champions network champions network

Champions Network Champions Network Amanda Bunn Independent - PDF document

5/21/2019 The Impact of the Domestic Abuse The Impact of the Domestic Abuse Champions Network Champions Network Amanda Bunn Independent Researcher What was the research about? Research Aims What was the research

  1. 5/21/2019 The Impact of the Domestic Abuse The Impact of the Domestic Abuse Champions’ Network Champions’ Network Amanda Bunn – Independent Researcher What was the research about? Research Aims What was the research about? Research Aims To explore the impact the Champions’ Network has upon: • Victims and survivors • Organisations and workplaces • Local authorities To identify elements of success and how to improve sustainability of the network in the future. 1

  2. 5/21/2019 Research Methods Research Methods 4 Case Studies 2018 Reducing the Risk Survey – 381 10 interviews with champions champions 3 interviews with Reducing the Risk 356 evaluation forms after training training and development team 2

  3. 5/21/2019 What will this presentation cover? 1) The beginning of the road to impact: views about training 2) Help walking the road to impact: views about resources for champions 3) The route to impact: what do champions do that makes a difference? 4) The impact of the champions’ network: the destination 5) Taking the best route: what works in the champions’ network and directions for the future journey 1. The beginning of the road to impact: 1. The beginning of the road to impact: what difference does the champions’ what difference does the champions’ training make? training make? 3

  4. 5/21/2019 Training Training Awareness Awareness Knowing where to Knowing where to Knowing what to Knowing what to go go do do Improvements in Improvements in noticing and noticing and Greater awareness Greater awareness Improvements in Improvements in understanding understanding of ‘where to go’ or of ‘where to go’ or confidence and confidence and victims/survivors victims/survivors ‘who to go to’ for ‘who to go to’ for skills skills of domestic abuse of domestic abuse support or services support or services ‘ I feel more confident in spotting the signs and being aware of things to look out for.’ ‘ I think it’s about me; I have got more tools and more knowledge and confidence which makes me able to help change the families, which is different for each of them.’ 4

  5. 5/21/2019 ‘It’s been really good having a champions’ network, even the fact that people can do the training with multi-agencies so they get an idea of the different processes and pathways and different acronyms that different agencies use and the different roles they have and how they all fit together.’ Champions’ domestic abuse knowledge before and after Champions’ domestic abuse knowledge before and after training: evaluation forms training: evaluation forms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Before 13 27 51 66 96 62 26 15 0 After 0 0 0 3 8 47 119 139 40 Champions' Domestic Abuse Knowledge Before and After Training by Reducing the Risk 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Before After 5

  6. 5/21/2019 2. Help walking the road to impact: what were 2. Help walking the road to impact: what were views about resources for champions? views about resources for champions? Help walking the road to impact – views about resources for Help walking the road to impact – views about resources for champions champions Keeping up to date with the latest news, knowledge, legislation and available local services Enhancing multi-disciplinary working Accessible, summarised, free and keeping the network and links resources and advice active Interesting topics and speakers at Sharing and learning best practice meetings keeping champions energised and motivating continued action 6

  7. 5/21/2019 3) The route to impact: what do champions do 3) The route to impact: what do champions do that makes a difference? that makes a difference? The route to impact: what do champions do that makes a The route to impact: what do champions do that makes a difference? difference? What type of contact do you have with victims of Domestic Abuse? 2018 Survey (N=351) 9% 25% 66% Direct contact Indirect through supporting colleagues No contact 7

  8. 5/21/2019 Direct Work Supporting Supporting Empathy, warmth Empathy, warmth over time over time and and and building and building understanding understanding trust trust Facilitating Facilitating insight into the insight into the Working in the Working in the abuse the victim abuse the victim right way to right way to has experienced has experienced increase the increase the victims’ safety victims’ safety Empowering the Empowering the and discussing and discussing voice of victims, voice of victims, options options young people and young people and children children ‘ When you have an understanding of domestic abuse and what this means to an individual, you are able to empathise and understand your client in a supportive way. Stating why didn’t you just leave has never been helpful to anyone. Education and an understanding of DA is necessary to support survivors of DA in a positive way.’ 2018 Survey. 8

  9. 5/21/2019 ‘I think there’s that trust element; like anything it takes time to build a relationship. It takes time for them to understand that you are not there to rush this. This is about them understanding themselves where they are in the cycle. But also not judging them.’ Interviewee. Indirect Support Giving advice Giving advice Using the Using the and support to and support to champions’ champions’ colleagues colleagues network to gain network to gain multi-agency multi-agency advice, make advice, make referrals and referrals and Cascading Cascading meet the support meet the support knowledge or knowledge or needs of clients needs of clients information information Increasing awareness Increasing awareness about domestic abuse about domestic abuse and the champions’ and the champions’ network – always on network – always on the agenda the agenda 9

  10. 5/21/2019 ‘ All our colleagues can easily phone us and ask us a question if they are stuck somewhere. We know each other’s expertise. So, for example if one of my colleagues’ expertise is parenting I can go to her, so now they know we are both champions and they can come to us.’ Interviewee. ‘ The other amazing resource for champions is the other champions; so being able to phone up somebody in housing and say what can I do about this or maybe someone in health…I knew that someone was going to their GP and so I would find somebody within an organisation and say look this is what I think might be happening…someone who would ‘get it.’ Interviewee. 10

  11. 5/21/2019 4) The impact of the champions’ network: the 4) The impact of the champions’ network: the destination. What are the outcomes for destination. What are the outcomes for individuals, organisations, workplaces and local individuals, organisations, workplaces and local authorities? authorities? Number of victims supported by champions Number of victims supported by champions • In their roles as champions people are able to support and help victims and survivors of domestic abuse in many different ways. Number of Victims Champions have supported in the last year Don’t know More than Ten More than Five Three to Five Two One 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of victims you have supported directly without case management Number of victims you have supported directly with case management 11

  12. 5/21/2019 Impact on the individual victim/survivor Impact on the individual victim/survivor Improvements in Improvements in Faster referrals Faster referrals the safety of the safety of and more and more victims; adults victims; adults effective effective and children and children signposting signposting Improvements in the safety of victims – adults and children Improvements in the safety of victims – adults and children Helped to improve the safety of victims, where without intervention risk may have increased. Effective detection of domestic 126/346 survey respondents using abuse. Detailed risk assessment and DASH risk assessment themselves. 117 safety planning. had advised a colleague to use DASH. 147/346 survey respondents working Safety plans that enabled victims to directly to carry out safety planning. safely exit and ultimately leave abusive 122 had advised a colleague to use relationships. safety planning. 12

  13. 5/21/2019 Support and safeguarding for children Support and safeguarding for children Does the Domestic Abuse Training Help you in Safeguarding? 2018 Survey 42% 56% 2% Yes No Not applicable Faster referrals and signposting Faster referrals and signposting to the right people to the right people ‘ I felt like the difference I made as a ‘ I felt like the difference I made as a champion, and my fellow workers, was champion, and my fellow workers, was that I was able to get them more that I was able to get them more accurate and speedy support, rather accurate and speedy support, rather than ‘ dancing around the houses ’ to get than ‘dancing around the houses’ to get them to the support that I needed them them to the support that I needed them to have. So it was more specific and to have. So it was more specific and more timely than it ever would have more timely than it ever would have been before’. Interviewee. been before ’ . Interviewee. 13


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