city city o of el l pas aso

City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Managers Proposed Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Managers Proposed Budget Municipal Clerk Mission Statement To deliver quality customer service by promoting ready access to City documents and information, by creating and maintaining

  1. City City o of El l Pas aso FY2012 City Manager’s Proposed Budget Municipal Clerk

  2. Mission Statement To deliver quality customer service  by promoting ready access to City documents and information,  by creating and maintaining accurate records of the City and Municipal Court actions,  by providing equitable access to justice in the adjudication of cases under Municipal Court’s jurisdiction. 2

  3. Municipal Clerk FY10/11 Results  99 % of minutes transcribed within 1 week  Number of voter signatures verified on initiative petitions: 2,886  Number of board appointments verified: 230  Number of board member annual financial disclosures: 198  Number of Elected Officials/Dept Head annual financial disclosures: 50  Number of ordinances processed: 195  Number of City Council, Special City Council meetings & LRCs: 74  Number of ordinances and resolutions scanned: 7,288 3

  4. Municipal Clerk FY10/11 Results  Implemented E-Parking tickets  Implemented video arraignments for Mission Valley, expanding to Pebble Hills and Westside  Conducted 6 school presentations on traffic safety to area high schools  Initiated transfer of juvenile cases to Juvenile Probation as mandated by statute: 92 cases, 62 juveniles from Jan – May  Assigned community service to 635 juveniles and adults  Processed open records processed, YTD: 1,772  Received On-line surveys, YTD: 78  Processed incoming phone calls at court, Sept - May: 126,279 4

  5. Trial Courts FY10 (full year) FY11 - May # of Cases Adjudicated 95,422 75,128 # of Dismissal Findings 33,760 29,316 # of Not Guilty Findings 19,531 14,234 # of Found Guilty Findings 16,742 13,303 # of Driving Safety Courses Granted 17,572 12,269 # of Bond Forfeiture Cases 5,826 4,637 # of Deferred Adjudication Cases 1,991 1,369 # of Continuances Granted 96,254 75,023 Source: Justice Information Management System 5

  6. Cases Awaiting Trial As of July 6, 2011 # of Trial Cases Awaiting a Court Date 27,379 # of Pre-trial Cases Awaiting a Court Date 8,198 35,577 Total Number of Trial & Pre-Trial Cases Awaiting a Court Date # of Show Cause Hearings Awaiting a Court Date 3,533 To address the cases awaiting a hearing, the judges have agreed to add an additional 250 Pre-trail cases to their docket each week. Source: Justice Information Management System, 960 Report as of July 6, 2011 6

  7. Arraignment Court FY10 (full year) FY11 - May # of Cases Adjudicated 68,504 47,197 # of Cases Dismissed for proof 36,530 25,374 # of Cases Found Guilty 16,316 11,493 # of Driving Safety Courses Granted 15,658 10,330 # of Requests for Bench Trials 43,508 31,662 Video Arraignments: # of Cases Started Aug 2010 1,342 Video Arraignments: # of Defendants 825 Source: Justice Information Management System 7

  8. FY2012 Priorities/Major Initiatives OBJECTIVES Timely and equitable administration of court cases  Increase use of technology, implementation of video arraignments  Promote public access to resolutions, ordinances, court documents and records  PERFORMANCE MEASURES Minutes of Council meetings recorded and transcribed within 1 week  Process open records/ phone inquiries  IMPACT ON COUNCIL ’ S STRATEGIC PLAN: High Performing Customer Service Goal 95.4 % level of customer service satisfaction reflected through customer call back  responses and online survey responses; 1,601 customer surveys were conducted and 78 on-line surveys of website effectiveness have been received through June 17, 2011 BUDGET PRIORITIES Expand video arraignments to all bond office locations  Implement distribution of warrants to EPPD at Pebble Hills electronically for Jail Annex  bookings RFP for the replacement of JIMS  8

  9. Municipal Clerk Organization Munic icip ipal C l Clerk Asst Muni uni C Cler erk-Co Courts Asst Muni uni C Cler erk 1 1 - Dept ept 1 1 - Office M e Manage anager- 1 - Warrant 1 ant 1 1 - Office S e Super upervisor 1-Admin inistrativ ive Admin inis istrativ ive Cour ourts Super upervisor or –Dat ata P Proces essing ng Assistant Manag anager er 8 8 –Senior or O Office e 7-Dep eput uty C Cour ourt C Clerk 1-Accessib ibil ilit ity 10-Senior 10 or D Deput eputy Assistant Specia iali list Cour ourt C Cler erk 1 - Office S 1 e Super upervisor – Crt A Arrangem gement nts 1 1 - Rev evenu enue e 1 1 - Custom omer er 1 - Sent 1 enten encing ng Proc oces essing g Relat ations ons & Billing g Coordi dina nator or 1-Senior S r Secre retary ry Super upervisor or Super uper 1-Seni nior or O Office Assistant . 5 5 -Deput eputy C Cour ourt 5- Deput eputy C Cour ourt Cler erk 2-Seni nior or O Office 13 13 - Cus ustomer er 2-Cus ustom omer er R Relations ons Clerk rk 1 V 1 Vac acan ancy Assistant Relat ations ons R Reps Clerk rk (Cashi hier er) (Collectors rs) ) 1 1 - Hear earing ng O Officer er 1 1 - Office S e Super upervisor 2-VOE c clerks Admin in 1-Accou ount nting ng / / Pay ayrol oll C Cler erk 1 1 -Deput eputy C Cour ourt 7 7 –Senior or O Office e Clerk rk Assista tant t 9

  10. FY 11 Revenue By Location Revenue By Revenue By Location Location Central $4,056,094.74 $4,500,000.00 $4,000,000.00 Jail payments $282,394.28 $3,500,000.00 Mail payments $1,193,907.82 $3,000,000.00 Revenue $2,500,000.00 Mission Valley $2,441,698.51 $2,000,000.00 Northeast $3,632,649.67 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Pebble Hills $1,940,527.20 $500,000.00 Westside $1,242,727.26 $0.00 l b w t s a s e s y s l e a Web $3,347,090.36 t t d r e a l n t n i W H i l n l e e l s f e a f e m h t o m V e s C t c y r l e y b S o a n W Scofflaw $287,111.99 a b N p o p e i s P l i l i s a a i J M M Location TOTAL $18,424,201.83 Source: Justice Information Management System as of May 31, 2011 10

  11. State & City Revenue Comparison 30,000,000 City Revenue 20,000,000 State Revenue 10,000,000 Total Revenue 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 13,964,120 10,057,275 10,059,168 City Revenue 10,537,764 8,120,225 8,365,034 State Revenue 24,501,884 18,177,500 18,424,202 Total Source: Justice Information System through May 31, 2011 11

  12. State & City Revenue Comparison From Sept 1 to May 31 15,000,000 10,000,000 FY10 FY11 5,000,000 0 City Revenue State Revenue Other- Collection 10,057,465 6,733,875 1,386,315 FY10 10,059,067 6,923,132 1,441,984 FY11 Source: Justice Information Management System 12

  13. EPPD Ticket Issuance Comparison By Fiscal Year Ticket Issuance Trend Number of Tickets 250,000 200,000 Traffic 150,000 Class C 100,000 Parking 50,000 0 Sept 1 to May 31 Sept 1 to May 31 Sept 1 to May 31 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Period Reduction from Change from FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY09 FY09 Sept 1 to May 31 Sept 1 to May 31 Sept 1 to May 31 Difference % change Traffic 212,560 194,893 187,851 (24,709) -11.62% Class C 15,293 15,789 14,530 (763) -4.99% Parking 54,866 51,254 40,107 (14,759) -26.90% Totals 282,719 261,936 242,488 (40,231) -14.23% 13

  14. FY2012 Proposed All Funds Budget Comparison by Character APPROPRIATIONS ADOPTED FY11 PROPOSED FY12 % CHANGE PERSONAL SERVICES 3,893,728 3,935,367 1.07% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,489,744 1,187,909 -20.26% 54.24% * MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 99,718 153,808 OPERATING EXPENSES 273,271 272,025 -0.46% NON-OPERATING 67,000 60,000 -10.45% INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0 0 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 91,000 91,000 0.00% INTERNAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0.00% -3.62% TOTAL BUDGET 5,914,461 5,700,109 TRANSFERS/GRANT MATCHES 0 0 0.00% NET BUDGET 5,914,461 5,700,109 -3.62% *Increase in Materials & Supplies is due to Capital Equipment of $54,500 including conference table & chairs for City Council and courtroom pews. 14

  15. FY2012 Proposed General Fund Budget Comparison by Character APPROPRIATIONS ADOPTED FY11 PROPOSED FY12 % CHANGE PERSONAL SERVICES 3,893,728 3,935,367 1.07 % CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 738,744 436,909 -40.86 % MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 24,718 24,308 -1.66% OPERATING EXPENSES 273,271 272,025 -0.46 % NON-OPERATING 67,000 60,000 -10.45 % INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0 0 0 % CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 % INTERNAL TRANSFERS 0 0 0 % -5.38% TOTAL BUDGET 4,997,461 4,728,609 TRANSFERS/GRANT MATCHES 0 0 0.00 % NET BUDGET $4,997,461 $4,728,609 -5.38% 15

  16. FY2012 Proposed Authorized Position Count FY2011 FY2012 % Adopted Proposed Change General Fund 87.20 89.20 2.29% Non – General Fund 0.10 0.10 0.00% Total Authorized 87.30 89.30 2.29 % Positions 16

  17. FY2012 Proposed Budget Comparison by Dept Functions Division/Program FY2011 FY2012 % Change Adopted Proposed Proposed FY11/ Adopted FY 12 City Clerk $ 751,115 $ 467,520 -37.76% Administration $ 3,523,924 $ 3,551,167 0.77% Judiciary $ 722,422 $ 764,422 5.81%* Security $ 377,000 $ 377,000 0.00% Technology $ 540,000 $ 540,000 0.00% Total $ 5,914,461 $ 5,700,109 -3.62% *Judiciary budget reflects capital equipment budget of $54,500 for city council table & courtroom pews. 17


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