challenges in vessel behavior and anomaly detection from

Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection: From Classical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection: From Classical Machine Learning to Deep Learning Lucas May Petry 1 , Amilcar Soares 2 , Vania Bogorny 1 , Bruno Brandoli 2 , Stan Matwin 2 1 Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincias da

  1. Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection: From Classical Machine Learning to Deep Learning Lucas May Petry 1 , Amilcar Soares 2 , Vania Bogorny 1 , Bruno Brandoli 2 , Stan Matwin 2 1 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Computação (PPGCC), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil 2 Institute for Big Data Analytics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection

  2. Outline ● Introduction ● Related Work ● Objective and Contributions ● Research Challenges ● Conclusion CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 2

  3. Introduction ● Maritime transportation represents 90% of all international trade volume [22] ● Expansion of maritime activities and development of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) ● Development of maritime monitoring systems Prevent vessel accidents ○ Detect illegal activities ○ Protect the marine fauna and flora ○ ● High volume of data makes real-time monitoring more challenging to maritime agents Detect anomalies, changes of behavior, events ○ CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 3

  4. Introduction CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 4

  5. Related Work No data Multi-sensor Work Main approach Unsupervised pretraining data Terroso et al. [24] Algorithm/rules Yes Yes* Patroumpas et al. [16] Queries/rules Yes Varlamis et al. [25]** Algorithm/rules Yes Yes Event detection Wen et al. [19] Probability model Yes Lei [9]** Clustering Yes Yes Soares et al. [18] Queries/rules Yes Yes Bomberger et al. [28] Neural network Yes Kernel Density Ristic et al. [26] Yes Estimation Anomaly detection Riveiro et al. [27] Gaussian model Nguyen et al. [14] Neural network Yes Varlamis et al. [29] Clustering Yes *They only use the weather description (e.g. sunny, rainy) as a deciding factor about detected abnormal low speed behavior. **Only a single type of behavior/event is detected. CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 5

  6. Objective and Contributions Objective Present research gaps and challenges in machine learning for detecting different types of vessel behavior, considering several constraints imposed by real-time data streams and the maritime monitoring domain. Contributions ● Short survey of the state of the art ● Extensive discussion on major topics with opportunities of research on vessel behavior detection with machine learning CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 6

  7. Research Challenges Tasks Data Issues Limited or non-existent Detection of vessel behaviors labeled data Absent knowledge of Detection of behavior behaviors or labels present in recurrence the data Provide means for Highly-dimensional data interpreting detected points derived from multiple behaviors sources CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 7

  8. Research Challenges ● Behavior detection Concept drift techniques [1, 8, 17] ○ Limited to univariate data, lack of interpretability ■ They can only detect points of change ■ ● Recurrent behaviors Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-based Clustering (TICC) [6] ○ Markov Random Fields (MRFs) for representing clusters/behaviors ■ MRFs may provide insight for behavior interpretation! ● Number of behaviors should be known apriori ■ Assumes all data is available ■ CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 8

  9. Research Challenges ● Deep learning No work has used it for vessel behavior detection ○ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) ○ Satellite imagery can be expensive and make detecting certain ■ behaviors very difficult or even impossible [34] They have been used for trajectory classification/prediction based ■ on movement features [3, 30] Visual techniques can be used for achieving interpretability [21, 31] ■ ● Big, yet limited data High volume of data available, but lacks labels ○ Use knowledge of previous works as a ground truth ○ Transfer learning for learning from a few examples [32, 33] ○ Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for synthesizing new ○ behavior data CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 9

  10. Conclusion ● Maritime monitoring has experienced significant progress in the last decade ● Existing works do not take full advantage of machine learning techniques for vessel behavior detection ● We presented several research gaps in the field, indicating opportunities for future works ● We hope to instigate the development of new algorithms, methods, and tools for maritime monitoring CAI 2020 | Petry et al. | Challenges in Vessel Behavior and Anomaly Detection 10

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