tracks for Phase One in the next • 60-90 days Second phase involves implementation within next 12-24 months • Third phase is long term, continuous messaging • 17

  18. Imaging Plan: Phase 1 Internal Staff Driven Processes • Issue Two RFPs • o One for coordinated media communication; reputation management o One for a public relations campaign • Organize Conversations Among Task Force Members o Maintain a positive, unified message and image o Engage the private sector in Task Force o Extract info from business community to understand important attributes of our region from a business perspective  Why companies choose El Paso and why others stay o Push information to employees as captive audience to enhance message of a positive quality of life (things to do, attractions, events, etc.) 18

  19. Imaging Plan: Phase 1 Enhance network for travel writers to develop a positive, organic • experience while in El Paso o Improve and link websites to one another so travel writers can self-connect with other stakeholders o Strengthen existing relationships with local/weekly/monthly publications to expose non-traditional, off-the-beaten path activity (i.e., What’s Up, El Paso Inc., El Tiempo, El Paso y Mas, El Paso Scene, etc.) 19

  20. Imaging Plan: Phase 2 • Funding required • Contract with a professional media relations firm for reputation management o Reputation management for written, television and radio pieces about El Paso o Establish a proactive, concentrated and time framed approach by generating positive stories about El Paso o Obtain local, regional and national exposure o Create a response protocol to defend positive image o Track measureables to gauge improvement (i.e., number of positive/negative stories, event participants, guests, vacancy rates, job recruitment efforts, etc.) 20

  21. Imaging Plan: Phase 2 • Contract with a professional firm to develop and implement public relations campaign o City-wide pride campaign for positive image improvement  Examples: I NY, Keep Austin Weird, One London o Targeted messaging to be sponsored by business community  Title sponsorships, special events, naming opportunities o Solicit support from local media (television, print, radio) to help promote o Local positive activity will generate national exposure  Hits on search engines  Local, regional and national articles written about local events, activities (safety, sporting events, university and medical school, economic rankings, etc.) o Local “buzz” will create opportunity to launch campaign at a national level  Leads to Phase 3 – ongoing, long term 21


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