chenango county

CHENANGO COUNTY TENTATIVE BUDGET 2017 2017 Preliminary Budget For - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CHENANGO COUNTY TENTATIVE BUDGET 2017 2017 Preliminary Budget For Board Review Chenango County Guiding Financial Precepts 2017 Budget 1) Have a balanced budget using reasonable revenue and expense expectations. 2) Other than in exigent

  1. CHENANGO COUNTY TENTATIVE BUDGET 2017 2017 Preliminary Budget For Board Review

  2. Chenango County Guiding Financial Precepts 2017 Budget 1) Have a balanced budget using reasonable revenue and expense expectations. 2) Other than in exigent circumstances adhere to the tax cap. 3) Maintain a NY State Comptroller's rating of "not in fiscal stress .“ 4) Remain debt free. 5) Maintain a minimum of $15,000,000 general fund surplus (i.e. not otherwise . earmarked). The estimated current surplus balance is about $17.000.000 6) Over the course of the next four years, reduce the application of General Fund surplus applied to the following year's budget to $1,500,000 (< 2% of the General and Social Services budgets).

  3. 2017 Chenango County Tentative Budget Fact Sheet Under the tax cap for the sixth straight year - of $186,000 by 1) about $8,000. The average tax rate increases by $.06/$1,000 of assessed value or 2) .47% from 2016 (about $6.00 per average residence). Individual town rates will vary depending on equalization rates and assessed value totals. Chenango County qualified, based on adhering to the Tax Cap 3) and having a State approved Efficiency Plan for the NYS Tax Freeze program for 2017 for STAR eligible properties. Taxable values are up three-tenths, .29% of 1%. Equalized values are down (.45)% for the second year in a row. The County remains debt free. 4) Maintains a NY Comptroller's rating of "not in fiscal stress”. 5) Maintains our repaving and equipment replacement programs for 6) the County Road system.

  4. 2017 Chenango County Tentative Budget Fact Sheet Continued Completes the development of Landfill Cell Four at a cost of $4.2 million without 8) incurring debt. We are now operating a school based Mental Health Service in the Norwich, Otselic 9) Valley and Oxford School Districts 10) Our self funded health plan has a 2017 cost increase of just 2.5% compared to the national average of 5%. 11) All 2016 programs are continued in 2017. 12) Spending is up 1.05 million, up 1.16% from 2016’s 88.4 million spending level and only 3% from 2013. 13) Revenues, while achievable, continue to be at very at robust levels. 14) Lessens the application of 2016 General Fund Surplus toward reducing the 2017 budget by $150,000 to $2,050,000. This is the sixth consecutive reduction from the $3,683,000 applied to balance the 2011 budget. 15) Positions us to reduce the application of General Fund surplus by $150,000 per year over each of the next four years to reach a target application of $1,500,000. 16) Nearly 40% of our local real property tax levy of 25 million goes to Albany to support Medicaid. Notes: A) Subject to Board of Supervisors action/revision B) Subject to minor adjustments until public filing date of 11/15/16

  5. NYS Comptroller’s Fiscal Stress Report For Counties Based on 2015

  6. The summary graph projects a fiscal stress score based on a three-year trend analysis. This score is not based on data submitted by the municipality. The predicted score is most reliable for municipalities which have followed a level trend but is less reliable for municipalities with scores that do not follow a steady trend. Financial information provided on this page is pulled from reports submitted by the municipality. OSC performs a formal review of the information on an annual basis. However, OSC is unable to verify the accuracy of all the data elements upon which an entity’s prior year fiscal stress score is based. Note: Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year. As a result, the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2016 NYS Comptroller’s Fiscal Stress Summary for Chenango County

  7. Value Scores Fiscal Indicators 2014 2015 2014 2015 Assigned & Unassigned FB/Gross Exp (General Fund) 21.9% 24.8% 0 0 1 Environmental Assigned & Unassigned FB/Gross Exp (Combined Funds) 22.9% 26.2% Indicators Value Score Total FB / Gross Exp (General Fund) 30.8% 32.1% 0 0 2 1 Change in Population -1.8% 3 Total FB / Gross Exp (Combined Funds) 32.0% 33.9% 2 Change in Median Age 11.7% 0 # of Operating Deficits in Three Years or last 2 2 2 2 3 Median Age of Population 42.9 0 year's deficit <= -10% 3 4 Child Poverty Rate 18.7% 0 Cash Ratio (Cash/Current Liability) 714.2% 698.3% 0 0 4 5 Change in Child Poverty Rate -1.4% 0 Cash as a % of Monthly Exp 467.1% 515.6% 0 0 5 Change in Property Value (4 year Short Term Debt Issuance (Debt/Revenues) 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 6 6 avg) 0.6% 0 7 Short Term Debt Trend (consecutive debt or 0 0 0 0 7 Property Value Per Capita $47,792 0 BN in last year) 8 Change in Unemployment Rate -0.9 0 Pers Srvc and Emp Benefits as a % of 9 Unemployment Rate 6.2% 0 Revenues (3 yr avg) 46.2% 47.4% 0 0 8 10 Change in Total Jobs in County -0.2% 1 Debt Service as a % of Revenues (3 yr avg) 0.1% 0.0% 0 0 9 11 Reliance on State and Federal Aid 24.1% 0 12 Change in State and Federal Aid 10.1% 0 13 Constitutional Tax Limit N/A N/A 14 Change in Sales Tax Receipts -0.8% 3 # NYS Comptroller’s Indicator Scoring Summary For Chenango County


  9. Chenango County Fiscal Score (Weighted )

  10. Chenango County Constitutional Tax Limit 10 Year Comparison of Percent Exhausted 85 80 75 Percent Exhausted 70 65 60 55 50 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

  11. Chenango County 10 Year Tax Rate Comparison 16.5 16.0 15.5 15.0 14.5 Tax Rate Per Thousand 14.0 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.0 11.5 11.0 Tax Cap Cap Imp Impose sed 10.5 10.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Tentative Year

  12. Chenango County Sales Tax 10 Year Comparison 21 20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 Millions 18 17.5 17 16.5 16 15.5 15 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Tentanive Years

  13. 2.000 1.950 1.900 1.850 1.800 Billions 1.750 1.700 1.650 1.600 1.550 1.500 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

  14. Chenango County Ten Year Comparison Of Actual Expense To Revenue General Fund 80 79 78 77 76 Millions Revenues 75 Expenses 74 73 72 71 70 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year

  15. $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Applied Fund Balance Appropriation Of Surplus During The Fiscal Year Chenango County 10 Year Comparison Of Use Of General Fund Surplus 10 Year Average $4.4 Million

  16. Culture And Recreation Economic 0.16% Assistance Transportation 30.52% 21.02% CHENANGO COUNTY Public Safety 2017 TENTATIVE 12.27% BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Education 1.45% Home And Fringe Benefits Community Svces 12.38% 3.56% Health Other General Applied Surplus 11.71% Real Property 2% Government Federal Aid 3% Taxes 6.92% 13% 28% State Aid 16% CHENANGO COUNTY 2017 TENTATIVE BUDGET REVENUES Sales Tax Departmental 16% Income Other Tax 20% Related Items 2%

  17. CHENANGO COUNTY 2017 TENTATIVE BUDGET HOW THE COUNTY TAX LEVY IS DISTRIBUTED CHENANGO COUNTY BASED ON AVERAGE TENTATIVE COUNTY RATE 2017 PROPERTY TAX FOR EVERY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN TAXABLE FULL VALUE RATE DISTRIBUTION CHENANGO COUNTY 2017 Economic Assistance $ 6.41 PROPERTY TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION Public Safety $ 1.86 County Roads & Transportation $ 2.49 General Government $ 0.39 Legal and Education Courts Health $ 0.77 2.75% Home & 5.48% Community Services General Health Legal and Court Facilities $ 0.74 2.87% Government 5.73% 2.92% Education $ 0.37 Culture & County Roads Recreation & 0.35% Transportation Home & Community Services $ 0.39 18.49% Culture & Recreation $ 0.05 Economic Assistance Public Safety 47.60% 13.82% AVERAGE COUNTY RATE PER THOUSAND $ 13.46



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