ccs ski residential pila italy

CCS Ski Residential Pila, ITALY Saturday 9th February to Saturday - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CCS Ski Residential Pila, ITALY Saturday 9th February to Saturday 16 th February 2019 WELCOME Firstly thank you to everyone for the prompt payments and return of paperwork. Any outstanding paperwork is noted on the front of your pack.

  1. CCS Ski Residential Pila, ITALY Saturday 9th February to Saturday 16 th February 2019

  2. WELCOME ⚫ Firstly thank you to everyone for the prompt payments and return of paperwork. ⚫ Any outstanding paperwork is noted on the front of your pack. Please see Mrs Chamberlain at the end of the meeting to discuss what aspects are missing.

  3. THE AIM OF THE TRIP We hope that all students return from the trip having had a thoroughly enjoyable experience, with memories that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. GCSE PE students can gain a mark and video evidence that could go towards their final practical grade. We also hope that our students embrace the Italian culture, enjoy their “independence”, e xperience “life before mobile phones” and of course, develop the “life skill” of skiing!

  4. WHICH STAFF ARE GOING ON THE TRIP? Mr Colman Mrs Chamberlain Mr Rich Mrs Wittich-Jackson

  5. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL TIMES Departure Times: Saturday 9th February: 15:30 TBC Midday Sunday 10 th February (approx) Arrive at destination: Return Journey: 18:00 (approx) – 08:40am ferry (although Friday 15th February: we could get the earlier ferry!) Arrive at CCS Saturday 16 th February: 11:30am (approx.) Remember…….Half Term when we return! (All work missed should be copied up before returning to school!)

  6. COMMUNICATION ⚫ Students attending the trip are not permitted to bring mobile phones, or any device that can be connected to the internet. ⚫ In an emergency please contact the school number if during school hours; if not use the number in your final letter (emergency only!) ⚫ Please only use the hotel number as a last resort. ⚫ Ski Blog! (Via CCS Website – “Resources”, “Blogs”, Ski Trip Italy 2019) ⚫

  7. MEDICAL MATTERS Everyone will need a…. EHIC – European Health Insurance Card (In date!) Please inform Mr Colman of any changes to Medical Notes before departure. All medicines MUST be handed in to staff before we board the coach (details to follow in the January ‘19 letter). No EHIC Card = No Travel!

  8. Own Passports Required! ⚫ Please check expiry date! (needs to be valid for the duration of the trip) ⚫ Mrs Chamberlain requires a photocopy of your passport AND your EHIC. before 9 th January 2019 (1 month before departure). Option 1:- Make your own copies and hand in to Mrs Chamberlain. Option 2:- Bring your passport and EHIC to school on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and ask Mrs C to make a copy for you. Option 3:- Ignore Options 1 and 2 and face my wrath! ;) No Passport = No travel!

  9. THE COACH JOURNEY 1 “ L arge” holdall per student (in the “Hold”) Plus 1 small hand held bag / rucksack (on the coach) Also…….ski jacket, ski socks, toothbrush and paste, emergency food rations, water / juice, DVD’s and reading material However:- (No energy drinks, peanuts , chewing gum and no hot food to be brought onto the coach from the services!) …Don’t forget your pillow!!!!

  10. POCKET MONEY ⚫ There is no limit on how many Euros you take, however you are likely to want to buy; Drinks and snacks in the evenings (from local supermarket) Ski Clobber? Souvenirs / Presents? Phone calls home? Food / snacks for the return journey !! Up to £100 (in euros!) plus a small amount of sterling? Staff Bank System (Compulsory!)

  11. Safety:- The Hotel / Town ⚫ Hair Straighteners are not permitted! – (Fire Hazard) ⚫ Walking around hotel without footwear is frowned upon. ⚫ No students are allowed to leave the site unless given specific permission by Mr Colman or another teacher. ⚫ When in the town or supermarket, always remain in groups of 3 or more at all times! ⚫ Use common sense and try to be sensible!

  12. ACCOMMODATION ⚫ Please be aware that we will be sharing the hotel with other guests . ⚫ Room allocation to be agreed in mid January. ⚫ No girls allowed in boys rooms and vice versa.

  13. VALUABLES Money is kept in the CCS Staff Bank. Phones / Ipads are not permitted. Jewellery and other valuable items are taken with you at your own risk!

  14. SAFETY ON THE SLOPES THE INSTRUCTOR IS ALWAYS RIGHT! (Unless they are wrong, in which case they are still right until you’ve spoken to Mr C!)


  16. ⚫ SOME FINAL BUT VERY IMPORTANT WORDS OF WARNING ⚫ As part of the insurance arrangements, illegal substances of any kind, including alcohol and tobacco are totally banned. In addition, no students are to purchase knives, flick knives, weapons, lighters, laser torches, fireworks or pornographic material. Anyone found to be breaking this rule will be dealt with most severely. This causes unpleasantness for others on the trip, which is meant to be fun for all. If you are in doubt about what you are allowed to purchase or carry, please ask a member of staff.

  17. Look after Yourselves!! ⚫ Before the trip:- Students need to train for Skiing (especially beginners!!) - The Multi Gym is available after school. ⚫ On the trip:- Sleep is essential to avoid this!! ⚫ Ensure that you eat plenty of Carbohydrates and protein and drink lots of water. Skiing is a high risk activity, so…. No Eat and /or No Sleep = No Ski!!

  18. FINALLY ⚫ House keeping:- Any Outstanding Paperwork Returned ASAP please. ⚫ Equipment / Clothing- order online directly through Interski website (see your information sheet) ⚫ Alternatively Two Seasons? Sports Direct online? ……Borrowing is always the cheapest option! ⚫ Helmets for All!! – Compulsory! £10 each rented directly from Interski; order and pay then collect helmet on arrival at Ski Hire on Day 1 in resort. ⚫ Clothing Requirements:- (see “essential equipment” list in your packs) ⚫ Please stay behind if you require advice on clothing / rental etc) ⚫ Please stay behind to discuss specific dietry / medical issues. ⚫ Any Further Questions? THANK YOU.

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