china iot standardization

China IoT Standardization Dr. Betty Xu S econded E uropean S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SESEC III Webinar on EU & China IoT Standardization China IoT Standardization Dr. Betty Xu S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina ( SESEC ) Beijing, 11 th April 2017 S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C

  1. SESEC III Webinar on “ EU & China IoT Standardization ” China IoT Standardization Dr. Betty Xu S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina ( SESEC ) Beijing, 11 th April 2017 S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC)

  2. SESEC III Webinar on “ EU & China IoT Standardization ” China IoT Standardization ✓ SESEC III Introduction ✓ Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ Key public/private actors ✓ Mapping of key players in standards drafting ✓ Key challenges and future development S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2

  3. SESEC S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina ( SESEC ) The Seconded European Standardization Expert in China (SESEC) is a visibility project co- financed by  The European Commission (EC)  The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) secretariat and the three European Standardization Organizations  CEN,  CENELEC  ETSI S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 3

  4. China IoT Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ IoT/M2M was mentioned many times in China government reports and 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan , and was regarded as very important innovation point. ✓ In November 2011, MIIT officially issued the Twelfth Five- Year Plan on the Internet of Things. This documents also highlighted the importance of building a standardization system of IoT. ✓ The State Council issued the Guidelines on Striving for the Healthy and Orderly Development of IoT in February 2013, to further clarify the goals of IoT development. S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 4

  5. China Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ IoT was indicated in the State Council-issued Opinions on Expanding Domestic Demand through Improving Information Consumption . It emphasized efforts shall be put on supporting the smart sensor manufacturing. ✓ The key role of IoT in the development of smart city was addressed in the Opinions on Improving the Development of Smart City , a document jointly issued by 8 ministries including NDRC, MIIT, MOST, MPS, MoHURD, and MOT.* * please see the abbreviation list for these ministries’ names S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 5

  6. China Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ The Suggestions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development confirms the importance of implementing the “Internet+” action plan, developing technologies and applications concerning the Internet of Things. ✓ Made in China 2025 put IoT and Intelligent Manufacturing in a high priority. ✓ National Intelligent Manufacturing Standards System Guide officially re-leased in Dec 2015 by SAC and MIIT S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 6

  7. Key Policies Analyses I The 13th five-year National Plan: Guide to the development of IoT industry ✓ Jointly released by MIIT and NDRC, the IoT industry and services is among the 9 key areas to develop in the 13th five-year plan ✓ For IoT: Enhancing modern information infrastructure, advancing BigData and application of IoT, encouraging integration of IoT with Mobile Internet for smart-cities, Industry, agriculture and other sectors • strengthening the use of IoT technology in areas like: urban electricity provisioning balance management, water resources management, fire protection and control management, underground pipe network monitoring, hazardous chemicals management, energy saving, environmental protection etc. • improving the ability of urban operation monitoring management, facilitating the formation of a unified sensing equipment management platform, enhancing urban operation data collection and information sharing, meeting the inherent requirements of 3 rapid response to urban management for scientific decision- making S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) 7

  8. Key Policies Analyses II Guidelines on Striving for the Healthy and Orderly Development of IoT ✓ The State Council issued the Guidelines on Striving for the Healthy and Orderly Development of IoT in February 2013, to further clarify the goals of IoT development. ✓ In accordance with the Guidelines, Ten Action Plans for IoT Development were published by the State Council. ✓ One of the Ten Action Plans is IoT Standardization Action Plan. S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 8

  9. Key Policies Analyses II Guidelines on Striving for the Healthy and Orderly Development of IoT IoT Standardization Action Plan sets 10 missions for IoT standardization as follows: Develop a specific plan for designing IoT standardization system; • Improve the IoT standardization system; • Develop common fundamental IoT standards; • Develop general technical IoT standards; • Develop technical standards for key technologies of sensing, • networks and information processing; Give priority to the drafting of industrial application standards in • urgent need; Promote the establishment of regional or international IoT • standardization organizations; Launch a platform for standard verification and related service; • Encourage business in standard verification and related service; • Constantly improve the organization. • S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 9

  10. SESEC III Webinar on “ EU & China IoT Standardization ” China IoT Standardization ✓ SESEC III Introduction ✓ Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ Key public/private actors ✓ Mapping of key players in standards drafting ✓ Key challenges and future development S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 10

  11. Roles of relevant government agencies in IoT standardization S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 11

  12. Key IoT research Institutes • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) • National IoT research institute (Wuxi) • IoT Research and Development Center of China Academy of Science • Research centers in Some universities S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 12

  13. China IoT industry ✓ National champions surfaced over years of development in sensing manufacture and application services.* ✓ SENSE Technology and Invengo take up more than 1/3 domestic market share for Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID reader. ✓ The penetration rate of Invengo and Seaever Intelligent Technology in the library market has reached 80%. ✓ The GPS/Beidou navigation system of HEG Technology has been vastly installed in government vehicles in Guangzhou and more other places. ✓ It has been a highlight in China’s IoT industry that the internet Giants, including Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi, and Baidu etc., entering the IoT market with strategic cooperation with traditional business ✓ Telematics Industry Application Alliance (TIAA) of MIIT focus more in IT technology in automotive. ✓ China Sensor Network and IoT Industry Alliance was set up in 2016 and 300 companies joined this alliance. * CAICT White Paper on IoT 2016 S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 13

  14. SESEC III Webinar on “ EU & China IoT Standardization ” China IoT Standardization ✓ SESEC III Introduction ✓ Policy/Regulatory Context ✓ Key public/private actors ✓ Mapping of key players in standards drafting ✓ Key challenges and future development S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 14

  15. Mapping of key players in standards drafting Horizontal ✓ SAC: National IoT Fundamental Standard Work Group ✓ SAC: Industry Application Standardization Group ✓ SAC/TC287 National Technical Committee on Article Numbering of Standardization Administration of China ✓ CESI: RFID WG ✓ CESI: WG Sensor Network WGSN ✓ CCSA TC10 (Ubiquitous Network System) is the Leading TC in CCSA for IoT standardization S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) Title of event Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 15

  16. CCSA for example, TC10 (Ubiquitous Network System) is the Leading TC in CCSA for IoT standardization WG1: General Workgroup TC1 6LowPAN,ROLL Mobile network TC10 WG2:Application TC5 enhancement Workgroup IoT security TC8 WG3: Network Workgroup TC11 Mobile terminal WG4: Perception Extension Workgroup S econded E uropean S tandardization E xpert in C hina Project (SESEC) 16


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