A DAP TIVE R AY AY - BU LE T RACIN CING APTI BUNDLE WITH M EMORY ORY U SA GE P REDICT ION : WITH SAGE DICTIO E FFI FFICIENT G LOBAL AL I LLUMIN ION IN IN L ARGE GE S CENES MINATIO Yusuke ke To Toku kuyoshi (Squar are Enix Co., Ltd.) .) Ta Taka kashi Se Seki kine (Squar are Enix Co., Ltd.) .) Tiag ago d da Silva (Square Enix Co. o., Ltd., Univ. of of Tok okyo) Tak akas ashi Kan anai (Univ. of of Tok okyo)
L IGHT IGHT M AP APS FO FOR L ARG ARGE S CENES ES 45.3 M texel light maps Scene with 4.9 km in diameter (3.7 M triangles) Computation time: 1396 secs (2000 sample directions) (GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 1.5GB memory)
I NTRODU ION DUCTIO 1. Intr Introduc uction 2. Ada daptive T Til iling for R or Ray ay-bu bundl dles 3. Expe perimental Results & Future Work ork
R AY AY - BUNDL DLE T RACI RACING Set of parallel rays for a sample direction [Sbert96] Implemented with GPU rasterization [Szirmay-Kalos98, Hachisuka05] Benefits: HW acceleration, tessellation etc. Multi-fragment problem is identical to OIT Per Per-pixel li l linke ked-lis ist [Yang10]
L IM ITED M EMORY RY C APACI ACITY OF OF GPU GPU S IMIT Ray ay-bu bundl dle trac racing g is weak ak in lar arge ge scenes Light lea eaking er error Me Memory ov overflow w of of the li lists Uniformly distributed rays Memory usage is unknown before rendering Inhomogeneous light map density Excessive memory has to be allocated High-resolution ray-bundle buffer is required
U NIFO FORM T IL ING [T HIBIEROZ 11] ILIN Proposed for real-time linked-list OIT Split a render target into smaller tiled regions Each tile is rendered separately Unsuitable for off-line rendering Overflow is still unpredictable Scene-dependent parameter tuning split plit 1 rende der r targe get 8x8 8 rende der r targe gets
O UR UR C ONT ONS NTRIBUTIONS Memory usage prediction for linked-list ray-bundles Adaptive tile subdivision using the above prediction Reduce the risk of memory overflow & light leaking error Avoid over-splitting Less parameter tuning Uniform rm tili ling Our adapt ptive tili ling
A DAPTI PTIVE T IL ING FO FOR R AY AY - BUNDLES LES ILIN 1. Intr Introduc uction 2. Ada daptive T Til iling for R or Ray ay-bu bundl dles 3. Expe perimental Results & Future Work ork
A DAPTI PTIVE T IL ING ILIN Based on adaptive shadow mapping [Fernando01] Quadtree-based tile subdivision According to a low-resolution scene analysis Analysis for memory usage prediction is also added The overflow risk is reduced dramatically It is not completely eliminated, however Our contribu bution ions
I MPORTAN CE & F & F RAG RAGMENT C OUNT NT A NALY LYSIS ANCE Render two mipmaps from the ray-bundle direction Pixels as quadtree nodes (resolution: 2 n ) render Importance mipmap Fragment count mipmap (re required ray ray de density) (memory usa sage pe per r ray ray)
R ECU RSIVE T IL ILE S UBDIV ISION CURS DIVIS Start from the top mip level (root of the quadtree) A tile is subdivided when overflow is predicted Subdi bdivision c con ondi dition for each tile Requ quire ired r d ray-bu bundl dle pix ixel l count Estima imated u d upper r bound computed with computed with importance mipmap fragm gment nt c count unt m mipm pmap
E XPER ENTAL R ES ULTS ERIMEN ESULT & & C ONCLUSI ONS SIONS 1. Intr Introduc uction 2. Ada daptive T Til iling for R or Ray ay-bu bundl dles 3. Expe perimental Results & Future Work ork
N O T IL ING ILIN 2000 sample directions Ray-bundle resolution: 1024 2 Node buffer size: 5M nodes Analysis resolution: 1024 2 100 100 secs MSE: SE: 2. 2.04 0435e-2 ov overflow ratio: 0% Grou Ground tru ruth GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 with 1.5GB memory
35 35 X 35 U 35 U NIFO FORM T IL ING ILIN 2000 sample directions Ray-bundle resolution: 1024 2 Node buffer size: 5M nodes Analysis resolution: 1024 2 1381 1381 secs MSE: SE: 3. 3.33 3344e-3 overflow ratio: 6.96% ov Grou Ground tru ruth GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 with 1.5GB memory
O UR UR A DAPTI PTIVE T IL ING ILIN (172.7 tiles / direction) 2000 sample directions Ray-bundle resolution: 1024 2 Node buffer size: 5M nodes Analysis resolution: 1024 2 1396 1396 secs MSE: SE: 2. 2.53 5349e-4 overflow w ratio: 1.27e 7e-2% Grou Ground tru ruth GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 with 1.5GB memory
C OMPU TION T IM IMES PER ER S AMPLE LE D IRE CTION MPUTA TATI RECT 2% o overhead head 7.9 13.3 2.4 7.5 12.5 Analysi sis Ren ender ering 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 Mipm pmappi pping 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 Tile S Subdivisi sion 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 GPU GPU-CPU D Data Copy Copy 291.6 405.7 69.9 269.8 418.9 Ray ay-bu bundl dle Cre Creation 180.3 274.7 63.8 217.4 286.9 Light M Map Update te (ms) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 with 1.5GB memory
C ONCLUSI ONS SIONS Adaptive tiling for linked-list ray-bundles A tiles is subdivided when overflow is predicted The risk of memory overflow is reduced dramatically Less parameter tuning Memory usage prediction Using the fragment count mipmap Demonstrated baking light maps of large scenes With a limited memory capacity
F UT URE W ORK RK UTUR Improving the analysis accuracy Supersampling Conservative rasterization [Hasselgren05] Ray-bundle warping Rectilinear texture warping [Rosen12] Warpi rping Real-time linked-list OIT For an arbitrary node buffer size
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