chapter 14 pricing concepts for establishing value part

Chapter 14 Pricing Concepts For Establishing Value (Part II) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chapter 14 Pricing Concepts For Establishing Value (Part II) Todays concepts Describe the difference between an everyday low price strategy (EDLP) and a high/low strategy Describe the pricing strategies used when introducing a

  1. Chapter 14 Pricing Concepts For Establishing Value (Part II)

  2. Today’s concepts Describe the difference between an everyday low price • strategy (EDLP) and a high/low strategy Describe the pricing strategies used when introducing a • new product Describe dynamic pricing • Describe price discrimination • 2

  3. Pricing strategies • Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP) – Promises to consumers a low price without the need to wait for sale price events or comparison shopping • Consumers: reduces search costs à adds value • Firms: saves effort and expense needed to mark down prices 3

  4. Pricing strategies • High/low pricing – Relies on promotion of sales – Attracts two different segments • Price insensitive customers (when price is high) • Price sensitive customers (when price is low) Amazon case – Big discounts can attract new users (whom would not have purchased the product otherwise!!) • E.g., Groupon case 4

  5. The Groupon Effect on Yelp Ratings [Byers et al. 2012] ★★★★☆ 1500 Yelp rating 750 ★★★☆☆ 0 More -240 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 240 Offset from Groupon offer date (days) customers! (a) Rating vs. offset, centered on offer date Fig. 1: Yelp review scores and volumes for Groupon 5

  6. The Groupon Effect on Yelp Ratings [Byers et al. 2012] Lower ★★★★☆ Ratings! 1500 Yelp rating 750 ★★★☆☆ 0 More -240 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 240 Offset from Groupon offer date (days) customers! (a) Rating vs. offset, centered on offer date Fig. 1: Yelp review scores and volumes for Groupon 6

  7. The Groupon Effect on Yelp Ratings [Byers et al. 2012] ★★★★☆ 1500 What do you Yelp rating think is going on here? 750 ★★★☆☆ 0 -240 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 240 Offset from Groupon offer date (days) (a) Rating vs. offset, centered on offer date Fig. 1: Yelp review scores and volumes for Groupon 7

  8. The Groupon Effect on Yelp Ratings [Byers et al. 2012] Why do ratings decrease? 8

  9. The Groupon Effect on Yelp Ratings [Byers et al. 2012] Why do ratings decrease? – Groupon Businesses are More Likely to be “Bad” Businesses • Limited evidence – Groupon users are often engaging in experimentation – Groupon reviews are less likely to be artificially inflated (fake) 9

  10. New Product Pricing Strategies Two strategies: 1. Penetration pricing 2. Price skimming 10

  11. Penetration pricing • Set initial price low to build sales, market share, profits • Good if cost of production decreases with quantity produced (economy of scale) 11

  12. Penetration pricing • Pros – Creates customer base quickly – Builds market share – Quick profits – Discourages competitors from entering the market • Cons – Sacrifices higher profits (low margins) – Firm has to keep up with high demand – Signaling problem: Low price à low quality – May not create loyal customer base 12

  13. Penetration pricing example • Cable, Internet companies, streaming services 13

  14. Price Skimming • At first high prices – Target consumers willing to pay premium to have innovation first • When market saturates – Lower (skim) price • Target most price-sensitive segment • Popular with technology products 14

  15. Price Skimming • Pros – Increased Quality Perception – Benefits from Early Adopters Brand ambassadors • – Fast costs recovery • Cons – Cannot last long • Competitors soon launch rival products – Consumer Dissatisfaction • Negative feedback from early adopters as the firm lowers its prices 15

  16. Price Skimming Example Apple – New IPhone enters the market at a very high price Reduced when or just before new version hit the markets • 16

  17. Dynamic pricing: The Case of Uber 17

  18. Dynamic pricing: The Case of Uber • How does Uber set prices? 18

  19. Dynamic pricing: The Case of Uber • How does Uber set prices? 19

  20. Dynamic pricing: The Case of Uber • How does Uber set prices? Rates automatically increase, when the demand for drivers is higher than drivers around you. 20

  21. Dynamic pricing: Le��� �������a�e �he ��de�����g ec�����c� b� �a���g a ����ca� e�a���e �f ���ge �� ac����. O� Ma�ch 21, 2015, ��� ���e���a� A��a�a G�a�de ��a�ed a ���d ��� �h�� a� Mad���� S��a�e Ga�de�. The Case of Uber 5 A��e�dee� a��e�����g �� ge� h��e af�e� �he c��ce�� ca��ed a �a�ge ����e �� de�a�d. F�g��e 1 �h��� �he ���be� �f ��de�� ��e���g �he Ube� a�� �� �he ��c����� �f Mad���� S��a�e • Surge price in action [Nosko et al. 2015] Ga�de� d��ec��� af�e� �he c��ce�� e�ded: Figure 1 ​ : De�a�d f�� Ube� S���e� F�������g S��d­O�� C��ce�� �� Ma�ch 21, 2015 N��e: F�g��e �e����� �he ���be� �f ��e�� ��e���g �he Ube� a�� each �����e ��e� �he c����e �f Ma�ch 21, 2015 (�� �ed), a� �e�� a� �he ��� �f ���a� �e��e��� f�� Ube� ��de� �� 15­�����e ���e��a�� ��e� �he �a�e ���e �e���d (b��e c��c�e�). Da�a �� f�� a �e����c�ed ge���a��a� b���d��g b�� c���a����g Mad���� S��a�e Ga�de� �� Ne� Y��� C���, ���gh�� 5 a�e��e� ���g a�d 15 ���ee�� ��de, f�� �be�X �eh�c�e� ����. P��e �����e c����� ha�e bee� ����a���ed �� a ��e­���ge ba�e���e, def��ed a� �he a�e�age �f �a��e� be��ee� 9:00 a�d 9:30 PM �ha� e�e���g, bef��e ���ge ����ed ��. �S��ge �e���d� (�e���� b��) �� �he ���e ��e� �h�ch �he ���ge ��������e� 21 ��c�ea�ed be���d 1.0�. A�� ��e���g� a�e a g��d �e��e�e��a���� �f �h��e �h� a�e �� �he �a��e� f�� Ube��� �e���ce� a�d �h�� �����de a ��ce �ea���e �f de�a�d. A� �e ca� �ee f��� �he �ed ���e, �he ���be� �f ��de�� ��e���g �he a�� af�e� �he c��ce�� ����ed �� �� 4 ���e� �he ����a� ���be� �f a�� ��e���g�. 5 ​ We ch��e �h�� �a���c��a� c��ce�� e�a���e �� ��de� �� c��c����a���a��� �a�ch �he Ne� Yea��� E�e e�a���e de�c��bed �� �he �a�� �ec���� �f �h�� d�c��e��. We ����ed f�� a ����e �� de�a�d �ha� ge�e�a�ed ���ge ���c��g �ha� d���e�� c���d ��ed�c� ­­ �� �ha� �e��e �����a� �� Ne� Yea��� E�e. F���he� �e ��ed Ne� Y��� C��� a�d a� a�������a�e�� �����a� ���e f�a�e �� ��de� �� h��d a� �a�� de�a��� �f �he ����a���� a� c����a�� a� �����b�e. We ��e� �h�� a� a ca�e ���d� e�a���e a�d h��e �� ge�e�a���e a�d ��b��a���a�e �he�e e�a���e� �� f����e �e������ �f �he �a�e�.


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