CERN in the year 2000 A Status Report to the CERN Council Luciano MAIANI 15 Dec. 2000
SUMMARY • LEP Odyssey • Hommage to LEP • fixed target experiments • Infrastructures • LHC status: – machine – detectors – computing • The 5-yearly review • Conclusions 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 2
LEP performances evolution from 1989 to 2000 275 110 250 100 Integrated luminosity (pb-1) 225 90 peak energy reached(GeV) 200 80 175 70 150 60 125 50 100 40 75 30 50 20 25 10 0 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 3
LEP in Year 2000 • LEP has obtained important results in the last months of operation in the year 2000 • evidence for a Higgs particle at about 115 GeV/c 2 . • LEP Collaborations requested a further run in 2001(from May to October) in order to consolidate the data. Statistical Significance September 5 LEP fest November 2 • Run in September and October has been very beneficial: significance increased, better understanding of background 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 4
LHC project Orders are leaving on schedule and within budget; ≈ 1.7 BCHF committed ( CERN money+ special contributions) The civil engineerings have gone through a difficult phase, with comparatively little damage ( ≈ 6 months delay) The superconducting dipoles of the pre-series perform brilliantly One cryoline prototype is qualified, other two are being tested, contracts next year ALL LHC COMPONENTS HAVE BEEN TESTED (MAC, Nov.15) Detector construction is taking off LHC-C agrees they will fit in this schedule (but manpower problems) The updated estimate of the LHC schedule, which takes into account further delays in LEP dismantling was reported to CC of Nov. 17 and included in the LHC status report. It foresees: commissioning in 2005; a physics run at limited luminosity (~1-2 fb -1 ) in 2006; a higher luminosity run (~10 fb -1 ) in 2007. 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 5
Higgs Boson at the LHC • SM Higgs boson can be discovered at L is per ≈ 5 σ after ≈ 1 year of operation (10 experiment fb -1 / experiment) for m H ≈ 150 GeV • Discovery faster for larger masses • Whole mass range can be excluded at 95% CL after ~1 month of running at 10 33 cm -2 s -1 . 5 σ results are conservative: LP2 -- no k-factors LEP2 -- simple cut-based analyses -- conservative assumptions on detector performance -- channels where background control is → ν l ( b difficult not included, e.g. WH b 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 6
LEP RUNNING A FULL YEAR IN 2001: OBJECTIVES AND CONSEQUENCES • beam energy of 104.1 GeV (+1.5GeV), integrated luminosity of 200 pb -1 M H = 115: 2.9 σ → 5.3±0.5 σ M H = 116: 2.6 σ → 4.3±0.5 σ may be inconclusive !! • Additional cost: 110 MCHF (40 LEP running, 70 penalities, rescheduling...) • Delay to the LHC ≈ 1 year • CERN manpower is decreasing: ∆ manpower ≈ -100 FTE/year : Works reported by one year will find less manpower to be executed • Agreements with CERN Non- Member States on the LHC ? 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 7
The future of CERN is in the LHC !!! CC Statement " On 17th November 2000, the CERN Committee of Council held a meeting to examine a proposal by the Director-General concerning the continuation of the existing CERN programme, which foresees the decommissioning of the LEP accelerator at the end of the year 2000. The Committee has expressed its recognition and gratitude for the outstanding work done by the LEP accelerator and experimental teams. It has taken note of the request by many members of the CERN Scientific Community to continue LEP running into 2001 and also noted the divided views expressed in the Scientific Committees consulted on this subject. On the basis of these considerations and in the absence of a consensus to change the existing programme, the Committee of Council supports the Director-General in pursuing the existing CERN programme." This decision moves us definitely into the LHC era A powerful complex, machine and detectors, to Le Roi est mort fully explore the Higgs and SUSY region Vive le Roi !! 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 8
ECFA, Dec. 2000 …. express to the LEP Community 2. Hommage to their admiration for the excellent performance of the LEP machine and experiments. The many beautiful measurements at LEP have established the Standard Model beyond doubt and events recorded at the highest energies have led to a strong indication of a Higgs boson around 115 GeV. Neutrinos and Unification 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 9
Colour and asymptotic freedom α S World summary 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 10
Amaldi, de Boer, Furstenau Unification Hints See also : Ellis, Kelley, Nanopoulos; MSSM Langacker, Luo Courtesy of G. Ross, LEP fest Dimopoulos, Raby, Wilczek Ibanez, GGR 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 11
LEP calibration and Earth tides due to Sun and Moon 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 12
3. Fixed Target Experiments at CERN • Restricted but high quality programme • Few highlights only – PS • Commissioning of two new facilities in 2000 – Neutron time-of flight – Antiproton Decelerator • HARP – SPS • Direct CP violation NA48 (extended) • COMPASS • Ion programme extended • CNGS construction started 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 14
Neutron Time of Flight Facility Intense beam of neutrons: Φ > 7. 10 5 n/cm 2 /pulse Dosimetry 5% - E = 0.1 eV to 100 MeV; Nuclear - ∆ E/E = 7 10 -5 (via ToF Physics 20% Nuclear determination); Applic. (ADS) Extremely rich physics 34% Astro programme physics 23% Detectors and DAQ Theory and Commissioned: Summer 2000 11% Evaluation 7% 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 15
15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 16
Results (preliminary) Slow neutrons • BC702 data (5000 evts/pulse) • MC spectrum folded with normalized MC efficiency BC702 (Events Isolethargic in Energy) 10 3 Reactions (dr/dlnE/4 10 11 p 10 2 Li 239 keV Au 60.3 eV Au 4.9 eV 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Neutron Energy (eV) 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 17 INTC - 27 th November 2000
Antiproton Decelerator Decelerator (AD) (AD) Antiproton Collects antiprotons at 3.6 GeV/c and decelerates them to 100 MeV/c • Status: • – Commissioning: 4 April - 9 July – Physics run: 10 July - 28 November Achieved total 2260 h • AD1 (ATRAP) 669 h • AD2 (ATHENA) 225 h • AD3 (ASACUSA) 567 h • MT 797 h Beam parameters at 100 MeV/c • Achieved Design 2.4 x 10 5 1.7 x 10 5 Fluence antiprotons / s 2.7 x 10 7 1.2 x 10 7 Antiprotons per pulse ≈ as promised !! Repetitions time 110 s 60 s 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 18
ATRAP Production and precision study of Anti-Hydrogen ATRAP Accumulate First Cold Positrons at CERN's New Antimatter Factory 29 August 2000 Contact Spokesperson: G. Gabrielse 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 19
AGENDA 2000: Cooling antiprotons in ATHENA Capture + cool antiprotons ~ 15,000 /AD shot Accumulate positrons ~ 1 million in 10 sec Antiproton Capture + Cooling: successful Transfer positrons > 90 % efficiency after 20 sec after 8 sec 160 60 hot cold p Penning Trap Potential Detect annihilation of antiprotons cool by Number of annihilations 140 contact with cold electrons 50 - antiprotons 120 - positrons (arb. scale) 40 100 80 30 ATHENA is ready for� cold p hot 60 ANTIHYDROGEN PRODUCTION� 20 in 2001� 40 ~ 15,000 antiprotons � 10 � 20 captured per AD shot 0 0 8. 8.2 20. 20.2 ~ 1,000,000 positrons� Extraction time [sec] transferred per minute x 3 more antiprotons� � (degrader optimisation, � Goals� HV increase) 2001 x 30 more positrons� (stronger Na-22 source) 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 20
15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 21
Funded by ASACUSA (AD-3). Status. Tested in Aarhus (DK): 4 to 15 September Installed in AD : 2 to 20 October Physics run : 3 to 28 November Results: Deceleration to the range 15 - 100 KeV Transmission > 37 % (47 % design) Output intensity 4 x 10 6 antiprotons / AD pulse 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 22
15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 23
D r i f t-C h a m b e r r e p a i r a f t e r t h e b e a m -p i p e ac c i d e n t (N o v e m b e r 1 9 9 9 ) NA48 Direct CP-violation 2 o u t o f 4 c h a m b e r s r e a d y b y X m a s 2 0 0 0 8 0 % o f t h e r e p a i r c o s t c o v e r e d b y i n s u r a n c e 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 24
Experiment muon beam (100 & 200 GeV/c) View of the COMPASS Hall in 1999 showing the two magnets • Spin structure of the nucleon • measurement of gluon-polarisation ( ∆ G/G) using • open charm • high p T hadrons • vector meson production (QCD factorization tests/ OFPD) RICH 1 backwall mounting, May 10, 2000 COMPASS Spectrometer Layout 15/12/2000 L. MAIANI. Status Report 2000 25
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