Central Middle School Encore Selections
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CMS 8th Grade Students will have the opportunity to select one period of an Encore Course. The choices include: 1 year long Foreign Language Course: 1.0 Credits ● Spanish I ● German I ● OR 2 semester long Encore Courses: ● ART 2D ● ART 3D ● INNOVATIVE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY ● ROBOTICS & CODING (NEW PLTW COURSE) ●
C In 8 th Grade, students will also be placed in the below required courses: ELA Math Science Social Studies Physical Education/Health Interventions (Math/Reading/HS Prep)
Foreign Language Courses Placement Policy for 8 th Grade Foreign Language Courses: The student must meet the following criteria: A grade of ‘B’ or better in Language Arts classes in 6 th and 7 th grades. A grade of ‘C’ or better as a cumulative average in all subjects in 6 th and 7 th grades. Placement in 8 th grade foreign language is considered an advanced placement class*. It is important that the student be prepared for the extra demands of a sixth, year-long academic class which will have semester and year-end assessments. Placement in high school Spanish / German II is contingent upon attaining a C or better in the class and satisfactory completion of an end-of-year assessment. *High School Credit will be received for a passing grade AND this course will count towards your HS GPA.
Music Band and Chorus classes are separate from ENCORE o classes. These classes take place during the TASK (study) time period Students will have the opportunity to enroll in Band, o Chorus, or a combination of both (Typically 3 Days of Band and 2 Days of Chorus)
New PLTW Class Register Online through Family/Student Access
New PLTW Course
CMS 8th Grade! Registration begins Dec 2nd - Dec 12th, 2019 SKYWARD REGISTRATION All requests for 8 th Grade Encore Courses will be done using your Student Skyward Account.
Step 1 Go to Family Access under your student account, and go to schedule. Enter through the student account not guardian account Step 2 Go to Courses Request tab and it will take you to Course Step 3 Add Elective Courses
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