citizenship loan pilot project

Citizenship Loan Pilot Project ONEAMERICA & LOWER VALLEY CREDIT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Citizenship Loan Pilot Project ONEAMERICA & LOWER VALLEY CREDIT UNION Washington New Americans A program of OneAmerica and the State of Washington Goal: Connect eligible Legal Permanent Residents with affordable legal

  1. Citizenship Loan Pilot Project ONEAMERICA & LOWER VALLEY CREDIT UNION

  2. Washington New Americans A program of • OneAmerica and the State of Washington Goal: Connect • eligible Legal Permanent Residents with affordable legal services to become U.S. citizens

  3. Washington New Americans  Free application assistance at group application events (Citizenship Days). Includes legal review by volunteer immigration attorneys  20-language statewide hotline  Network of 8 community subgrantees application that provide assistance, citizenship classes  4,000+ applications since 2010

  4. Lower Valley Credit Union  Branches in Yakima Valley area, but any Washington resident can join  80%+ Hispanic members, 88% of members are low- income  Certified CDFI  Many services for ITIN holders

  5. Naturalization, in a nutshell  Must be green card-holders for at least 5 years before applying  Must speak, read and write English (with 2 exceptions)  Must pass US history and civics test  Must prove “good moral character”  HIGHLY advisable to get legal help to apply; laundry list of criminal, civil and immigration violations that can result in a denial, or sometimes loss of green card (deportation)  Application is 21 pages and adjudication process takes anywhere from 4-8 months from submittal to interview + oath

  6. Common Barriers to Naturalization Cost ($680+ legal fees) English Misinformation ability Access to Criminal quality legal charges/ services issues

  7. Client Profile in Yakima Valley Age 88% had 65 and 18-29 older years Countries of Origin 16% household incomes 18% 50-64 below 200% of the years 30-49 25% years Federal Poverty 41% 3% Line ($48,000/yr 3% 2% 2% 1% 3% for family of 4) 9% 77% 74% had been green card holders for more than 10 years Mexico Guatemala Honduras Colombia El Salvador Russia Phillippines Other

  8. Target population for loan is quite small  Full fee waivers available from USCIS for low- income applicants  Public benefits (food stamps, Medicaid)  OR 150% of federal poverty level  For example:  Most recent clinic in Yakima on April 25:  40 successfully completed N400s  29 completed fee waiver applications  =only 11 people who might be interested in the loan

  9. What We Did  Cross training on loan information and naturalization process  Mutual referral system between OneAmerica/La Casa Hogar in Yakima and Lower Valley CU  LVCU presence at Citizenship Days  Host citizenship clinics in the branch

  10. Results since July 2014 Recent clinic on 4/25 in Yakima  89 citizenship applications completed over three area clinics (Pasco, Sunnyside, Yakima)  Of those, 19 applied for a citizenship loan

  11. Other factors  No immediate urgency for citizenship  Still considerable mistrust in community for formal financial institutions – prefer borrowing from friends and family if possible  English ability is still a huge barrier; many clients in area do not know enough English and don’t qualify for English waiver. ( 20% of clients turned away at Yakima clinic for English reasons)

  12. Success: Increased Economic Integration  Citizenship loan is a trust-builder and a gateway  In addition to the 19 citizenship loan applicants, there have been 27 NEW activities initiated as a result of this partnership  Auto loans, other loans  Savings and checking accounts  Attendees at branch clinics form positive associations with a trusted financial institution – word spreads Thelma, client at LVCU Branch clinic in Sunnyside

  13. What’s Next  Next clinic at LVCU Branch in Sunnyside on July 11!  LVCU on community Spanish radio  Continue to refer potential clients between both organizations  Further in the future – explore DACA and DAPA loans  High demand for these loans in other communities  Urgent need to apply  Applications are easier, fewer restrictions (e.g. English)  NO fee waivers available

  14. Questions? S A R A H S U M A D I W A S H I N G T O N N E W A M E R I C A N S P R O G R A M M A N A G E R S A R A H @ W E A R E O N E A M E R I C A . O R G 2 0 6 - 4 5 2 - 8 4 2 3 J O S H B E C K F I N A N C E V P , L O W E R V A L L E Y C R E D I T U N I O N J B E C K @ L O W E R V A L L E Y C U . O R G 5 0 9 - 8 3 7 - 5 2 9 5


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