charge spin coupling as a probe of correlated quantum

Charge-spin coupling as a probe of correlated quantum materials Joo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Charge-spin coupling as a probe of correlated quantum materials Joo N. B. Rodrigues PI: Lucas K. Wagner Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4 th June 2019 Acknowledgments: Center for Emergent Superconductivity,

  1. Charge-spin coupling as a probe of correlated quantum materials João N. B. Rodrigues PI: Lucas K. Wagner Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4 th June 2019 Acknowledgments: Center for Emergent Superconductivity, funded by Department of Energy award DEAC0298CH1088. Computational resources of University of Illinois Campus Cluster and Blue Waters funded by awards OCI-0725070 and ACI-1238993.

  2. Quantum materials are all about collective behavior 10 23 interacting particles (electrons and nuclei) with position and spin

  3. Collective behavior determines materials’ properties Electric conduction Magnetic ordering Paramagnet Ferromagnet Antiferromagnet Insulator Metal

  4. Collective behavior determines materials’ properties Electric conduction Magnetic ordering Paramagnet Ferromagnet Antiferromagnet Insulator Metal High temperature Unconventional superconductivity magnetic orders Adapted from Adapted from

  5. Some of the materials with such unusual properties seem to have a strong coupling between magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom

  6. Iron-pnictides (FeAs)

  7. Iron-pnictides (FeAs)

  8. Iron-pnictides (FeAs)

  9. Iron-pnictides (FeAs)

  10. Iron-pnictides (FeAs)

  11. Iron-pnictides (FeAs) Superconducting pairing mediated by charge-spin interactions?

  12. Iron-pnictides (FeAs) Superconducting pairing mediated by charge-spin interactions?

  13. We are looking for more materials that have this kind of coupling between charge and spin degrees of freedom Is there a cheap way of estimating this coupling in a material?

  14. A cheap way of estimating charge-spin coupling Density Functional Theory (DFT) to calculate charge and spin densities.

  15. A cheap way of estimating charge-spin coupling Density Functional Theory (DFT) to calculate charge and spin densities.

  16. A cheap way of estimating charge-spin coupling Charge-spin susceptibility, χ , as an estimator of charge-spin coupling: � χ = ∆ ρ d r | ρ ( r ) − ρ 0 ( r ) | ∆ s = � d r | s ( r ) − s 0 ( r ) |

  17. A cheap way of estimating charge-spin coupling Charge-spin susceptibility, χ , as an estimator of charge-spin coupling: � χ = ∆ ρ d r | ρ ( r ) − ρ 0 ( r ) | ∆ s = � d r | s ( r ) − s 0 ( r ) | χ cs ≡ 1 ∆ ρ i Average over magnetic textures: � with i = , , , , . . . N i ∆ s i

  18. Charge-spin response qualitatively different across materials.

  19. Charge-spin response qualitatively different across materials.

  20. Charge-spin response qualitatively different across materials. The charge-spin susceptibility χ cs gives a sense of how strong is the charge-spin response.

  21. Can this coupling differentiate materials?

  22. Can this coupling differentiate materials? Our test set Cuprates Ba-122 FeX 214s TMDCs MPX3 SrCuO 2 , La 2 MO 4 (M=Co,Ni), VPS 3 , BaM 2 As 2 MSe 2 (M=Ti, CaCuO 2 , FeX with Sr 2 MO 4 (M=V,Cr, NiPSe 3 , with M=Ni,Mn, Nb,T a,W) and T-La 2 CuO 4 , X=Se,S,T e Mn,Fe,Co) and CdPSe 3 , Fe,Cr,Co,Cu. MS 2 (M=Mo,T a) T'-La 2 CuO 4 K 2 MF 4 (M=Co,Ni,Cu) CrGeT e 3 Unconventional high-temperature superconductors, strange metals, non-trivial magnetic ground states.

  23. Can this coupling differentiate materials? Our test set Cuprates Ba-122 FeX 214s TMDCs MPX3 SrCuO 2 , La 2 MO 4 (M=Co,Ni), VPS 3 , BaM 2 As 2 MSe 2 (M=Ti, CaCuO 2 , FeX with Sr 2 MO 4 (M=V,Cr, NiPSe 3 , with M=Ni,Mn, Nb,T a,W) and T-La 2 CuO 4 , X=Se,S,T e Mn,Fe,Co) and CdPSe 3 , Fe,Cr,Co,Cu. MS 2 (M=Mo,T a) T'-La 2 CuO 4 K 2 MF 4 (M=Co,Ni,Cu) CrGeT e 3 Unconventional high-temperature superconductors, strange metals, non-trivial magnetic ground states.

  24. Can we compute the charge-spin response accurately yet cheaply?

  25. Can we compute the charge-spin response accurately yet cheaply? Use density functional theory (DFT) (some quantum Monte Carlo for benchamark) DFT+U functional (which simulates strong electron-electron interactions in transition metal atoms d-orbitals) Multiple DFT+U calculations to control errors. ( U = 0 , 5 and 10 eV [details in arXiv:1810.03014] ) [Cococcioni and Gironcoli PRB 71, 035105 (2005)]

  26. High-throughput calculations with Blue Waters Multiple DFT+U + Several magnetic orders ≃ 1000 node-hours per material.

  27. High-throughput calculations with Blue Waters Multiple DFT+U + Several magnetic orders ≃ 1000 node-hours per material. Checking accuracy of charge-spin susceptibility (from DFT+U) with diffusion Monte Carlo on small set of materials ( ≃ 40000 node-hours per material).

  28. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) Charge-spin susceptibility 0.00 0.25 0.50 BaCo 2 As 2 Sr 2 VO 4 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe CaCuO 2 Material SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 K 2 CoF 4 TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 MnO 4 CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4

  29. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) Charge-spin susceptibility 0.00 0.25 0.50 BaCo 2 As 2 Sr 2 VO 4 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe CaCuO 2 Material SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 High-Tc unconventional superconductors; bad K 2 CoF 4 metals; disordered magnetic states; TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 CuO and Fe-based? BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 MnO 4 no yes CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4

  30. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) CuO and Fe-based? Charge-spin susceptibility yes 0.50 no High-Tc unconventional superconductors; bad metals; disordered magnetic states; 0.25 0.00 BaCo 2 As 2 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 VO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 CaCuO 2 SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 K 2 CoF 4 TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 Sr 2 MnO 4 CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4 Material Disordered magnetic metal; Mott insulator without long-range unchanged upon doping and order; metallic under pressure; pressure; nearby unconventional metal phase;

  31. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) Metallic ferromagnet CuO and Fe-based? at low-T; turns SC with Charge-spin susceptibility yes H2O doping (Tc=5K); 0.50 no High-Tc unconventional superconductors; bad metals; disordered magnetic states; 0.25 0.00 BaCo 2 As 2 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 VO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 CaCuO 2 SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 K 2 CoF 4 TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 Sr 2 MnO 4 CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4 Material Disordered magnetic metal; Mott insulator without long-range unchanged upon doping and order; metallic under pressure; pressure; nearby unconventional metal phase;

  32. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) Metallic ferromagnet CuO and Fe-based? at low-T; turns SC with Charge-spin susceptibility yes H2O doping (Tc=5K); 0.50 no High-Tc unconventional superconductors; bad metals; disordered magnetic states; 0.25 0.00 BaCo 2 As 2 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 VO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 CaCuO 2 SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 K 2 CoF 4 TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 Sr 2 MnO 4 CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4 AFM semiconductor; pressure Material induces SM-to-metal + magnetic transition; chemical doping little e ff ect; Disordered magnetic metal; Mott insulator without long-range unchanged upon doping and order; metallic under pressure; pressure; nearby unconventional metal phase;

  33. Materials in our test set according to their charge-spin susc (for U = 5 eV) Metallic ferromagnet CuO and Fe-based? at low-T; turns SC with Charge-spin susceptibility yes H2O doping (Tc=5K); 0.50 no High-Tc unconventional superconductors; bad metals; disordered magnetic states; 0.25 Mostly conventional magnets, insulators or metals. 0.00 BaCo 2 As 2 T'-La 2 CuO 4 Sr 2 CoO 4 FeTe FeS t-FeSe Sr 2 FeO 4 o-FeSe La 2 CoO 4 Sr 2 VO 4 o-BaFe 2 As 2 t-BaFe 2 As 2 CaCuO 2 SrCuO 2 T-La 2 CuO 4 TaSe 2 K 2 CoF 4 TaS 2 Sr 2 CrO 4 NbSe 2 BaCr 2 As 2 La 2 NiO 4 BaMn 2 As 2 NiPSe 3 Sr 2 MnO 4 CrGeTe 3 K 2 CuF 4 K 2 NiF 4 AFM semiconductor; pressure Material induces SM-to-metal + magnetic transition; chemical doping little e ff ect; Disordered magnetic metal; Mott insulator without long-range unchanged upon doping and order; metallic under pressure; pressure; nearby unconventional metal phase;

  34. Accomplishments: Solid evidence that materials with medium-to- large charge-spin coupling generally exhibit un- common correlated phases of matter. Broader impacts: New computational probe of electronic correlations in quantum materials. Accelerate material discovery ⇒ computational- guided searches. Currently looking into a set of scarcely studied materials Charge-spin susceptibility identified some interesting ones Working with experimental group at UIUC which is interested in exploring these materials


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